Lower Murder Stats Will Require A Sea-change In Thinking: One Murder Is One Too Many..


Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams recent­ly expressed shock and out­rage at the recent upsurge of mur­ders in the Parish of Saint James , cul­mi­nat­ing in two sep­a­rate dou­ble mur­ders just over the pre­ced­ing Easter weekend.
Speaking on the issue the Commissioner said ” “l am shocked and out­raged at the sense­less killings that have resumed in Montego Bay and the sur­round­ing areas. And I am here today (Saturday) to vis­it the loca­tions and sit with the police offi­cers to see how well their strate­gies are work­ing, and to work with them to devise even more effi­cient and effec­tive strate­gies so that we can prop­er­ly cur­tail mur­ders in this divi­sion,

I am a lit­tle con­fused at the Commissioner’s use of the word “resumed” I don’t believe any Jamaican believe killings had sub­sided any­where in Jamaica. I stand to be cor­rect­ed on this maybe I’m wrong or the JCF and the Commissioner has a high water mark which he and his depart­ment view as tol­er­a­ble or per­mis­si­ble even., Anything above that water mark would then be seen as a resump­tion in the Commish’s mind.

In response to the com­mis­sion­er’s state­ments about the upsurge of mur­ders in the sec­ond city I wrote yes­ter­day chal­leng­ing the notion that there is even a seri­ous plan afoot in Jamaica to counter the scourge of homi­cides and oth­er felonies.

In the Article I detailed what I believe are clear signs that the issue of seri­ous crimes are not being addressed with the seri­ous­ness and dis­patch nec­es­sary to put a dent in it. I total­ly under­stand that the Commissioner of Police and his depart­ment are lit­er­al­ly work­ing with hands tied behind their backs. The (inde­com) Act is a very good exam­ple of the shack­les the police are forced to work with even as they do their jobs in one of the most vio­lent , least edu­cat­ed, anti law-enforce­ment nation on earth.

A day lat­er new infor­ma­tion com­ing out of the JCF seem to con­firm what I artic­u­lat­ed just yes­ter­day. In a release which seeks to show that the JCF is on the ball car­ried in this medi­um but ema­nat­ing from Jamaican media the JCF’s Corporate Communications Unit said it’s recent­ly launched “Operation Tidal Wave” has been reap­ing success.


The Jamaica Constabulary Force’s (JCF) recent­ly launched oper­a­tion ‘Tidal Wave’ has report­ed­ly been reap­ing success.

Tidal Wave start­ed after the JCF con­clud­ed its three-year crime fight­ing strat­e­gy, Operation Resilience on March 18, to make way for this new oper­a­tional phase, which will see a surge in polic­ing activ­i­ties across the island for the next three months. According to the JCF’s Corporate Communications Unit, since the launch of the ini­tia­tive, four per­sons have been arrest­ed and charged for Operation ‘Tidal Wave’ Reaping Success, Says JCF Larceny, 65 Farm Watch meet­ings have been held and the Police have vis­it­ed 12 abattoirs.

Additionally, 273 per­sons have been charged for var­i­ous offences and four want­ed per­sons were held. During the same peri­od, 15 firearms, 96 assort­ed rounds of ammu­ni­tion and 517 offen­sive weapons were seized. In addi­tion, over 95,000 search­es – includ­ing premis­es, vehi­cles and per­sons – were car­ried out, while $200,000 and US$50,000 and cash in oth­er cur­ren­cies were seized. A total of 598.5 pounds of gan­ja, with an esti­mat­ed street val­ue of approx­i­mate­ly J$3 mil­lion was also seized along with, five pounds of cocaine. One point five acres of gan­ja has been destroyed. Police/​citizen rela­tions have also been tar­get­ed under the ini­tia­tive. Since the start of the ini­tia­tive there have been 14 wide­ly pub­li­cized meet­ings, 245 Neighborhood Watch meet­ings and 208 Domestic Dispute Interventions.

I may be way too cyn­i­cal but isn’t all of this sim­ple police ‑work? Isn’t this what Police do every­day ? Why is there a spe­cial Operational ini­tia­tive to get these sim­ple things done.
Set aside the chit-chat, this seem like an aver­age day of polic­ing for Dadrick Henry and myself, or some­thing Mikey Scott and his team would do in Half-Way-Tree, or Laing and his team in Admiral Town, and the list goes on and on . I won­der why there has to be a surge in polic­ing activities?
Additionally if the surge is reap­ing rewards why is the surge not the norm. If some­thing is work­ing why would the JCF announce that it plans to end it after three months?
It would be of some val­ue if the Commissioner tell the nation what those offi­cers which make up the surge will be revert­ing to once the three months surge is over.

I love the Police Department and I want to see it suc­ceed. To some degree I want to see it suc­ceed because in a way the JCF has been an alma mater of sorts for me or at least one of them.
But I believe that any rea­son­able per­son look­ing at the release above will arrive at the rea­son­able con­clu­sion that there is no there there.
Based on what’s in the release the JCF has no real strat­e­gy with which to attack seri­ous crimes with any sus­tained effort.

At a time when Terrorism has reared it’s ugly head across the globe , in once peace­ful nations it is incred­i­bly impor­tant that the JCF puts it’s big boy pants on a cut out the bull.
The depart­ment can learn a lot from what is hap­pen­ing in oth­er coun­tries so that when Jamaica’s time comes it will at least have a sem­blance of an idea what to do.
Those who served the depart­ment but are locked in the past default­ing to the argu­ments that the force can­not do bet­ter are best where they are today in the also served col­umn, like myself.
The depart­ment seem to have retained noth­ing from the lessons of 2010. Terrorism will come to Jamaica , it’s not a ques­tion of if , it’s a ques­tion of when.

The Department can do much bet­ter despite the myr­i­ad constraints.
It can train it’s offi­cers better .
It can super­vise them better.
It can deploy them better.
It can sup­port them better.
And it damn sure can strate­gize better .…