The following is a letter from Horace levy senior member of the so-called Peace Management Initiative, posted in one of Jamaica’s Daily News Paper January 15th,2013.

Horace Levy

Some ques­tions for the police, the com­mis­sion­er of police, the min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty, and the peo­ple of Jamaica: Does every police encounter with crim­i­nals have to involve a shoot-out? Must every police encounter with crim­i­nals require the use of lethal force? Are our crim­i­nals real­ly so more vicious than crim­i­nals in oth­er coun­tries that they can only be dealt with by lethal force? How come our more vicious crim­i­nals man­age to shoot so few police? How much longer will Commissioner of Police Owen Ellington go on sup­port­ing, even encour­ag­ing, the killings car­ried out by his men? How much longer will Minister of National Security Peter Bunting go on endors­ing the behav­ior of Commissioner of Police Ellington? How much longer will our cit­i­zens go on tol­er­at­ing this kind of wan­ton killing of fel­low cit­i­zens? Is the blood of only a few of us boil­ing? If this can hap­pen in the first two weeks of the year, what will the oth­er 50 be like?

My let­ter to Horace Levy:

Jamaican Police Officer on the job in tough inner city community.

I believe that you fun­da­men­tal­ly care about what you do at the peace man­age­ment ini­tia­tive. I think you are shaped by your expe­ri­ences, I how­ev­er must inform you that despite what­ev­er suc­cess­es you may have achieved from your orga­ni­za­tion’s efforts, what you do is not a replace­ment for the rule of law.

Criminals must pay for their crimes, it is through tough puni­tive mea­sures imposed by soci­ety that the del­i­cate bal­ance between anar­chy and civil­i­ty is main­tained. You have been known to argue that a large per­cent­age of what the Police char­ac­ter­ize as Gangs in our coun­try are in fact what you call ” cor­ner crews”.

With all due respect even if we are to accept your cor­ner-crew des­ig­na­tion, as fact, I must inform you that said cor­ner crews and Gangs would not be, and aren’t mutu­al­ly exclu­sive. You have a job to do, do your job, stay out-of-the-way of law enforcement.

I know that it is com­mon for those who(“eat the prover­bial food”” in sit­u­a­tions as yours, feel that the way to con­tin­ue to eat that food is through the demo­niz­ing of the police. I must also inform you that you are not doing nei­ther your­self nor Jamaica any good through your actions.

The rule of law is going nowhere, it will be there ;long after you and I are gone, or I shud­der at what will obtain. Do your job and lament the inno­cent lives lost at the hands of the scum­bag preda­to­ry mon­sters who prey on the weak.

You have been at this dem­a­goguery long enough. Just do what you can and let the rule of law do what it is sup­posed to do, and if that means erad­i­cat­ing mur­der­ous urban scum, then so be it. What are the police sup­posed to do?

Are the police sup­posed to beg crim­i­nals not to shoot at them, are they sup­posed to refuse to fire back at crim­i­nals out of fear that they may kill too many criminals?

Do pre­pare and make pub­lic a detailed pro­pos­al that you feel should replace the mea­sures which Police Agencies use all over the World when they are con­front­ed with life and death decisions.Those deci­sions in most cas­es must be made in a frac­tion of a second.

Failing the abil­i­ty to pro­vide such a detailed pro­pos­al, I strong­ly sug­gest that you con­fine your­self to what­ev­er it is you are edu­cat­ed or trained in, if anything.

Of note is your total failure/​refusal to men­tion the inno­cent Jamaicans whom have been slaugh­tered, not just since the start of this year but between the years 2001 to 2008, 2001 – 2008
Reported Cases of
Murder : 10, 836
Shootings : 11,229
Rape and Carnal
Abuse: 9119

Not one word from you about the inno­cent peo­ple killed, I sug­gest you and your friend Carolyn Gomez be very care­ful, crim­i­nals do not care who they kill, you are not immune, they will kill you too. Take care of what you under­stand and leave Law Enforcement to those trained and tasked with it.