Many More Will Suffer , Many More Will Have To Die..(rnm)


For years I have been beat­ing the very same drum, mak­ing the very same argu­ments some­times it feels like bang­ing one’s head against a darn wall. Despite bang­ing the drum and yelling in the wind there seem to be no change , no let up in the spilling of blood and no ces­sa­tion of the non­sense from the fly by night pre­ten­tious bour­geois’ who live behind high walls in gat­ed com­mu­ni­ties and lay­ers of grill for­ti­fi­ca­tions up-town St Andrew.
I do get a chuck­le when peo­ple who nev­er been in law-enforce­ment begin to talk about law-enforce­ment with author­i­ty. It does­n’t mat­ter that they are Lawyers , Doctors, Journalists Jamaicans take the posi­tion that law-enforce­ment is some­thing best left to them to artic­u­late, with­out input from law enforce­ment professionals.
“What the hell does the Doctor know I don’t need his input in decid­ing health-care”?

These darn mechan­ics, what the hell do they know, I’m a lawyer does­n’t he know I’m a lawyer why do I need to ask him about cars”?
Their idio­cy is palpable.
They have their stu­pid heads so far up their own ass­es they can­not smell the stink

In most instances deci­sions on law-enforce­ment strate­gies are craft­ed with­out any pro­fes­sion­al involve­ment from the very peo­ple whose jobs it is to exe­cute those strategies.
The fact is Jamaican coun­try folk loved their Police Officers. To some extent some still do. They send their sons and daugh­ter to serve and die for the despi­ca­ble show-off’s who live in insu­lar safe­ty in upper St. Andrew.
Yes eco­nom­ics play a part but I don’t see any of the upper Saint Andrew types lin­ing up to enter the Academy.

These are they who own busi­ness , earned law degrees or work at Colleges and in oth­er areas of civ­il soci­ety. Some of them are mem­bers of lit­tle social clubs, you know the type Oliver Samuels car­i­ca­tured them for years.
Fake accents, you know the type , pen­ny millionaires.
Many of the low­er class aspire great­ly to be like them.
In fact when you check into a Hotel or deal with many of the poor peo­ple who work in the hos­pi­tal­i­ty indus­try you have won­der where the hell they got their accent from?
The minute new strate­gies are announced which would effec­tive­ly com­bat crime or put crim­i­nals in jail they come out beat­ing their chests offer­ing up con­vo­lut­ed dis­ser­ta­tions on the Constitutional rights of criminals.
That gets my blood boiling. 
♦(1) We live in major­i­ty rule societies.
♦ (2) The rights of the few can­not abro­gate the rights of the many.
♦(3) When you make con­scious deci­sions to break the laws you also give up the right to have the same rights as those who haven“t.
♦(4) We can­not simul­ta­ne­ous­ly be pro­tec­tive of every right an offend­er has while pro­duc­ing effec­tive crime fight­ing in Jamaica.
♦(5) For years I have argued the fore­gone. We must first tame the crime mon­ster put crim­i­nals on the run as we did in the 80’s , then grad­u­al­ly imple­ment com­mu­ni­ty polic­ing programs.

Having a con­ver­sa­tion with most of them is a tor­tur­ous affair. They name drop, every oth­er per­son they men­tion has to come with a his­to­ry of that per­son­’s back­ground and wealth and who they know. You all know the type !!!
My dis­dain for them is beyond imaginable.
Why ?
They are fakes.
Ian Boyne called them “Purists” in a scathing yet pan­icky Article he wrote for the Jamaicagleaner​.com.

Read it here: http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​f​o​c​u​s​/​2​0​1​5​0​7​2​6​/​c​r​i​m​i​n​a​l​s​-​m​u​s​t​-​b​e​-​a​f​r​a​i​d​#​.​V​b​T​u​P​u​7​S​r​m​I​.​f​a​c​e​b​ook.
In his Article Boyne said quote>” We can’t be deterred by bleed­ing-heart lib­er­als whose pie-in-the-sky reme­dies would leave all of us dead ultimately”
Long Article read it for your­selves. Boyne and oth­ers are now pan­ick­ing when we have been say­ing these very same things for years.
Our National Security dis­course was for years mort­gaged out to Carolyn Gomes a Pediatrician( baby Doctor) with a rad­i­cal agenda.
Did I men­tion that for the dam­age she did to our Country’s secu­ri­ty she was award­ed a National Honor?
Out of that fias­co Indecom was born. Yes the Police need­ed to have over­sight. The JCF dropped the ball on recruit­ment. Back-ground checks and training.

The Department has no one to blame but itself for Indecom. As a young Officer I saw the need for seri­ous changes in the qual­i­ty of the recruits the depart­ment was hir­ing. We were forced to lock up too many who called them­selves police. These facts were most­ly unknown to the pub­lic. So there was a pre­vail­ing nar­ra­tive that Police do not take action against their own. Not true. The JCF did a ter­rif­ic job in lock­ing up rogue cops. The prob­lem for the depart­ment was and still is the qual­i­ty of the recruits , the process it uses in doing back­ground checks and the train­ing and mon­i­tor­ing of young hires.
Many of Boyne’s argu­ments are exact­ly my argu­ments, which may be found in the Archives of this site. I don’t mind that Boyne may have bor­rowed a few of my sug­ges­tions if he is bet­ter able to reach those I haven’t reached .

Unfortunately the blood of hundreds,thousands tens of thou­sands maybe will con­tin­ue to drench the Jamaican soil. Until some­how a way is found to shut the mouths of those self right­eous Liberal know-it all’s who have some­thing to say about everything.