Man Shoots At Intruders, Turns Out It Was A No-Knock Raid. Now He Faces The Death Penalty

Marvin Louis Guy
Marvin Louis Guy

On Friday, May 9, 2014, just after 5:30am in Killeen, Texas, Marvin Louis Guy was the tar­get of a no knock raid. The offi­cers were look­ing for drugs, yet none were found in the home. There was some ques­tion­able para­pher­na­lia, but noth­ing indica­tive of drug deal­ing- or any­thing damn­ing enough for a rea­son­able per­son to feel the need to take an offi­cers life. Unfortunately the dan­ger of no-knock raids is real. just ask the par­ents of baby Bou or the fam­i­ly of Detective Dinwiddie. Detective Dinwiddie was one of the SWAT offi­cers who broke into Guy’s house on May 9th, based on a seem­ing­ly bogus infor­mant tip off about drugs being dealt from the home. Likely alarmed by the men climb­ing through his win­dows at 5:30 in the morn­ing, Guy and his wife sought to pro­tect them­selves and their prop­er­ty and fired on the intrud­ers- in self defense.

Dinwiddie, along with three oth­er offi­cers were shot while attempt­ing to breach the win­dows to the home, accord­ing to the department’s press release“The TRU was begin­ning to breach the win­dow when the 49 year old male inside, opened fire strik­ing four officers.”

Since the shoot­ing occurred dur­ing the break in, a rea­son­able per­son would assume they had not yet iden­ti­fied them­selves as police offi­cers. How on earth is this not self defense? Prosecutors are now seek­ing the death penal­ty against Guy. He is charged with cap­i­tal mur­der in Dinwiddie’s death, as well as three counts of attempt­ed cap­i­tal mur­der for fir­ing on the oth­er offi­cers dur­ing the shootout, injur­ing one oth­er offi­cer. Body armor pro­tect­ed oth­ers who were hit. This announce­ment, giv­en by the pros­e­cu­tor in open court, comes one day after Governor Rick Perry pre­sent­ed Dinwiddie’s fam­i­ly with the Star of Texas award. This award is giv­en out each year to police and first respon­ders killed or injured in the line of duty, the Killeen Daily Herald report­ed. Let’s flash back to December, in Texas, for a moment. On December 19, also just before 6am, Burleson County Sgt. Adam Sowders, led a team in a no-knock mar­i­jua­na raid on Henry Goedrich Magee’s mobile home in Somerville.

Henry Goedrich Magee’
Henry Goedrich Magee’

Also star­tled by these intrud­ers, Magee opened fire, fear­ing for the safe­ty of him­self and his then preg­nant girlfriend.

Sowders was unfor­tu­nate­ly killed among the chaos.

In February, just a few months before the fate­ful raid in Killeen, all charges against Magee were dropped when a Texas grand jury refused to indict, based on them believ­ing he feared for his safe­ty and that this was a rea­son­able act of self defense.

With such sim­i­lar cir­cum­stances and such intense­ly oppo­site reper­cus­sions one cant help but try to find the differences.

Most obvi­ous? Guy is black and Magee is white. Also, take note of the dif­fer­ence in pho­tos used in the press.
Read more at http://​the​freethought​pro​ject​.com/​p​r​o​s​e​c​u​t​o​r​-​s​e​e​k​i​n​g​-​d​e​a​t​h​-​p​e​n​a​l​t​y​-​o​f​f​i​c​e​r​-​k​i​l​l​e​d​-​k​n​o​c​k​-​r​a​i​d​/​#​c​t​4​W​x​c​O​R​v​u​M​a​8​X​Q​P​.99

2 thoughts on “Man Shoots At Intruders, Turns Out It Was A No-Knock Raid. Now He Faces The Death Penalty

  1. Mike , oh boy . I am
    Really sor­ry for this guy . Don’t expect any dif­fer­ent from this . Equity in America has col­or , if your white , equi­ty favors if your black it leads inequity .

    • The thing is that they are unashamed even by their own laws. Thurgood Marshall sought to change America for the bet­ter, using their own laws . Fifty years after the Civil Rights strug­gle and the death of Dr. King America still has two sep­a­rate Justice Systems, based yes, on race.
      The trag­ic irony is that, despite the same set of cir­cum­stances this black man is like­ly to be found guilty.
      It took much effort before a Florida Court freed a black woman who was unjust­ly sen­tenced to a manda­to­ry 20 years for fir­ing a gun into the ceil­ing as she sought to pro­tect her­self from her abu­sive spouse.
      Despite the eyes of the World watch­ing and ridi­cul­ing them, they much rather cir­cle the wag­on and close their ears to the howls of “shame”.
      In America they would rather sup­port any­one from anoth­er coun­try over an American black. That is the lev­el of deep seat­ed hatred they still har­bor for black Americans.
      Never mind that the hatred should have been going the oth­er way.
      Too many Blacks for their part has done pre­cious lit­tle to make them respect them.

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