Low Life Texas Deputy AG, “Simone Biles National Embarrassment”.…

On the left is a mon­grel Texas deputy AG, and on the right, the illus­tri­ous Simone Biles great­est gym­nast ever.

You real­ly can­not make this stuff up; white racism is such degen­er­a­tive men­tal retar­da­tion that these mag­gots can­not help them­selves from being the degen­er­ate mag­gots that they are.
The Deputy Attorney General of the state of Texas, which has the high hon­or of being where Simone Biles choos­es to live-tweet­ed that the great­est gym­nast in the his­to­ry of the game is, get this, .….….. “A NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT. ”
The low-life Trump-sup­port­ing, insur­rec­tion­ist bitch ass cow­ard has since delet­ed the tweet and issued anoth­er tweet.

No, you got caught, and now you fear the con­se­quences; that’s what’s hap­pen­ing here. Michael Phelps is the great­est swim­mer in American his­to­ry, Simone Biles is the great­est gym­nast of all times bar none. They have changed the rules of the game because she is that good. Michael Phelps stepped away from the game because of the pres­sure and returned.
Michael Jordon, arguably the great­est bas­ket­ball play­er of all time, stepped away from the game and returned to shine again. Michael Phelps is a white male; Simone Biles is a beau­ti­ful young Black woman who has brought 27 gold medals to America.
What has Aaron Reitz brought to America? Let see, sup­port­ing insur­rec­tion­ists who attacked the nation’s seat of demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nance to install a nar­cis­sis­tic psy­chopath King.
Simone Biles should wear this low-life’ com­ment as a badge of hon­or. Patriots like Aaron Reitz’s idea of patri­o­tism are peo­ple who try to over­turn their coun­tries gov­ern­ment. Simone Biles is not the kind of patri­ot that ris­es against her own country.
In the real world, we call the likes of the dirty dog Aaron Reit traitors.
I won’t even both­er with the oth­er incon­se­quen­tial white degen­er­ates who would crit­i­cize her, suf­fic­ing to say that they would not be able to car­ry all the medals she has won with­out break­ing down exhausted.

More pow­er to Simone Bies for step­ping away and look­ing out for her­self; she was out there rep­re­sent­ing a coun­try that does not val­ue her or her race to hell with all of them; let them all go to hell.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.