Many Police Shootings Can Be Avoided But Do They Want To?

Hate, big­otry, and racism should have no place in any com­mu­ni­ty, state or nation.
Yet, despite all of the work and sac­ri­fice which has been put into the fight to erad­i­cate the igno­rant scourge of racism from our midst, hate, big­otry, and racism per­sist as it did back in the ’40s and ’50s.
The fact that peo­ple are a lit­tle less bla­tant with racist atti­tudes toward oth­ers they dis­like may only be attrib­ut­able to the cost attached to acts of racism rather than any change of heart indi­vid­ual big­ots may have had. 

Stokely Carmichael

The prob­lem of racism and Police abuse in America was the num­ber one issue while stal­warts like Stokely Carmichael, Dr. King, and oth­ers lived. 
Today the issue of racist Police abuse of peo­ple of col­or con­tin­ue to be the num­ber one issue plagu­ing the coun­try.
Years after the Federal Bureau Of Investigations warned that white suprema­cists were infil­trat­ing police depart­ments noth­ing sub­stan­tive has been done to root them out.
In fact Department heads, Prosecutors and Judges have worked assid­u­ous­ly to ensure that racist mur­der­ers parad­ing in police uni­forms are not held account­able for their crimes against peo­ple of col­or.
Cops hard­ly make attempts to de-esca­late volatile sit­u­a­tions any­more, they esca­late minor sit­u­a­tions in order to jus­ti­fy the use of force.
Casual sit­u­a­tions which ought to be han­dled with kind­ness and pro­fes­sion­al­ism are esca­lat­ed by the cops them­selves, even when they were ini­tial­ly called to help.

John Crawford mur­dered by police in a Walmart

A fed­er­al court found that mem­bers of a Los Angeles sher­if­f’s depart­ment formed a neo-Nazi gang and habit­u­al­ly ter­ror­ized the black com­mu­ni­ty. Later, the Chicago police depart­ment fired Jon Burge, a detec­tive with reput­ed ties to the Ku Klux Klan, after dis­cov­er­ing he tor­tured over 100 black male sus­pects. Thereafter, the may­or of Cleveland dis­cov­ered that many of the city police lock­er rooms were infest­ed with ‘White Power’ graf­fi­ti. Years lat­er, a Texas sher­iff depart­ment dis­cov­ered that two of its deputies were recruit­ed for the Klan.”

Alton Sterling sub­dued by two Baton Rogue cops just before they decid­ed to kill him .…

(1) “[T]he term ‘ghost skins’ has gained cur­ren­cy among white suprema­cists to describe those who avoid overt dis­plays of their beliefs to blend into soci­ety and covert­ly advance white suprema­cist caus­es,” the FBI report states.
(2) In 2014 New Orleans Times-Picayune colum­nist Jarvis DeBerry remind­ed read­ers of Michael Elsbury, a white Baton Rogue police offi­cer who resigned after “he was linked” to racist text mes­sages.
(3) “I wish some­one would pull a Ferguson on them and take them out,” Elsbury report­ed­ly wrote in one mes­sage, refer­ring to the 2014 police shoot­ing of Michael Brown. “I hate look­ing at those African mon­keys at work … I enjoy arrest­ing those thugs with their sag­gy pants.”
(4) According to Esquire​.com) Critical to the rise of these groups with­in law enforce­ment was the severe back­lash by main­stream con­ser­v­a­tives to a 2009 report by the Department of Homeland Security that revealed that white-suprema­cist groups and right-wing domes­tic ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tions had been recruit­ing heav­i­ly among a num­ber of groups in the coun­try, espe­cial­ly among return­ing mil­i­tary vet­er­ans. Mainstream con­ser­v­a­tives went com­plete­ly bananas and, to her dis­cred­it, then-DHS Secretary Donna Shalala killed the report, apol­o­gized to var­i­ous vet­er­ans groups, and dis­band­ed the unit with­in her depart­ment that had done the research.

Number 99 jer­sey Pantaleo killing Eric Garner with an ille­gal choke-hold while the oth­er killers aid­ed and abet­ted in the murder

(5)Critics fear that the back­lash fol­low­ing the 2009 DHS report hin­dered fur­ther action against the grow­ing white suprema­cist threat and that it was large­ly ignored because the issue was so polit­i­cal­ly con­tro­ver­sial. “I believe that because that report was so denounced by con­ser­v­a­tives, it sort of closed the door on what­ev­er the FBI may have been con­sid­er­ing doing with respect to com­bat­ing infil­tra­tion of law enforce­ment by white suprema­cists,” said Samuel Jones, a pro­fes­sor of law at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago who has writ­ten about white pow­er ide­ol­o­gy in law enforce­ment. “Because after the 2006 FBI report, we sim­ply can­not find any­thing by local law enforce­ment or the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment that address­es this issue.”

