Louisville Police Officially Fire 2 Detectives For Their Roles In Fatal Shooting Of Breonna Taylor

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The Louisville Metro Police Department has offi­cial­ly fired two detec­tives and sanc­tioned oth­ers for their actions sur­round­ing the raid that left Breonna Taylor, 26, dead in her apartment.

Detectives Myles Cosgrove and Joshua Jaynes, who were fired Tuesday, are the lat­est detec­tives the depart­ment has ter­mi­nat­ed in con­nec­tion with the fatal police shoot­ing of Taylor.

A third detec­tive, Brett Hankison, was fired in June for “blind­ly” fir­ing 10 rounds into her apartment.

Cosgrove, who the FBI con­clud­ed fired the shot that killed Taylor, vio­lat­ed pro­ce­dures for use of force, and fail­ing to use a body cam­era dur­ing the March 13 search warrant.

Jaynes, mean­while, the offi­cer who secured the search war­rant for Taylor’s apart­ment, was found in vio­la­tion of depart­ment pol­i­cy for truth­ful­ness and search war­rant preparation.
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