Malahoo Forte : Shameless Grandstanding, Just Shut Up Already…

In what amounted to a shameless and gratuitous attempt at grandstanding, newly appointed Jamaican Attorney General Marlene Malahoo Forte speaking in St James told members of the security forces that she will be paying close attention to ensure that they do not abuse the rights of civilians. Forte was speaking in Montego Bay Cultural Center in Sam Sharpe Square, Montego Bay, during the third in a series of island-wide town-hall meetings put on by Security Minister Robert Montague.
Malahoo Forte
Malahoo Forte

QUOTE “I assure you sir (secu­ri­ty min­is­ter) that in my role as mem­ber of Parliament I will ensure that all coöper­a­tion is pro­vid­ed to the secu­ri­ty forces. But I say to the secu­ri­ty forces also, in my role as mem­ber of Parliament and as attor­ney gen­er­al, I will be watch­ing vig­i­lant­ly how the secu­ri­ty forces car­ry out their work in this chal­leng­ing envi­ron­ment. “I know SSP (Steve) McGregor under­stands my own view that the police — and com­mis­sion­er, you may be hear­ing it for the first time – are not enti­tled to break the law in their efforts to uphold the law, not enti­tled to abuse the rights of our cit­i­zens, how­ev­er chal­leng­ing the cir­cum­stances will be,”

Well I’ll be damned !

It was just a cou­ple of months ago ‚that while Andrew Holness ‚the very Malahoo Forte and oth­ers were at a mass meet­ing in Sam Sharpe Square that in that very meet­ing vio­lence reared it’s ugly head and a life was snuffed out. Not only was a life snuffed out , inno­cent bystanders became vic­tims of that violence.
On the occa­sion of that shoot­ing Malahoo Forte had no words of con­dem­na­tion for the crim­i­nal ele­ments who brazen­ly killed and wound at will . She could have spo­ken up then as one of the Jamaica labor Party’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives for the parish.
She didn’t !

Now all of a sud­den as soon as she tast­ed pow­er she becomes a grand­stand­ing caped cru­sad­er for the rights of the peo­ple in her constituency.
There are more than enough over­sight of police, much of which is act­ing as an accel­er­ant to crime on the Island.
Malahoo Forte would be best served by denounc­ing crim­i­nals in her con­stituen­cy and pro­vid­ing their names to police and quit bloviating.

As the coun­try grap­ples with crime every well mean­ing Jamaican has a part to play in work­ing toward find­ing solu­tions to this problem.
Many peo­ple have worked assid­u­ous­ly for a change in Jamaica because every­one wants a bet­ter Jamaica .
What we do not want are self-serv­ing show-offs adding to the problem.
Everyone knows what the Minister of Justice’s role is .
Malahoo Forte is best advised to accli­mate her­self to the job she hold, seek to see how best she can go about doing it and leave oth­ers to do theirs.
The coun­try does not need any more anti-police cru­saders who grand­stand against police while inno­cent blood con­tin­ue to flow .
Just shut up already.