Man Murdered On Construction Site

This man lying face down was report­ed­ly mur­dered on a con­struc­tion site this after­noon. Details are still sketchy, we will update this sto­ry as soon as more infor­ma­tion becomes available.

Police report that the deceased is sub-con­trac­tor Keith Osbourne, 56, oth­er­wise called ‘Smoker’, who was mur­dered in Palmers Cross last Thursday.

Osbourne, who is from New Harbour Village in St Catherine, was said to be con­duct­ing repairs with his team in the area when he was approached by armed men who shot him mul­ti­ple times.

The streets report that Osbourne has deep polit­i­cal con­nec­tions and con­trary to the police san­i­tized descrip­tion of the deceased he is a “Don” in the area. Word on the street is that there are threat­ened reper­cus­sions for his death.
Story updated.