(6) The web­site (Occupy Democrats) argue that White suprema­cists are infil­trat­ing the police depart­ments across the coun­try accord­ing to a report by the FBI. The report is alarm­ing in the Trump era, as white nation­al­ists across the coun­try are feel­ing embold­ened and only build on a long his­to­ry of domes­tic ter­ror­ist groups join­ing law enforce­ment.
A clas­si­fied FBI Counter-Terrorism Policy Guide from April 2015 was obtained by The Intercept and revealed that “domes­tic ter­ror­ism inves­ti­ga­tions focused on mili­tia extrem­ists, white suprema­cist extrem­ists and sov­er­eign cit­i­zen extrem­ists often have iden­ti­fied active links to law enforce­ment offi­cers.”
Shockingly, to those study­ing law enforce­ment in the US this is noth­ing new; how­ev­er, the FBI is doing lit­tle to pub­licly address this grow­ing threat. Many police depart­ments around the nation have a his­to­ry of racism in their ranks, and with no nation­al stan­dard among the near­ly 2,000 law enforce­ment agen­cies, white nation­al­ists have lit­tle trou­ble infil­trat­ing the ranks and spread­ing their influence.

Meghan O’Donnell, 29, from St Louis, prays at the spot where Michael Brown was killed Sunday evening in Ferguson, Missouri. — AP

Summing up these real­i­ties with incred­i­ble pre­ci­sion Angelia Williams Graves, a Virginia coun­cil­woman,at NAACP lun­cheon said the fol­low­ing.
These white suprema­cists have “tak­en off their white hats and white-sheet­ed robes and put on police uni­forms. Some of them have put on shirts and ties as pol­i­cy­mak­ers and some of them have put on robes as judges.” 
“I know I could nev­er change the con­di­tion from the out­side. I had to go for the inside,” Col. K.L. Williams, the Black chief of police in Kinloch, Mo., told CNN. “If you think that racism and white suprema­cy is not involved in police depart­ments, you bet­ter check your­self. Because the KKK has been involved with law enforce­ment from when it just about start­ed,” he continued.

Philando Castile kiled by a cop who pulled him over for an alleged bro­ken tail-light.…

Time after time white mass killers are arrest­ed, not killed, even when armed.
White South Carolina mass mur­der­er Dylan Roof was even treat­ed to fast food after being arrest­ed with­out being shot, cour­tesy of the local PB.
Conversely, black men and women risk instant death at the hands of police on every traf­fic stop, traf­fic stops which are gen­er­al­ly done on ille­gal­ly cooked-up con­vo­lut­ed rea­sons.
Black men risk get­ting mur­dered while black women risked get­ting pulled from their auto­mo­biles and bru­tal­ized by police whose job it is to pro­tect them.

The instances are well doc­u­ment­ed, guilty white mass killers are treat­ed expo­nen­tial­ly bet­ter than respectable black vic­tims of crime.
Which brings us to the ques­tion of why?
We can waste time talk­ing about all man­ner of periph­er­al stuff like what the main­stream media does to deceive the pub­lic on this issue.
Or we can accept the fact that many cops in the pub­lic sphere are white Nationalists with a badge and gun.
Black cit­i­zens could fight the clan toe-to-toe. How do you fight back against some­one who comes under the cov­er of the law?

Florida’s sher­if­f’s deputy wear­ing Qanon patch greets Mike Pence>

Whether the nation wants to face what’s hap­pen­ing or con­tin­ue to ignore it does not change the facts.
Black and brown peo­ple are being mur­dered by white cops who are active white suprema­cists bent on enforc­ing their own agen­das.
In the mean­time, all-white grand juries con­tin­ue to grant them license to mur­der by fail­ing to indict them.
On the rare occa­sions that these mur­der­ers are even indict­ed for their crimes, the chances of con­vic­tions are almost nil, whether they receive a jury or bench tri­al the end results are the same.
Murderers who kill while wear­ing a police offi­cers uni­form are guar­an­teed that there will be no con­se­quences for their actions.
What bet­ter place to be if you are a white suprema­cist who hates and wants to kill black people?