Volunteer offer: ‘We’ll take back Jamaica’


Published: Tuesday | December 9, 2008

The Editor, Sir:An arti­cle appeared in the online edi­tion of The Star on December 8, which, I thought, removed all doubts from the minds of any per­son of sound mind and judge­ment about who is in charge in Jamaica — the gun­men, ter­ror­ists and thugs.Gone is any sem­blance of con­trol, at least on the part of the secu­ri­ty forces. The arti­cle of which I speak is the police-super­vised mass exo­dus of law-abid­ing home­own­ers and oth­er res­i­dents of Gravel Heights, St Catherine, after they were ordered to leave because they com­mit­ted the car­di­nal sin of being ‘inform­ers’ ( they spoke to the police).

Chilling mes­sage

This pur­port­ed action led to a raid in the com­mu­ni­ty by the secu­ri­ty forces and, of course, all the police did was to pro­vide secu­ri­ty for the exo­dus of the peo­ple. The chill­ing mes­sage this sends to the rest of the crim­i­nal ele­ments is this is the way to go; pret­ty soon law-abid­ing res­i­dents of Jamaica will be extinct. So, I have a pro­pos­al for the Government. I am a for­mer cop and am will­ing to drop every­thing I have to do and come down there with oth­er like-mind­ed for­mer cops. We would oper­ate under the law but with no polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence, and no mouthing from human-rights spokesper­sons. And I assure the peo­ple of Jamaica we will take back our coun­try, street by street. We did it before, we will do it again.We fear no one, no don.

Mr Prime Minister, the time for talk is over, soon you will be con­fined to just uptown Kingston as the secu­ri­ty forces will not be able to go any­where in this small coun­try. We will oper­ate under the law, but want no inter­fer­ence, or man­age­ment from any­one in the Government or secu­ri­ty forces. That’s my offer.

I am, etc.,
