Mattathias Schwartz’s Baloney:

Mattathias Schwartz’s
Mattathias Schwartz’s

There has been a lot of dis­cus­sion com­ing out of the 2010 Security Forces assault on mer­ce­nar­ies holed up in Tivoli Gardens in sup­port of con­fessed Don, Gun Runner and trans-nation­al crim­i­nal Christopher (Dudus) Coke.

This buzz has received new life after the Public defend­er and anti ‑police antag­o­nist Earl Witter released his report which did noth­ing to advance the debate.

Jamaicans are gen­er­al­ly inclined to buy into any­thing for­eign, our peo­ple cel­e­brate any and every­one over oth­er Jamaicans. This is true even when their coun­try­men make tremen­dous per­son­al sac­ri­fice on their behalf, they much rather exalt oth­ers over their own.

One such ben­e­fi­cia­ry of that largess is New Yorker Magazine award win­ning jour­nal­ist Mattathias Schwartz .http://​www​.newyork​er​.com/​r​e​p​o​r​t​i​n​g​/​2​0​1​1​/​1​2​/​1​2​/​1​1​1​2​1​2​f​a​_​f​a​c​t​_​s​c​h​w​a​r​t​z​?​c​u​r​r​e​n​t​P​a​g​e=7

I pro­vid­ed a link for your infor­ma­tion to Schwartz’s award win­ning Article titled: mas­sacre in Jamaica

On Thursday, thou­sands of Tivoli women marched in down­town Kingston on Coke’s behalf. They wore white and car­ried signs, writ­ten in mark­er on scraps of card­board: “Taking Di Boss Is Like Taking Jesus”; “After God, Dudus Comes Next!”; “Jesus Die for Us. We Will Die for Dudus!”

(1) By the week­end, Tivoli had filled with armed men. But, even as Coke pre­pared for war, he was nego­ti­at­ing his sur­ren­der with the police through a promi­nent mem­ber of Jamaica’s cler­gy, Bishop Herro Blair. Blair said that Coke was ter­ri­fied of dying, like his father, in a Jamaican prison cell. But the Bishop’s hopes for a truce fal­tered on Sunday morn­ing, when Coke’s forces attacked police patrols and four police sta­tions, set­ting fire to at least one. The police com­mis­sion­er cut off nego­ti­a­tions, and at six o’clock Golding declared a state of emer­gency in Kingston, giv­ing the secu­ri­ty forces expand­ed pow­ers of search, arrest, and deten­tion. In a brief­ing that night with Jamaica’s top secu­ri­ty offi­cials, the police com­mis­sion­er, accord­ing to some­one who spoke to him soon after­ward, warned that as many as two hun­dred peo­ple might die.

(2)Blair, who had served in the Jamaican National Guard, was skep­ti­cal of claims that a mas­sacre had tak­en place. He said that when he met with Coke in Java before the attack, to try to nego­ti­ate a res­o­lu­tion, he saw rough­ly a hun­dred gun­men with him. “There is a script that is writ­ten, when­ev­er police are involved,” he told me. “People will all say the same thing.” Witter, a for­mer jour­nal­ist, whose office inves­ti­gates con­sti­tu­tion­al vio­la­tions and cas­es of injus­tice, took the alle­ga­tions seriously.

Schwartz allud­ed to liv­ing and being around Tivoli Gardens for a lit­tle while before he wrote his 8 page Article. My first impulse was that I would not read what he wrote. My incli­na­tion is that I don’t need a New York inter­lop­ing elit­ists to tell me what I have lived and breathed, I refer to Jamaica, but I read the arti­cle nontheless.

Let me state cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly that I was not in Tivoli Gardens when the secu­ri­ty forces went in to annex it to Jamaica, nei­ther was Mattathias Schwartz. Moving to Langley Virginia and spend­ing some time at the Central Intelligence Agency cer­tain­ly does not make me a CIA agent and it damn sure does not make me an author­i­ty on spying.

Even though I pro­vid­ed a link to Schwartz’s Article, I have also pulled two para­graphs which I believe are a direct con­tra­dic­tion of the head­line of his arti­cle and the sen­sa­tion­al­ism sur­round­ing the very arti­cle itself, these two para­graphs are in blue ink.

