Man Who Was Serving A Life Sentence For Stealing $50 To Be Released From Prison

Alvin Kennard
Alvin Kennard
Bessemer, AL — Alvin Kennard, a Black man from Alabama who has been in prison for 36 years serv­ing a life sen­tence with­out parole for steal­ing $50.75 from a bak­ery, is set to be released from prison after being resen­tenced to time served. 

Kennard was only 22-years old when he was con­vict­ed of first-degree rob­bery in 1983. He was sen­tenced to life impris­on­ment under Alabama’s Habitual Felony Offender Act, also known as the “three strikes law,” as he had been pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of bur­glary and grand larceny.

However, in 2013, the sen­tenc­ing guide­lines in Alabama were changed. Under the new guide­lines, Kennard would just have received a 20-year max­i­mum sen­tence.
Kennard, who is now 58-years old, told the court before his resen­tenc­ing, “I just want to say I’m sor­ry for what I did… I take respon­si­bil­i­ty for what I did in the past. I want the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get it right.”

His attor­ney, Carla Crowder, said that Kennard was “over­whelmed” by the resen­tenc­ing.
“What’s extra­or­di­nary about Mr. Kennard is that even when he thought he was going to be in prison for the rest of his life, he real­ly turned his life around,” she said. “He is over­whelmed at this oppor­tu­ni­ty, but has remained close with his fam­i­ly, so he has incred­i­ble sup­port.”
Kennard’s release from prison will be processed out by the Alabama Department of Corrections. It’s unclear what the spe­cif­ic date, but he would be return­ing home “with­in a few days.”

70-Year Old Granny Who Pulled a Gun on Black Couple Will Not Go to Jail

Ruby Howell, white granny who pulled her gun on Black couple
Ruby Howell
Starkville, MS — Ruby Howell, a 70-year old white woman who was con­vict­ed of a mis­de­meanor charge for threat­en­ing and point­ing a gun at a Black cou­ple last May, was found guilty of threat­en­ing exhi­bi­tion of a weapon. Even though she could have acci­den­tal­ly (or inten­tion­al­ly) killed the cou­ple, she will not be jailed. 

Howell was report­ed­ly only fined $250 and ordered to pay $182.50 in court fees. Aside from that, there will be no oth­er pun­ish­ment giv­en to her in con­nec­tion with the inci­dent.
The inci­dent was caught on a now-viral video where­in Howell, an employ­ee of Kampgrounds of America, can be seen approach­ing Jessica Richardson and her hus­band Franklin. She was bran­dish­ing a gun while telling them to leave camp­ground because they had no reservation.

The cou­ple learned lat­er on from Howell’s hus­band that a reser­va­tion was not actu­al­ly nec­es­sary to access the camp­ground.
Shortly after the inci­dent, KOA con­firmed that the woman was fired and said that KOA “does not con­done the use of a firearm in any man­ner on our prop­er­ties or those owned and oper­at­ed by our fran­chisees.”
Although Mississippi is an open-car­ry state, it is ille­gal to bran­dish a weapon in a “rude, angry or threat­en­ing man­ner in the pres­ence of three or more per­sons.” Those who were found guilty can face a $500 fine, three months in jail, or both with pros­e­cu­tors regard­less if the weapon was “charged, loaded or in a con­di­tion to be dis­charged.”