A Few Melanin Infused Props Does Not Black Leaders Make.…


Harriet Tubman allegedly carried a pistol , she was also quoted as saying she freed several thousand blacks and she could have free thousands more if only they knew they were slaves.
That was a profound statement made during the days of slavery . It is a profound statement today.

Blacks Have Everything To Lose Under A Trump Presidency As Does Most Everyone Else.….

I recent­ly wrote about Donald Trump’s can­di­da­cy and the ludi­crous notion that Trump wants to serve the African American com­mu­ni­ty. Even more galling is the idea that any self respect­ing black would sit across a table to share a dis­cus­sion with this big­ot­ed buffoon.
More than once Donald Trump was cit­ed for refus­ing to rent to blacks and Latino ten­ants. Donald Trump has lent legit­i­ma­cy to myr­i­ad white suprema­cy groups across the country.
I do not wish to re-lit­i­gate the 70 years his­to­ry of Trumps lega­cy of racism and big­otry against African Americans, which includes but is not con­fined to the Central Park five who were jailed for crimes they did not com­mit. In that case Donald J Trump spent $85 ‚000 on news­pa­per ads against the four young black men and one Hispanic, in which he called for the death penal­ty for them.
The accused were mere 14 and 15 year old boys at the time.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Steven Cargill/racingfotos.c/REX Shutterstock (5212386i) NIGEL FARAGE enjoying the racing at Ascot Horse Racing - 2 Oct 2015
Nigel FARAGE: Mandatory Credit: Photo by Steven Cargill

Donald Trump can­not hide from his life­time of big­otry and hatred, includ­ing his birther cam­paign which sought to de-legit­imize the first African American President.
So why is Donald Trump try­ing to make it seem he is mak­ing a legit­i­mate out­reach for African American and Latino votes?
The fact is he is not.
Donald Trump is cer­tain­ly not try­ing to cater to Black or Latino vot­ers. Donald Trump’s cam­paign is about Nationalism, Nativism , the Brexit move­ment ‚and a return to white suprema­cy. In fact the leader of the Brexit move­ment Nigel Farage cam­paigned with Trump in Mississippi on Wednesday.

Neither Trump nor his cam­paign are look­ing to re-brand, what Steven Bannon and oth­er Trump han­dlers are doing is typ­i­cal of a cam­paign in free-fall . They real­izes it is los­ing even worse than Mitt Romney was. Even if you set aside the National polls, which some repub­li­cans will tell does not mean much, unless when they are lead­ing, they real­ize he is los­ing white edu­cat­ed women, a group Mitt Romney won.
It’s hard to see a path to 270 elec­toral votes in the elec­toral col­lege for Donald Trump in light of the present tra­jec­to­ry of the poll num­bers. Never mind nation­al polls it’s the bat­tle­ground states that mat­ter, and Hillary Clinton is clean­ing his clock.

The new Trump strat­e­gy is designed to make Trump seem palat­able to this group of vot­ers who may feel some­what queasy about sup­port­ing some­one who has shown out­right big­otry and racism. The new man­age­ment team is hop­ing that even if these mod­er­ate repub­li­can edu­cate vot­ers are not in love with their can­di­date they will effec­tive­ly hold their nose and vote for him.
In order to make that hap­pen Trump needs a few black and brown props to fin­ish the cha­rade, so on Thursday he had a meet­ing at Trump Tower with some black and Latino peo­ple who had no prob­lem being props for what Donald Trump wants to accomplish.

Trump meets with blacks

The num­bers are going up with the African-American com­mu­ni­ty rapid­ly,” Trump said at a round table meet­ing with black and Latino activists in New York. “I’ve always had great rela­tion­ships with the African-American com­mu­ni­ty. I’ve made it such a focal point.
Okay , I guess when you begin with zero a sup­posed 1% blimp on the radar is some­thing to crow about. Notwithstanding Donald Trump would have to erase decades of demo­c­ra­t­ic sup­port and affil­i­a­tion in just over 60 days to get to where Mitt Romney was in his los­ing bid for the pres­i­den­cy, a fact which can­not be lost on the Trump people.
Those who allowed them­selves to be used as Props on Thursday may have got­ten all they are going to get in this photo-opp .

You can­not pur­port to care about chick­ens so to save chick­ens you place them in the Fox Pen.
How does black vot­ers fit into the same spaces in which Trump’s sup­port­ers exist? Black peo­ple have been beat­en and kicked out of Trump ral­lies, with his urging.
’ ”Get them out­ta he , I love the old days, in the old days they would be tak­en them out­ta her on stretch­ers’ ” Trump jeers.
He admon­ish­es and exco­ri­ate “Black Lives Matter activists.
He speaks about inner cities as war zones to be brought under con­trol through police empowerment.
How does the litany of white Nationalists groups which have pledged sup­port for Trump exist with their arch ene­my black people,.
They sim­ply don’t!

These are not the words and actions of a can­di­date seek­ing to bring African-Americans into the par­ty . Even if there is some degree of truth to some of the state­ments Trump makes, he is absolute­ly not the can­di­date to bring those argu­ments to the fore.
I have no prob­lem with some melanin props act­ing against the inter­est of the black com­mu­ni­ty. They have a right to be props to a big­ot­ed dem­a­gogue . It must be under­stood that they do not speak for the black com­mu­ni­ty, they are with Trump for their own self interest.
Harriet Tubman must be turn­ing in her grave, say­ing I always knew it.….….….….