Mark Golding’s Reason For Calling On Police Commissioner To Resign Baseless And Hyperbolic…

The leader of the People’s National Party Mark Golding’s call for the Commissioner of Police Antony Anderson to demit office with­in six­ty days(60) should be seen for the decep­tive poi­son pill that it is and noth­ing to be tak­en seriously.
Golding’s call for the Commissioner of Police to resign comes against the back­drop of the over a hun­dred mur­ders com­mit­ted on the Island in just the first 23 days of January.
However, Golding gave away the true motive for his poi­son-pill call to resign when he stat­ed that Antony Anderson is the archi­tect of the Government’s States of Emergencies.
Golding incor­rect­ly stat­ed that no oth­er com­mis­sion­er of police has ever used SOEs as a crime-fight­ing tool as Anderson has.

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Mark Golding’s argu­ments lack mer­it or truth; how­ev­er, it revealed that he is opposed to police doing their jobs in get­ting into the Garrisons and root­ing out the murderers.
Golding’s argu­ment that SOEs abro­gate the rights of Jamaicans is not based on facts but polit­i­cal hyper­bole. SOEs and ZOSOs may not be effec­tive polic­ing tools but to sug­gest that they abro­gate the rights of cit­i­zens is bla­tant polit­i­cal pos­tur­ing that does not help the situation.
Insisting that Anderson is the only com­mis­sion­er to use SOEs as a main crime-fight­ing tool shows the depth of Mark Golding’s igno­rance on the issue of crime. Golding con­tin­ues to be stuck in the 70s, mak­ing the very same crim­i­nal rights argu­ments in the face of mas­sive blood­let­ting when the focus ought to be on crime victims.
Mark Golding’s igno­rant bel­li­cos­i­ty reminds us why the Jamaican peo­ple sum­mar­i­ly dis­card­ed his par­ty in the last elections.
Without the Garrison com­mu­ni­ties, I doubt whether the PNP would have retained a sin­gle seat in the low­er house today.
Every com­mis­sion­er of police dat­ing back to the 1970s has been forced to use States of Emergencies as part of their crime-fight­ing strategies.
It is fair to say that SOEs and ZOSOs can­not be the only tool; he would have been cor­rect had Golding made that argument.

But the PNP has nev­er cared about crime in Jamaica, so Mark Golding pon­tif­i­cat­ing about the com­mis­sion­er resign­ing is base­less and non­sen­si­cal based on the met­rics he outlined.
The oppo­si­tion leader with a mere 14 seats in the 63 ‑seat leg­is­la­ture would serve the Nation bet­ter by giv­ing the names of the gang­sters oper­at­ing in his Arnett Gardens gar­ri­son con­stituen­cy to the police.
That infor­ma­tion would go a long way in help­ing the police in their fight to save Jamaica and help all Jamaicans with their most impor­tant right; the right to life
This non­sense argu­ment of talk­ing about rights when­ev­er the ques­tion of Jamaica’s vio­lent crim­i­nals comes up is worn out and tired. No one wants to hear it except Mark Golding and his acolytes in the PNP.
Jamaicans want solu­tions to the killings, not false equivalences.
Going after crim­i­nals using all the tools avail­able to the gov­ern­ment is in no way equal to abro­gat­ing the rights of citizens.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.