Matthew Zadok Williams’ Family Demands Accountability One Year After Suburban Atlanta Cops Gunned Him Down In His Home, Let Him Bleed Out For 90 Minutes

It’s been a year since 35-year-old Matthew Zadok Williams was killed by DeKalb County Police after a woman wrong­ly claimed she saw a home­less man in the woods lurk­ing near her home in Decatur, Georgia, a sub­urb of Atlanta

The fact that it’s been a year, and noth­ing has been done,” Zadok Williams’ frus­trat­ed moth­er, Chris Ann Lewis said.

The fam­i­ly of Zadok Williams says they’ve mulled over count­less hours of body­cam footage to wrap their minds around how and why police killed their broth­er and son. “We can talk about this in such detail because we watched eight hours of the footage, eight hours or more,” Zadok Williams’ sis­ter Zeporah Williams said.

Zadok’s sis­ters, Hannah and Zeporah and his moth­er, Chris Ann Lewis, have spent count­less hours mulling over their loved one’s final moments on April 12 of last year. They say their broth­er and son was known for his big heart, thirst for learn­ing and dry sense of humor, but all of those endear­ing qual­i­ties have been over­shad­owed by the con­tro­ver­sy sur­round­ing his death.

He was try­ing to get back in, he had locked him­self out, he had been doing some work around his home and he was try­ing to reen­ter his home when police saw him, and it had been report­ed that he was a tres­pass­er,” said Mawuli Davis, the Williams’ fam­i­ly attorney.

DeKalb County Police said in a news release on its Facebook page a day after the shoot­ing, “[Zadok Williams] lunged at offi­cers with the knife caus­ing one of them to dis­charge their firearm.”

The fam­i­ly says Zadok Williams had a knife and buck­et in hand for some plumb­ing-relat­ed work around his home. Released body­cam video picks up moments after offi­cers are heard con­clud­ing a con­ver­sa­tion with the woman who has been described as the house­mate of the woman who called 911. Officers can be seen approach­ing Zadok at his home.

Hey what’s up man, what you are doing around here, you live here?” one of the respond­ing offi­cers is heard ask­ing Zadok Williams. “Do you know why we’re here?” the offi­cer asked, and at this moment in their inter­ac­tion, Zadok Williams can be seen walk­ing down the steps on the frontside of his town­house-style home. As he reach­es the ground he runs.

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One of the offi­cers seen in the body­cam video fires one shot, but Zadok Williams was able to run back toward his home.

Moments lat­er, Zadok Williams climbs atop his roof to break into his home from an upstairs win­dow. Bodycam video does not ful­ly cap­ture this visu­al but debris on top of the roof can be seen falling to the ground near Zadok Williams’ front door.

As Williams was on the roof, he kicked in an upstairs win­dow to enter his home — he appar­ent­ly had locked him­self out. By this time, three offi­cers hud­dle around Zadok Williams’ front door on the porch.

Put the knife down, put the knife down,” offi­cers can be heard scream­ing at Williams, who’s just on the oth­er side of his front door inside the home before the offi­cers kick open the door. 

The body­cam video shows the front door clos­ing moments after police kicked it open. At this moment one of the offi­cers fired a shot at the door. Audio from the body­cam picks up Zadok Williams telling offi­cers, he’s defend­ing his property.

I’m defend­ing my prop­er­ty” Williams says repeat­ed­ly. “Come out and talk to us,” one of the offi­cers on the porch said to Williams while stand­ing in an aggres­sive pos­ture and gun drawn. Again, Williams says, “I’m defend­ing my prop­er­ty,” as one of the offi­cers responds with, “If you put the knife down you don’t have to defend nothing.”
Read the full sto­ry here:https://​atlantablack​star​.com/​2​0​2​2​/​0​4​/​1​4​/​i​m​-​b​e​i​n​g​-​g​i​v​e​n​-​t​h​e​-​m​i​d​d​l​e​-​f​i​n​g​e​r​-​m​a​t​t​h​e​w​-​z​a​d​o​k​-​w​i​l​l​i​a​m​s​-​f​a​m​i​l​y​-​d​e​m​a​n​d​s​-​a​c​c​o​u​n​t​a​b​i​l​i​t​y​-​o​n​e​-​y​e​a​r​-​a​f​t​e​r​-​s​u​b​u​r​b​a​n​-​a​t​l​a​n​t​a​-​c​o​p​s​-​g​u​n​n​e​d​-​h​i​m​-​d​o​w​n​-​i​n​-​h​i​s​-​h​o​m​e​-​l​e​t​-​h​i​m​-​b​l​e​e​d​-​o​ut/