Low Information People Believe It Is A Binary Choice Between Police Violence And Lawlessness

My atten­tion has been focused on two issues in the November 2nd Elections. (1) Whether Democrats would some­how lose the Virginia Governor’s race in a state that has slow­ly trend­ed blue over the last 12 years; and the Ballot ini­tia­tive in Minneapolis, Minnesota that would do away with the Police depart­ment and replace it with a Public safe­ty depart­ment over­seen by the city coun­cil and the mayor.
Needless to say, my inter­est in both issues was dis­ap­point­ed; Democrats lost Virginia to an under­cov­er Trumpist. Question 2, as it was called on the bal­lot in Minneapolis, was also defeated.

The day­light mur­der of George Floyd by a uni­formed cop Derek Chauvin while oth­er uni­formed cops assist­ed, pro­pelled the city of Minneapolis into an uproar, launch­ing arguably the biggest move­ment against police vio­lence in American history.
Ballot mea­sure Question 2 as it was called, would cre­ate a pub­lic safe­ty depart­ment led by a com­mis­sion­er nom­i­nat­ed by the may­or and appoint­ed by the City Council, accord­ing to sup­port­ers. The min­i­mum fund­ing require­ment for police would have been removed, although the depart­ment could still have includ­ed police offi­cers, and armed offi­cers would have still respond­ed to sit­u­a­tions con­sid­ered violent.
The city’s Democratic Mayor Jacob Frey and the States senior Democratic US sen­a­tor both opposed the mea­sure. Bothe Jacob Frey, the Mayor, and Amy Klobuchar are white; the mass­es of the peo­ple dying in Minneapolis at the hands of vio­lent white police offi­cers are Black.
Even after the uproar sur­round­ing Floyd’s death, the Minneapolis police depart­ment did not pull back from its his­to­ry of racist vio­lence; in fact, the data shows that offi­cers became even more brazen, even though the depart­ment is led by a Black chief Medaria Arradondo.

http://a night of Minneapolis protests over George Floyd’s mur­der reveals offi­cers jok­ing about “hunt­ing activists” and mak­ing oth­er dis­turb­ing and racist remarks as they respond­ed to unrest across the city.

In July of this year, damn­ing new body­cam footage from the night of Minneapolis protests over George Floyd’s mur­der reveals offi­cers jok­ing about “hunt­ing activists” and mak­ing oth­er dis­turb­ing and racist remarks as they respond­ed to unrest across the city.

That was one of mul­ti­ple ref­er­ences offi­cers made to “hunt­ing” peo­ple.

Tonight it was just nice to hear, ‘We’re going to go find some more peo­ple. Instead of chas­ing peo­ple around, we’re going to hunt.’ You guys are out hunt­ing peo­ple now, and it’s just a nice change of tem­po,” one offi­cer says to another.
In anoth­er, an offi­cer says: “The first fuck­ers we see, we’re just han­dling them with 40s,” osten­si­bly refer­ring to 40 mm less-lethal firearms, which fire rub­ber bul­lets, tear gas, and sim­i­lar ammunition.
“You see a fuckin’ group, call it out. OK, great. Fuck ’em up, gas ’em, fuck ’em up,” an offi­cer says in anoth­er clip.
While fir­ing a less-lethal round on a group of pro­test­ers, an offi­cer hits some­one and says, “Gotcha!” while laugh­ter from oth­er offi­cers can be heard. “Good hit, bud­dy,” one of them remarks as they bump fists. (Huffpost reported).
The tragedy in all of this is not that these igno­rant, racists, clowns have the pow­er of life and death over cit­i­zens; they actu­al­ly destroy lives with lies that send them to prison through the just as racist court system.
As they tried to do to Jaleel Stallings (a Black man, of course), whom they beat mer­ci­less­ly as he lay on the ground helpless.
Stallings was protest­ing police violence.
It was not enough that they vio­lat­ed Stalling in every way pos­si­ble; they then added eight crim­i­nal charges, which cor­rupt pro-police, not pro-jus­tice pros­e­cu­tors actu­al­ly prosecuted.
The charges against Jaleel Stallings were even­tu­al­ly dropped after the body cam­era evi­dence came to light.
Here is the crit­i­cal deci­sion by the Jury!!!
The jury found that he act­ed in self-defense when he fired his gun, which he was per­mit­ted to car­ry, at offi­cers who were fir­ing rub­ber bul­lets at him.
That’s the law. Do you think that if this weren’t a jury tri­al, a white judge sit­ting on any bench any­where in the United States would have upheld Jaleel Stallings inno­cence using the let­ter of the law?
I think not.

The Minneapolis police depart­ment, like the major­i­ty of Police depart­ments across America, is an out­post that defends white suprema­cy. If police depart­ments were sub­ject to the same laws as Black Americans, they would be ban­ished to a life locked away for incor­ri­gi­ble, unfix­able, beyond redemption.
But since they are guardians of white priv­i­lege, regard­less of how cor­rupt they are, they are main­tained to car­ry out the work of white supremacy.
In fair­ness, not only whites vot­ed to keep the Corrupt cesspool that is the Minneapolis police depart­ment, a Minneapolis Star Tribune poll from September found that 53% of Minneapolis vot­ers held an unfa­vor­able view of the city’s police depart­ment, with 58% of those peo­ple being Black and 51% of them white.
Some Blacks vot­ed to keep the irre­deemably cor­rupt police depart­ment that treats them like shit. It is one thing to accept that whites would vote to keep it, even Democratic-lean­ing whites. I do get that no one wants to give up priv­i­lege or any­thing that helps main­tain or deliv­er those privileges.
What I will nev­er under­stand is what did the Black vot­ers think they had to lose?
Nevertheless, the sad irony is that as long as low infor­ma­tion peo­ple believe it is a bina­ry choice between police vio­lence and law­less­ness, these are the out­comes we should expect.
“Those who would give up essen­tial Liberty, to pur­chase a lit­tle tem­po­rary Safety, deserve nei­ther Liberty nor Safety.”(Benjamin Franklin).


Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.