Litany Of Anti-police Groups Silent On Homicides/​JFJ/​FAST/​PMI/​IACHR /​etal Hypocrites And Frauds

The long litany of anti-police groups death­ly silent on homi­cides of ordi­nary jamaicans/​JFJ/​FAST/​PMI/​IACHR /​etal, hyp­ocrites, and frauds.

This medi­um gives much respect to the always capa­ble Mobile Reserve Police and the Lotto Scam task force which seized five ille­gal firearms includ­ing assault rifles from an address on Ducketts Road in Cambridge Saint James yesterday.
This haul along with the almost week­ly caches seized at the Island’s ports are a stark reminder of just how the small Island is being inun­dat­ed with guns.

If Jamaica is ever to get its arms around vio­lent crimes com­mit­ted with guns the first order of busi­ness is to stop the guns com­ing in illegally.
Additionally sim­ply recov­er­ing the weapons must not be the goal of law enforcement.
There must be an inves­tiga­tive com­po­nent which tracks the con­tra­band to its des­ti­na­tion with a view to arrest­ing the top peo­ple behind this mas­sive impor­ta­tion of guns and ammu­ni­tion into the country.

The youths on the cor­ner down on Delacree Road and Fitzgerald lane in Kingston 13 do not have the resources to bring in ship­ments of guns.
Those guns are being import­ed by peo­ple in Kingston 5 and Kingston 8.
No one is above the law go after these ter­mite ene­mies of the state and expose them with open perp walks for all to see.

According to local report­ing, the items seized are an M16 assault rifle; two 12-gauge shot­guns; two 9mm pis­tols; 215 rounds of ammu­ni­tion; 76 lead sheets; six cel­lu­lar phones; three ski masks; a lap­top; and a note­book con­tain­ing iden­ti­ty infor­ma­tion of peo­ple resid­ing overseas.

This writer has always main­tained that actu­al polic­ing will only be suc­cess­ful when offi­cers are allowed to do their jobs.
That entails build­ing rela­tion­ships and cul­ti­vat­ing sources, it is as old a strat­e­gy as the press, cul­ti­vat­ing sources and receiv­ing good information.
So too is the cul­ti­va­tion of sources and infor­mants crit­i­cal to obtain­ing action­able intel­li­gence in crime fighting.
We need to get back to peo­ple trust­ing their offi­cers, like the man who pulled me aside in busy Cros Roads and told me where to find an M16 assault rifle in a ceil­ing in a house in Greenwich Farm.
As he said it was there it was when we went there.

Police offi­cers do not hap­pen upon five guns and an assort­ment of ammu­ni­tion and oth­er con­tra­band with­out good intel­li­gence sup­plied by good citizens.
That action­able intel­li­gence will only come when cit­i­zens trust offi­cers not just to act on the intel­li­gence sup­plied but in pro­tect­ing with their own lives, their right not to be out­ed as the source of the infor­ma­tion given.

Murder and oth­er seri­ous crimes will not begin to trend down because of some pol­i­cy dredged up in Jamaica House with full input from a bunch of mal-intent politi­cians and their anti-police friends with no input from police.
It will be solved with politi­cians step­ping the fuck back and allow­ing the JCF pro­fes­sion­als to do their jobs.

Politicians set pol­i­cy, they do not exe­cute law enforce­ment strategies.
What is even more stun­ning is that in Jamaica crime strate­gies are being for­mu­lat­ed, imple­ment­ed and exe­cut­ed with full def­er­ence to groups who are inex­orably opposed to police officers.

The police can do the job they are asked to do, what they need is for the crim­i­nals who are dou­ble dip­ping as politi­cians to step aside and end their dem­a­goguery of the depart­ment and for the mealy-mouthed know-noth­ings to shut their trap and allow the offi­cers to do their jobs.

I am tired of hear­ing politi­cians talk about human rights on every occa­sion the ques­tion of law and order comes up.
As if police offi­cers exe­cut­ing their man­date to go after crim­i­nals is equiv­a­lent to abuse of cit­i­zens rights.
Based on the mur­der sta­tis­tics alone the aver­age Jamaican will have no need to talk about human rights they will have no damn life to be respect­ed if cur­rent trends hold.

The coun­try is los­ing approx­i­mate­ly 1400 peo­ple to vio­lence each year yet the long line of anti-police groups arrayed in sup­port of crim­i­nals are death­ly silent.
The fun­da­men­tal right that each and every Jamaican who obeys the laws have to life and lib­er­ty are of no con­cern to them.
Whats impor­tant is the rights of mur­der­ers, child rapists, and oth­er degenerates.

In order for us to solve this prob­lem, peo­ple must give up the killers in their midst.
The Government and Opposition must give full sup­port to the rule of law and the offi­cers who sac­ri­fice for the safe­ty of others.
And most impor­tant­ly remove from among their ranks mem­bers of par­lia­ments who are still active­ly engaged in crim­i­nal conduct.