Mentally Ill Man Who Doesn’t Speak Brutally Beaten By Cops

Barry Montgomery Jr., described by his fam­i­ly as a harm­less para­noid schiz­o­phrenic, was hand­cuffed and bru­tal­ly beat­en by a barrygroup of 20 deputies while he was play­ing bas­ket­ball at a park in Willowbrook in July, fam­i­ly mem­bers said at a Wednesday news con­fer­ence. Montgomery sus­tained sev­en bro­ken ribs, facial frac­tures, a bro­ken orbital bone and mul­ti­ple injuries from use of a baton and Taser, accord­ing to the NAACP’s Compton branch, which called the news con­fer­ence along­side the fam­i­ly and the family’s attor­ney, Martin Kaufman.

Montgomery’s moth­er described “pud­dles of blood” left by the July 14 arrest at Enterprise Park, say­ing her son was still in pain. He played bas­ket­ball at the park every night for more than 10 years, fam­i­ly mem­bers said.

They beat him for no rea­son because he didn’t respond? He does not respond. He does not talk,” Ty Ellis, Montgomery’s sis­ter said. “It’s not right. It’s injus­tice. … We need them to inves­ti­gate these officers.”

Photos show­ing Montgomery with black­ened, blood­ied eyes were dis­played at the event, held at Compton City Hall. The Compton Sheriff’s Station was the focus of the news con­fer­ence, with orga­niz­ers say­ing Montgomery’s vio­lent arrest was part of a pat­tern of vio­lence that also impli­cat­ed offi­cers in area schools. http://​ktla​.com/​2​0​1​4​/​0​8​/​1​3​/​m​e​n​t​a​l​l​y​-​i​l​l​-​m​a​n​-​w​a​s​-​b​r​u​t​a​l​l​y​-​b​e​a​t​e​n​-​d​u​r​i​n​g​-​w​i​l​l​o​w​b​r​o​o​k​-​a​r​r​e​s​t​-​f​a​m​i​l​y​-​a​n​d​-​n​a​a​c​p​-​s​ay/

It’s hap­pen­ing every­day all across America. Police who are sworn to serve and pro­tect are assault­ing and killing inno­cent cit­i­zens . They sum­mar­i­ly and bru­tal­ly assault and kill cit­i­zens and lie to cov­er their tracks. Their atro­cious behav­ior are com­pound­ed by Politicians who con­tin­ue to take more of cit­i­zens rights and give them more and more pow­er to abuse the very cit­i­zens they sup­pos­ed­ly serve. In many local­i­ties the only way to report inci­dents of police abuse is to go to the same police. Citizens com­plain they are intim­i­dat­ed and made to feel like they are crim­i­nals, as a result most inci­dents of abuse go un-reported.

As was the case with Eric Garner the Staten Island man who was bru­tal­ly killed by NYPD cops a few weeks ago, the Police in this assault bru­tal­ized this young man for a minor infrac­tion. As far as their report­ing goes they smelled mar­i­jua­na, there was no indi­ca­tion that he was respon­si­ble for the mar­i­jua­na odor they alleged­ly smelled in the pub­lic park.. It was enough for them to approach and bru­tal­ize the slight­ly built young man.

♦1)They nev­er claimed they found a cigar .

♦2) They nev­er claimed they had him test­ed and found drugs in his system.

♦3) It nev­er occurred to them that the rea­son he did not answer them was that he could­n’t speak, the answer these days is to beat and kill black men.

♦4) Even if the young man did not answer them it was his right not to do so. He had the right to remain silent. These dumb cops ought to know that. That is why they added that he swung at them. The spokes­woman strug­gled with the lie that he was vocal­ly aggres­sive to the cops. The fam­i­ly alleges the young man does not speak.

♦5)Why would police offi­cers beat and bru­tal­ize a young man who is 5 feet 6 inch­es tall and weigh­ing only 120 pounds?


As I have said the pri­ma­ry rea­son Police attack mur­der and assault young black men and women is dis­re­spect. Whenever these inci­dents occur we hear Police spokesper­sons , politi­cians, pun­dits and their sup­port­ers come out and say offi­cers do not go out intend­ing to harm or kill anyone.

Well , now I seri­ous­ly doubt that these days. They may not go out on a par­tic­u­lar day say­ing to them­selves “I’m gonna go beat or kill a black per­son”. Or what­ev­er they call blacks these days. The pal­pa­ble dis­re­spect many of them car­ry for the black com­mu­ni­ty rapid­ly trans­forms to vio­lence ‚as starch to sug­ar, for the black peo­ple they encounter.

Many peo­ple argue there are only a few bad police offi­cers. That too is not true. When Police offi­cers stand by and allow their col­leagues to assault, harass , or oth­er­wise abuse mem­bers of the pub­lic and do noth­ing, that makes them bad cops. Every offi­cer who believes in the mantra “to serve and pro­tect” has a duty to inter­vene and pre­vent col­leagues from abus­ing citizens.

Many cops claim to be good cops, yet they do noth­ing when their col­leagues assault mem­bers of the pub­lic then fal­si­fy reports which adds to the injury of the per­son . It is a despi­ca­ble prac­tice, no won­der America’s jails are filled to over­flow­ing with inmates. Many of them inno­cent vic­tims of cor­rupt police officers.

Where are the human Rights Agencies which med­dle in oth­er coun­tries they hold respon­si­ble for trans­gres­sions against their cit­i­zens? They are deaf­en­ing­ly silent. This silence not only make them hyp­ocrites, it makes them complicit.
