Marching For Change Is Fool’s Gold, It Maintains The Order White America Wants,but Does Nothing About Systematic Injustice

 Governor Larry Hogan has declared a state of emergency and activated the National Guard to address the growing violence and .
Governor Larry Hogan has declared a state of emer­gency and acti­vat­ed the National Guard to address the grow­ing vio­lence and .

Rather than adopt mea­sures to fix the dan­ger­ous­ly smol­der­ing prob­lem of police abuse in America, state Governors trot out nation­al guards to show force when the vol­cano erupt in places.
How long do they think they will be able to play whack-a-mole?

This is a sys­temic prob­lem which has per­sist­ed for a long time . Police abuse is noth­ing new in America,

Sean Bell
Sean Bell

if you tune out the noise of America’s self-right­eous hypocrisy about human rights you real­ize just how bad­ly America’s police forces are, when com­pared to police depart­ments in oth­er coun­tries in the west­ern world.

Michael Brown
Michael Brown

In truth they get away with abuse of black cit­i­zens large­ly because the black com­mu­ni­ty is a frac­tured dis­ori­ent­ed enti­ty with dif­fer­ing and self serv­ing positions.
As such state Legislators are under no pres­sure to reign in their police depart­ments. Police depart­ments for their part gen­er­al­ly oper­ate as laws onto them­selves with lit­tle or no over­sight or accountability.

There are no uni­formed account­abil­i­ty for Americans killed by the tens of thou­sands of law-enforce­ment agen­cies around the country. 
It is basi­cal­ly left up to Agencies like the American Civil Liberties Union to try to fig­ure out how many cit­i­zens are killed by agents of the government.

As America project it’s influ­ence abroad, one built on the mis­nomer of equal­i­ty on democ­ra­cy, the

Amadou Diallo
Amadou Diallo

spo­radic erup­tion of vio­lence on it’s streets expos­es the abuse of minori­ties at home.
This abuse is not new, it has char­ac­ter­ized the soul of America since it’s inception.
What is hap­pen­ing now is that the world is able to see for itself what America’s minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ties have com­plained of all along.

John Crawford
John Crawford

Sadly the prob­lem of police abuse will not be going any­where any­time soon.
As we have main­tained in these columns before,the issue of police abuse must be addressed at the lev­el of state legislatures.
State leg­is­la­tures are respon­si­ble for enact­ing laws which gov­ern every­one includ­ing cops.
Police depart­ments are agents of the state.
They do what they do at the behest of the states.
When they kill ‚they do so on the author­i­ty grant­ed to them by the states.
When they are not held account­able , it’s the states deci­sion not to hold them accountable.

Hurling bot­tles and stones at police, burn­ing busi­ness­es will not fix the problem.
State Governors and leg­is­la­tures must be held account­able for the actions of their agents.
Incredibly for black America there will be no return on the 1.3 tril­lion dol­lars it is slat­ed to spend this

Abner Louima
Abner Louima

year on goods and services.
Just recent­ly com­pa­nies like Walmart and a host of oth­ers were up in arms against Indiana’s reli­gious free­dom law.

Darrien Hunt
Darrien Hunt

That law said peo­ple have a right to refuse per­form­ing ser­vices to homo­sex­u­als if that ser­vice con­flicts with their reli­gious belief.
Where is their sup­port for the tens of thou­sands of black men killed in America over the decades, even when the killings hap­pen in their store as hap­pened to John Crawford in Beaver Creek Ohio?

The busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty does not care about the mon­ey blacks spend. They know that mon­ey will not stop. They know that as a peo­ple blacks are splin­tered and with­out leadership.
They under­stand full well that even if devel­oped, no strat­e­gy of with­hold­ing sup­port to their busi­ness­es would be suc­cess­ful because of the unco­op­er­a­tive nature of blacks.

Kijimeee Powell
Kijimeee Powell

A unco­op­er­a­tive nature which is cen­tered around a rapa­cious con­sumerist desire for mate­r­i­al pos­ses­sions, cou­pled with it’s desire to seek val­i­da­tion through its spending.
Conversely they are ful­ly aware that Homosexuals have

Akai Gurley These lives matter as much as any other , cop or whomever...
Akai Gurley
These lives mat­ter as much as any oth­er , cop or whomever…

seri­ous mon­ey pow­er but most impor­tant­ly they are immense­ly capa­ble of gal­va­niz­ing sup­port to their cause.

It’s absolute­ly shock­ing to hear the black talk­ing heads on tele­vi­sion when­ev­er an American city erupts in vio­lence against police crimes.
The nar­ra­tive is cer­tain­ly nev­er cen­tered on the burn­ing issue at hand which is America’s killing of unarmed black men.
The con­ver­sa­tion is always deflect­ed to the periph­er­al issues of pover­ty, lack of jobs and oppor­tunists which though ger­mane are not cen­tral to the burn­ing issue of police violence.

Eric Garner
Eric Garner

Police are not killing peo­ple because they are poor, they are doing so because they do not believe they will be held accountable.
They do not believe they will be sent to prison.
That’s whats at issue.