Man Who Spent 10 Years In Prison Is Now An Attorney Helping Wrongfully-Convicted Prisoners

Madison, WI — Jarrett Adams, who was wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed of sex­u­al assault for which he served 10 years in prison, has now become an attor­ney and has opened his own law firm in New York City. His pri­ma­ry goal is to help oth­er incar­cer­at­ed men and women who have been wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed like he was before.

Adams was only 17-years old when was sen­tenced to 28 years in prison. That sen­tence was lat­er reduced to 10 years, and he was exon­er­at­ed and released in 2007.

After his exon­er­a­tion, Adams attend­ed Loyola University Chicago School of Law where he earned a law degree. He then served on the Innocence Project after admit­ting to the New York State Bar four years ago.

Most recent­ly, Adams admit­ted to the Wisconsin State Bar and was sworn in by Keith Findley, the co-founder of the Wisconsin Innocence Project who helped in over­turn­ing his conviction.

Having expe­ri­enced the injus­tices in the jus­tice sys­tem, he knew first­hand how hav­ing low income would great­ly affect a person’s chances of get­ting incar­cer­at­ed. Like him, most peo­ple who were false­ly accused don’t have access to bet­ter attor­neys as well.

Now, he is com­ing back to Wisconsin to help over­turn wrong­ful con­vic­tions in the state’s inflat­ed prison population.

I real­ly want to live a life as an exam­ple of what can hap­pen when peo­ple are giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ties and the tools to rein­te­grate suc­cess­ful­ly back into our soci­ety,” he told WPR. “We can’t repair what is going on in our impov­er­ished areas in the state of Wisconsin by lock­ing every­one up.”
Story orig­i­nat­ed