Manchin Sits With Republicans During State Of The Union

Well there you have it, folks, we here at this medi­um have been say­ing if it walks, quacks, and acts like a duck, guess what? It is a duck!

Fake Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia fit­ted in quite nice­ly with his fel­low Republicans dur­ing the SOTU

Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, opt­ed to sit on the Republicans’ side of the House cham­ber dur­ing President Biden’s first State of the Union address.

Why it mat­ters: Manchin has been out­spo­ken in recent days against what he has brand­ed “hyp­o­crit­i­cal” poli­cies on ener­gy imports pur­sued by the Biden admin­is­tra­tion. N0netheless, he stood repeat­ed­ly with his fel­low Democrats to applaud poli­cies out­lined by the president.

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