Malaysian offi­cials announced Wednesday that a satel­lite has cap­tured images of 122 objects in the Indian Ocean that might be from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, miss­ing since March 8. According to act­ing Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, the objects were seen close to where three oth­er satel­lites had pre­vi­ous­ly detect­ed pos­si­ble air­craft debris. He added that the sight­ings are “the most cred­i­ble lead that we have.“Hussein said the satel­lite images, which were tak­en Sunday and relayed by France-based Airbus Defense and Space, showed objects rang­ing in size from one to 25 yards in length. “It must be empha­sized that we can­not tell whether the poten­tial objects are from MH370. Nevertheless, this is anoth­er new lead that will help direct the search oper­a­tion,” Hussein said. The hunt for Flight MH370 has turned up var­i­ous float­ing objects spot­ted by planes and satel­lites, but thus far none have been retrieved or identified.

image.adapt.280.high.1394728505012The des­per­ate, multi­na­tion­al search for the jet­lin­er, which dis­ap­peared en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur with 239 peo­ple on board, resumed on Wednesday after inclement weath­er over the Indian Ocean tem­po­rary halt­ed efforts the pre­vi­ous day.A total of 12 planes and two ships from the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand were par­tic­i­pat­ing in the search, hop­ing to find even a sin­gle piece of the jet that could offer tan­gi­ble evi­dence of a crash.
