Mary Landrieu Tries To Beat The GOP By Joining Them

Senator Mary Landrieu sure is mov­ing fast to embrace her new Republican over­lords. She just might not have the chance work with them.

Mary Landrieu
Mary Landrieu

Facing a run-off elec­tion in three weeks to hold onto her seat in Louisiana, the woman who is now the most endan­gered Democrat in America raced to the Senate floor on Wednesday — short­ly after it reopened fol­low­ing last week’s elec­tion — to call for an imme­di­ate vote on a top GOP pri­or­i­ty: approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. “I want to say yes to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell,” Landrieu said. “The time to start is now. The pub­lic has clear­ly spoken.”

I want to say yes to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.”

The third-term Democrat gave McConnell, cur­rent­ly the minor­i­ty leader, a pro­mo­tion: He won’t actu­al­ly become major­i­ty leader until January — and if Landrieu does­n’t defeat Representative Bill Cassidy on December 6, she won’t be there to see it. Hailing from a state where the oil-and-gas indus­try is crit­i­cal to the econ­o­my, Landrieu has long been a big boost­er of the Keystone project and has repeat­ed­ly called on the Obama admin­is­tra­tion to approve it. Republicans have promised to take up leg­is­la­tion demand­ing its con­struc­tion when they take the major­i­ty, but Landrieu wants to take home a tro­phy in a race she is expect­ed to lose. http://​news​.yahoo​.com/​m​a​r​y​-​l​a​n​d​r​i​e​u​-​t​r​i​e​s​-​b​e​a​t​-​g​o​p​-​j​o​i​n​i​n​g​-​t​h​e​m​-​2​1​1​7​4​0​7​3​6​.​h​tml

Notwithstanding the neces­si­ty for expe­di­en­cy and plain old sur­vival, is it any won­der these turn­coats are reviled?Unfortunately These lily-liv­ered turn-coats are every­where in the Democratic Party. They are mere self­ish self-serv­ing oppor­tunists. I hope vot­ers in Louisiana send Mary Landrieu pack­ing in runoff elec­tions slat­ed for December.