Literally Ever Cop Has A Smartphone, Learn To Type Of Go Home.…


Deputy Commissioner of Police Clifford Blake told a Gleaner Editor’s Forum dis­cussing events of the 2010 Military/​Police incur­sion, “some mem­bers of the force are resis­tant to using com­put­ers at the sta­tion level”.

If These Senior Officers Are Incompetent Why Keep Them .….

There are times I feel I am the only per­son who sup­port the Jamaican police. Despite it’s many and var­ied flaws I under­stand fun­da­men­tal­ly that it is crit­i­cal to the exis­tence of the Island if it is to avoid becom­ing a failed state.

Yet I some­times clutch my head in dis­gust because the lead­er­ship of the force con­tin­ue to cause ruina­tion and ridicule to this indis­pens­able func­tion of demo­c­ra­t­ic societies.

This has forced me to write crit­i­cal­ly of the force even when it kills me to do so.
Deputy Commissioner Blake told the forum at that offi­cers are resis­tant to using com­put­ers say­ing quote” At my age, I don’t want to go and learn to type”.

Problem With The Team ? Fire The Coaching Staff…

At the forum were the reg­u­lar agi­ta­tors and anti-police Vultures who make a liv­ing from pick­ing at the car­cass of police ineptitude.
♦ Office of Public Defender.
Among oth­ers. Ironically these Buzzards are nev­er active­ly engaged in any­thing press­ing or sub­stan­tive which would keep them from a sit-down of this type. They were in Hog’s heav­en and Clifford Blake was all too hap­py to pro­vide them more than enough car­cass on which to feed.
Oh how I wish the police depart­ment would func­tion as a mod­ern smart police depart­ment what would these scav­engers eat?
Anyway !!!!

I too would absolute­ly love to see a trans­for­ma­tive mod­ern police depart­ment. The heirach of the PD now makes it clear it wants to be seen as an incom­pe­tent do noth­ing set of posers who are quite con­tent to give inter­views from behind desks in com­put­er adorned offices.

These are the new breed which grad­u­at­ed from the (Intellectual ghet­to) , my bad I meant the UWI>.
Weren’t they sup­posed to be bet­ter at lead­er­ship, speak bet­ter, more rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Elites above Cross Roads?
What the hell hap­pened, weren’t they sup­posed to rev­o­lu­tion­ize the force, trans­form­ing it from a night-watch­man para-mil­i­tary bunch of big-foot­ed dunce-bats?

You see, much of polic­ing has noth­ing to do with PhD’s and Masters or even Bachelor’s degrees. They are absolute­ly use­ful ‚but not crit­i­cal to polic­ing . Not in the past, not now, nor for the fore­see­able future.
Policing is a spe­cif­ic dis­ci­pline which requires more than any­thing else, a desire to serve. PhD’s and Masters Degrees are absolute­ly great accom­plish­ments in what­ev­er dis­ci­pline they may be earned, how­ev­er polic­ing is acquir­ing train­ing in spe­cif­ic small yet crit­i­cal areas.

We need PhD’s in the lab­o­ra­to­ries for foren­sics and analy­sis not for polic­ing. We need police offi­cers for policing.
The hier­ar­chy of the JCF has com­plete­ly proven this point.
I have writ­ten about this pre­vi­ous­ly , cit­ing com­mis­sion­ers of police like William(Bill) Bratton who start­ed out as a patrol­man in Boston Massachusetts and rose to lead­ing the NYPD the world’s largest and most sophis­ti­cat­ed police department.


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As a young offi­cer attached to the CIB office in Constant spring, we col­lect­ed all of the crimes com­mit­ted in the Parish of St, Thomas , St Andrew North, and St Catherine each day. Anyone famil­iar with my home parish of Saint Catherine will attest to the vol­ume of crime com­mit­ted in that parish alone , par­tic­u­lar­ly in and around Spanish Town.
The afore­men­tioned made up the Police Area five(5)

Collecting all that crime data had to be done so that it would include all of the crimes record­ed for that day up to midnight.
The report had to be record­ed in by hand and dupli­cat­ed five(5) times, we had no type­writ­ers in the CIB office.
One report for the Divisional Detective Inspector.
One for the Divisional officer.
One for the Officer in charge of crime Area five.
One for the offi­cer in charge of Area five.
One for the Commissioner of Police’s office.

I hat­ed writ­ing all of that crap by hand so I decid­ed to use car­bon paper.
The lazy-ass fat incom­pe­tent kha­ki clad wasters com­plained that there were smudges which made the reports hard to read.
I under­stood their com­plaints, they were always about form over sub­stance. They were no fans of cre­ativ­i­ty, or those who found work­able solu­tions to problems.
To counter that I took it upon myself to approach a friend of the Police who was exceed­ing­ly kind in giv­ing a used type­writer to the CIB office. My typ­ing career was born.

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Literally every per­son across the globe hav­ing access is able to nav­i­gate their way around smart devices, includ­ing smart­phones, tablets, and yes com­put­ers, police offi­cers being no exception.
As much as I resent and abhor those vul­tures from the eat-a-food groups sit­ting in unright­eous judge­ment of police offi­cers , I have to won­der whether or not DCP Clifford Blake con­sid­ered just how stu­pid his state­ment would sound before utter­ing them.
If typ­ing on a com­put­er key­board is not part of the skill-set required for police offi­cers today, then those who can’t must learn and those who are opposed to learn­ing must now seek alter­na­tive employment.
I am sor­ry to be so blunt, but we can­not have police offi­cers who deter­mine they won’t com­ply with sim­ple require­ments of the job.