Major Accident On Constant Spring Road Resulting In 8 Vehicle Pileup, Driver Had 120 Outstanding Tickets…(videos Inside)

In anoth­er shock­ing and out­ra­geous inci­dent that high­lights the law­less­ness in Jamaica, a minibus dri­ver whom the police report­ed had 120 out­stand­ing traf­fic tick­ets crashed into the back of vehi­cles on Constant Spring Road in St. Andred on Tuesday morn­ing, snarling traf­fic for hours.

The com­mis­sion­er of police, Anthony Anderson, is incensed, but he should not both­er send­ing up his blood pres­sure. Jamaica is sat­is­fied with being the mur­der cap­i­tal of the world and the law­less­ness cap­i­tal of the world, so he should not be dis­mayed that the laws are so weak and feck­less that a man with 120 unpaid traf­fic tick­ets was dri­ving pas­sen­gers and not in jail.
Between the crim­i­nal-lov­ing excus­es for what pass­es for judges and the weak laws, it is a per­fect brew that makes Jamaica the wild west of the world where any­thing goes.

Nothing in the law gives the police the pow­er to arrest offend­ers like these and place them in jail. Nothing makes it manda­to­ry that they go to prison due to being scofflaws or pre­vent­ing them from acquir­ing and hold­ing a dri­ver’s license.
The rea­son for this is that the lazy, good-for-noth­ing punks, 63 in the low­er house and the appointees in the upper cham­ber, are the same bunch of ass­wipes that allow this débâ­cle to persist.
Accidents do hap­pen; there is, how­ev­er, a marked dif­fer­ence between an acci­dent and a crash. A traf­fic acci­dent is an event that occurs when the dri­ver does not con­tribute to the vent, like a slip­per road result­ing in a spin­out, and the dri­ver was not speed­ing, dri­ving under the influ­ence, on his phone, or doing any­thing that is in con­tra­ven­tion of the Road Traffic laws.
On the oth­er hand, a crash occurs when dri­vers engage in any or all of the afore­men­tioned activ­i­ties in con­tra­ven­tion of Road Traffic laws and ends up cre­at­ing an out­come like the one above.
This is what law­less­ness looks like.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.