In the first instance Schwartz said quote: “By the week-end Tivoli was filled with armed men”.

In the sec­ond instance he allud­ed to speak­ing to Bishop Herro Blair a promi­nent Jamaican cler­gy-man who is the polit­i­cal ombuds­man, and a known JLP affil­i­ate, who attest­ed to the fact that he saw rough­ly a hun­dred gun­men when he went into Tivoli to meet with Coke toward work­ing out a resolution.

So there were prac­ti­cal­ly scores of armed mer­ce­nar­ies ready to top­ple the state, con­ver­sa­tion over , let’s go home, lets make sure it nev­er hap­pens again right?

We Jamaicans did not need an inter­lop­er to tell us these things, we saw the attacks which killed police offi­cers and mem­bers of our mil­i­tary, we saw the police sta­tions burn­ing, we saw the bar­ri­cades, we saw the out­pour­ing of love and adu­la­tion for the don. we saw the desert­ed streets. Where in America or any oth­er coun­try in the civ­i­lized world would that be tolerated ?

The city of Boston was shut down tighter than a jail after the marathon bombers com­mit­ted their acts, the rule of law pre­vailed. Schwarts talks about police killings by the num­bers as it relates to killings of the NYPD, is this guy for real ? Does he seri­ous­ly com­pare Jamaica with New York City? Furthermore where is Schwartz over all the years when young minor­i­ty men are being gunned down by the NYPD? did he write an arti­cle con­demn­ing those cops in the Abner Louima case,? What about Ammadio Dialo? What about the scores of name­less face­less oth­ers? Is Schwartz too much of a cow­ard to crit­i­cize the pow­er­ful NYPD, or, are the lives of young African-American and Latino males not impor­tant to him?

Even as he tells the truth about Bishop Blair’s account of wit­ness­ing rough­ly a hun­dred armed men, Schwartz attempt­ed to cast doubt on the Bishops account by try­ing to link him to the secu­ri­ty forces. Bishop Blair has been a long time sup­port­er of the JLP, he had no axe to grind, he told the truth.

In the end, the ulti­mate source of schwartz’s sto­ry are the very same peo­ple whom he admit­ted, con­fessed they will be killed if they spoke to cer­tain truths. He report­ed about the large cache of weapons which was recov­ered, yet he coun­ters by say­ing ini­tial­ly that only a few guns were recov­ered, and yes he speaks with cer­tain­ty that there real­ly was not much of a fire-fight even though he was nowhere around.

Mattathias Schwartz is just anoth­er sen­sa­tion­al­ist media type who feed off the unfor­tu­nate plight of oth­ers for his own ben­e­fit, this case is no dif­fer­ent. To those who speak out of the sides of their mouths as if they know some­thing , let me say this.

Innocent peo­ple get killed in a war-zone, Tivoli was a war-zone, it is regret­table when any inno­cent per­son los­es his/​her life, some­times it is unavoid­able. I under­stand full well the sit­u­a­tion many res­i­dents faced that fate­ful day, do I leave and may nev­er be per­mit­ted to return, brand­ed an informer, or do I tough it out? After all they are sur­vivors, the police was nev­er able to do their jobs there, they were always ruled by one don or anoth­er, why would this time be any different.

However ‚some of us who have been on the front lines have long known that mer­ce­nar­ies in that com­mu­ni­ty use urban mil­i­tary tac­tics to fight and retrieve weapons dropped by fall­en com­rades . This tac­tic is made pos­si­ble by lay­ing down a sus­tained sheet of auto­mat­ic fire while they retrieve the weapons, leav­ing the police to explain the dead bod­ies. Then they bring out the women to mourn. This is now an effec­tive tool of Jamaica’s crim­i­nal underworld.

They under­stood the impor­tance of win­ning the pro­pa­gan­da war. Coke’s let­ter pur­port­ed­ly to the com­mu­ni­ty, was one more attempt at that charm offensive.

The gullible Mattathias Schwartz is noth­ing more than one more pawn to that end.