Mass Of Human Rights Groups In Jamaica Was About The Gay Agenda, Nothing Else…


The con­ven­tion­al wis­dom which has char­ac­ter­ized the world­view of Andrew Holness and the opin­ion shapers in Jamaica, that stri­dent­ly and force­ful­ly enforc­ing the nation’s laws, is tan­ta­mount to abuse of rights, is far­ci­cal, and not anchored in real­i­ty.
That pre­sump­tion makes the ridicu­lous assump­tion that in order to have a coun­try of laws, where cit­i­zens can live in safe­ty is a bina­ry choice between hav­ing secu­ri­ty and los­ing all their rights, or hav­ing all their rights and hav­ing no secu­ri­ty.
This is the far­thest thing from the truth, as is evi­denced from Africa to Asia, from Europe to the Americas.
It is true that at times indi­vid­ual rights and con­ve­niences may be infringed in order for gov­ern­ment agents to restore secu­ri­ty and pub­lic order, but it is not the same as say­ing that police can­not do their jobs with­out abus­ing the rights of law-abid­ing citizens.

And so we must rec­on­cile what is behind the intran­si­gence and stub­born­ness on the part of author­i­ties to move deci­sive­ly against the mur­der­ers who are oper­at­ing with­out regard for con­se­quence.
It is easy to con­clude that it is *pol­i­tics*, hit pub­lish and close my com­put­er, but it is far more com­plex than that.
It was­n’t always so, there was a polit­i­cal par­ty that believed in the rule of law for sure. Revisionist his­to­ri­ans, par­tic­u­lar­ly those in the *intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to*, have not only con­vinced them­selves that strong gov­ern­ment action against ter­ror­is­tic insur­gency is a bad thing, but they have also man­aged to con­vince their alums, Andrew Holness includ­ed.
That is the rea­son mon­ey and mea cul­pa was giv­en to the Rastafarian com­mu­ni­ty for Carol Gardens.
It is the rea­son mon­ey and mea cul­pa was giv­en to the repub­lic of Tivoli after it attacked the Jamaican state and mur­dered civil­ians and agents of the state.
Agents of the state in both cas­es who gave their lives for the repro­bate nation received ridicule, chas­tise­ment, and had their rep­u­ta­tions dragged through the mud by the Island’s crim­i­nals who dou­ble as polit­i­cal leaders.

Those who both­er to pick up a his­to­ry book will find evi­dence that nei­ther Bustamante, nor Hugh Lawson Shearer believed in pussy­foot­ing with crim­i­nals.
It was the PNP that decid­ed to play polit­i­cal pop­ulism, by tak­ing advan­tage of the sophis­ti­ca­tion of the semi and illit­er­ate mass­es.
Cheap promis­es of man­na from heav­en and every­thing free includ­ing the free­dom to do as they please became the polit­i­cal cur­ren­cy of the People’s National Party. Free house, free elec­tric­i­ty, free water, free mon­ey for food and fun. What’s not to like?
How does an oppo­si­tion par­ty break­through that fan­tas­tic lie to teach the love of coun­try, hard work, obe­di­ence to our laws as the bet­ter way toward a pros­per­ous nation?
It could not and still can­not. In the 70s Manley’s man­na from heav­en and every­thing free, was dia­met­ri­cal­ly opposed to his oth­er teach­ings of self-suf­fi­cien­cy. But no one both­ered to pay atten­tion.
After all, why would any­one care when they were busy mov­ing into the free hous­es peo­ple vacat­ed hav­ing fled demo­c­ra­t­ic social­ism?
Why would they care about tak­ing peo­ple’s prop­er­ty from them, they were told that the own­ers were bad cap­i­tal­ists?
Until of course the whole deck of cards came crash­ing down, as it most cer­tain­ly had to.
Out of that peri­od came the sta­bi­liz­ing peri­od of the Seaga admin­is­tra­tion in 1980.
By 1988 Michael Manley was back, he said he was sor­ry, but a leop­ard nev­er changes its spots. Of course, the gullible free­ness indoc­tri­nat­ed Lumpenproletariat was again ready for anoth­er round of slop­ping at the pub­lic trough.
An unprece­dent­ed 18 12 unbro­ken years of any­thing goes regres­sive PNP Government was to fol­low. That peri­od has shaped and honed the nation’s pop­u­lar cul­ture, includ­ing the, take what you want by what­ev­er means nec­es­sary. Remember *any ting a any ting*!

