Little Marco Throws Hat In The Ring, Lets Not Count The Votes.

Marco Rubio

Yesterday the cow­ard­ly lit­tle Cuban US Senator Marco Rubio stood up in front of his intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged deplorable sup­port­ers and declared that Democrats are try­ing to steal the elec­tions in Broward County.
In addi­tion to the base­less claims he also fired off a tor­rent of base­less tweets mak­ing the same accu­sa­tions with­out pro­vid­ing any evi­dence. I guess he learn­ing the Trump tac­tics.
In one tweet Rubio claimed #Broward elec­tion super­vi­sors ongo­ing vio­la­tion of #flori­da law requir­ing time­ly report­ing isn’t just annoy­ing incom­pe­tence. It has opened the door for lawyers to come here & try to steal a sen­ate seat in the US Senate% Florida cab­i­net.

Now it does not mat­ter that the lit­tle twit did not both­er to offer one scin­til­la of evi­dence to back up his claims, he did it any­way and at the same time, Rick Scott who stands to ben­e­fit from being giv­en the con­test­ed Senate seat was on state TY @fox mis­in­for­ma­tion com­plain­ing about Democrats try­ing to steal the Senate seat.
And of course, as you might have expect­ed the Lying dis­hon­est crim­i­nal tweet­er in chief fired off tweets about the need to end the count and move on even though the absen­tee and mail-in bal­lots are yet to be counted. 

Senator Bill Nelson , Marco Rubio and Rick Scott.

As the Governor of the state, Rick Scott also ordered a law enforce­ment inves­ti­ga­tion into the count­ing of the vote in Broward coun­try.
As you pon­der that it is impor­tant to under­stand that the thing which is caus­ing these incred­i­bly cor­rupt politi­cians to be com­plain­ing and ask­ing for inves­ti­ga­tions is that coun­ty offi­cials are count­ing the votes.

There is pre­cious lit­tle secret to the fact that I find Marco Rubio and Raphael Cruz the two Cuban frauds in the Senate rather offen­sive and dis­gust­ing.
Both of those weasel­ing lit­tle self-hat­ing Latinos have tried their lev­el best to dis­hon­or the process of immi­gra­tion even though both these frauds are first-gen­er­a­tion Americans of par­ents who left Cuba in search of bet­ter lives.

As despi­ca­ble as Raphael Cruz is I find Rubio no less revolt­ing from the time the lit­tle dweeb remarked that President Obama had no class for hav­ing black rap­pers at the white house.
The hyp­o­crit­i­cal lit­tle weasel has nonethe­less been death­ly silent in the face of Trump’s assault on the very foun­da­tions of the demo­c­ra­t­ic prin­ci­ples of this coun­try.
The lev­els of graft and cor­rup­tion are unprece­dent­ed yet the despi­ca­ble lit­tle Rubio whom Trump derid­ed and berat­ed in 2016 has no smart ass com­ment now.

Those old enough to recall the 2000 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions will recall that Republicans had no prob­lem with the fact that their goons stormed the venue in the very same Broward coun­ty in which the votes were still being count­ed and tab­u­lat­ed and shut down the vote and declared George Bush the win­ner even though Al Gore was ahead in the count.
George Bush’s younger broth­er was gov­er­nor at the time.
You all remem­ber low ener­gy Jeb right[sic ]? 

What Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump want is to [end the vote count] and hand a Democratic Senate seat held by Senator Bill Nelson to Scott and the Governorship of the state to the clue­less mini-Trump Ron Desantis by end­ing the vote count.
The (dai­ly beast) Sam Stein tweet­ed. Marco Rubio could be work­ing behind the scenes and even in pub­lic to try to bring some order and trust to Florida recount, instead, he’s cho­sen to tweet. The usu­al­ly bril­liant Sam Stein must have for­got­ten that cor­rup­tion and decep­tion are all Republicans have left.