Meeting Scheduled Between Mcgregor & DSP/​Federation Issues Statement…

We have been real­i­bly informed that a meet­ing is sched­uled by the Police Officers Association (POA) between the Deputy Superintended who alleged­ly authored the com­plaint in the Kari Douglas inci­dent involv­ing SSP Steve Mcgregor, and McGregor him­self.
We await the out­come of that meet­ing. it is also alleged that Kari Douglas who has been a parish coun­cil­lor for the PNP before switch­ing par­ties have had sev­er­al encoun­ters with law enforce­ment pri­or and was even arrest­ed but have not been held account­able because of her famil­ial and polit­i­cal affiliations.

In the mean­time, the Police Federation released the fol­low­ing state­ment on the inci­dent.

For Immediate Release, April 8, 2020, Kingston Jamaica.
The Police Federation has come out in sup­port of its mem­bers fol­low­ing the arrest of Jamaica Labour Party coun­cilor, Kari Douglas, who was arrest­ed under the Disaster Risk Management Act.

The Federation said, that notwith­stand­ing the exemp­tion, Miss Douglas should have giv­en a prop­er account of her­self, and should have had prop­er iden­ti­fi­ca­tion that would have explained her exemp­tion.
The Federation says the wan­ton dis­re­spect met­ed out to police offi­cers by some politi­cians is unbe­com­ing of pub­lic fig­ures and our nation’s leaders.

According to Detective Sergeant Rowe, chair­man of the Police Federation, this is not the first alter­ca­tion Miss Douglas has had with per­sons who were car­ry­ing out their legit­i­mate func­tion. He said, whilst not going into details as the mat­ter is under inves­ti­ga­tion, the account of the coun­cilor’s actions were very dis­turb­ing and trou­bling.
The Federation says they will stand by their mem­bers in the law­ful and pro­fes­sion­al exe­cu­tion of their duties, as no one is above the law.