It was a dif­fer­ent coun­try before 1972, Jamaica was the Caribbean then. People from oth­er Islands told for­eign­ers they were Jamaicans, unable to dif­fer­en­ti­ate between the dif­fer­ent accents, every Caribbean nation­al became by default a Jamaican as far as for­eign­ers were con­cerned.
Today despite some good indi­ca­tors, Jamaica strug­gles to regain its for­mer pres­tige and pride of place. Her cit­i­zens are viewed with sus­pi­cion and as pari­ahs, even with­in the CARICOM region.
Bustamante, Sangster, Shearer, and Seaga are all gone, today the lead­er­ship of both polit­i­cal par­ties all comes from the same left­ist, ran­cid cesspool.
The PNP has always cap­i­tal­ized on the igno­rance of the mass­es, that was a giv­en. Adherence to the rule of law was nev­er on their agen­da. They paint­ed the police as aggres­sors to be hat­ed. They PNP pro­lif­er­at­ed zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sions which became ver­i­ta­ble no go for law enforce­ment. The JLP did the same.
Neither polit­i­cal par­ty saw any­thing wrong with the pro­lif­er­a­tion of focus groups oper­at­ing as human rights orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing some from out­side the coun­try.
To the two polit­i­cal par­ties any group/​s which would bring more pres­sure to law enforce­ment would free them up from been seen to be inter­fer­ing, what’s not to like?
Today, no leg­is­la­tion to do with crime and vio­lence can pass the leg­is­la­ture with­out it pass­es muster with for­eign groups oper­at­ing as human rights groups and their local affil­i­ates.
No oth­er nation allows this except Jamaica.


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The *intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to* and the mis­guid­ed pur­vey­ors of filth and deca­dence declare [Jamaica has come a long way in human rights]
In one local pub­li­ca­tion one such pur­vey­or, Glenroy Murray, Associate direc­tor, pro­grams & advo­ca­cy Equality for All Foundation Jamaica Ltd, wrote;
Jamaica is no stranger to human rights abus­es. Within our dis­tant past, there is the Coral Gardens mas­sacre, and in more recent times we remem­ber the secu­ri­ty forces’ oper­a­tion in Tivoli Gardens. Gender inequal­i­ty and sex­u­al vio­lence con­tin­ue to plague our women; homo­pho­bia and trans­pho­bia rep­re­sent bar­ri­ers to inclu­sion for les­bian, gay, bisex­u­al and trans­gen­der (LGBT) Jamaicans.

(1)The state respond­ed in Coral Gardens to crim­i­nals who burned a gas sta­tion.
(2) The state respond­ed and annexed Tivoli Gardens after that repub­lic trea­so­nous­ly attacked the Jamaican state.
I will not attempt to relit­i­gate either event, the cause and con­se­quences are mat­ters of the his­tor­i­cal record for pos­ter­i­ty.
The cam­paign to bring Jamaica a coun­try deemed extreme­ly homo­pho­bic, into com­pli­ance with trend­ing west­ern stan­dards has always been behind the flood of focus groups which set up shop in JAMAICA. It was nev­er about the num­ber of dead poor black Jamaicans.
The aver­age Jamaican got duped but it has always been clear that whether it was the so-called human rights groups or INDECOM which Bruce Golding was forced to cre­ate, the focus was not about mur­dered Jamaicans.
Those who write about these human rights advances, includ­ing the one in the link above, have revealed them­selves for the world to see, yet the entire Lumpenproletariat has missed it.

The great­est right a human being has is the right to life. Without life, noth­ing else mat­ters. Dead peo­ple have no care.
Jamaica is on track to have anoth­er ban­ner year in homi­cides, no one who talks about human rights ever both­er to talk about the rights of the mur­dered inno­cents.
Their focus was nev­er about stop­ping the mur­der of black Jamaicans. The focus was always about bring­ing Jamaica into conformity(regardless of the cost) with the Homosexual agen­da.
Carolyn Gomes for­ay into the Island’s polic­ing mat­ters unrav­eled when the truth came out, no one took heed.
The Island’s lead­er­ship fell for it hook line and sinker, as they have on so many oth­er issues.
In the mean­time, the mur­ders con­tin­ue unchecked. The two polit­i­cal par­ties are still bound up by the pow­er of the inter­na­tion­al human rights lob­by, with no end in sight.
The ques­tion remains as I have asked repeat­ed­ly, ” what made you think that those who fund these groups cared about dead black Jamaicans”?
Have you heard a sin­gle so-called Human Rights Agency lament the car­nage?
Me nei­ther!

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, a busi­ness own­er, avid researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.