Lindsay Graham Makes An Ass Of Himself By Berating The FBI

Is there any­one else as annoyed as I am at the US Senator from South Carolina, no, not the Black one, the one who called him­self a friend of John McCain but has become Donald Trump’s water boy, (speak­ing of Lindsay Graham).
What the hell hap­pened to this guy? Was he always this full of it while John McCain was alive or has some­thing sin­is­ter hap­pened to Lindsay Graham?

Every year thou­sands and thou­sands of raids are car­ried out in neigh­bor­hoods across the coun­try by the thou­sands of mil­i­ta­rized police depart­ments. These mil­i­ta­rized raids are gen­er­al­ly car­ried out in black and brown neigh­bor­hoods, some­times with dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for res­i­dents of the prop­er­ties on which these raids are exe­cut­ed.
Far too often the infor­ma­tion which pre­cip­i­tat­ed the raids are faulty, and even fraud­u­lent, result­ing osten­si­bly in dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for inno­cent vic­tims who are left to pick up the pieces.

I have nev­er ever heard Lindsay Graham con­demn the police for act­ing inap­pro­pri­ate­ly or abus­ing their pow­ers.
In 2014 Cops in Georgia act­ing as if they were sol­diers on a bat­tle­field crit­i­cal­ly injured 19-month-old Bounkham Phonesavanh — known as “Baby Bou Bou.”
Serving a late-night “no-knock” war­rant on May 28, 2014, at a home where they believed Bou Bou’s father’s nephew, a sus­pect­ed meth deal­er, was stay­ing when they lobbed a flash-bang grenade inside. The nephew was­n’t home, and the grenade — designed to dis­ori­ent its tar­get — land­ed in Bou Bou’s crib.
The cops lied to the court but were nev­er­the­less found not guilty for almost killing the inno­cent child.
Lindsay Graham did not have a word of con­dem­na­tion for the overzeal­ous wannabe sol­diers who almost killed an inno­cent baby.
But the South Carolina Senator has writ­ten to the FBI demand­ing answers on why the agency did not sim­ply ask Roger Stone the Trump asso­ciate to turn him­self in.

Lindsay Graham

The FBI turned up in force and arrest­ed Roger Stone ear­ly in the morn­ing as they do in most oth­er cas­es when they need to arrest crim­i­nal sus­pects.
That includes Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s per­son­al lawyer.
I believe any­one not liv­ing under a rock already knows who Roger Stone is.
I mean the guy is as old as a rock and has prid­ed him­self as a polit­i­cal dirty trick­ster of sorts from as far back as the Reagan years, maybe as far back as Nixon’s days.
Finally, Stone’s luck has run out and he has been indict­ed by Special Counsel Robert Muller’s team for his part in the ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tions into alleged Russian col­lu­sion with the Trump cam­paign in the 2016 General elec­tions.
Why is Lindsay Graham stick­ing his nose into an active inves­ti­ga­tion over which he has no con­trol?
To begin with, the FBI has evi­dence that Graham does not have.
Lindsay Graham, though a US Senator, has no juris­dic­tion, author­i­ty or con­trol over either the FBI, or the Muller Investigations and as such the agency do not have to even respond to Senator Grahams posturing.

If we set aside those raids in which law enforce­ment break down doors only to real­ize that the infor­ma­tion on which they act­ed was false or mis­lead­ing.
And if we set aside the cas­es in which they break down doors and arrest real sus­pects in the all too famil­iar mil­i­tary-style raids, we would still be left with the hun­dreds and hun­dreds of peo­ple of col­or, gen­er­al­ly young black men who are mur­dered by police across the coun­try each year and Lindsay Graham has nev­er found his voice to speak out against those atroc­i­ties.
What Lindsay Graham is doing as a result of his grand­stand­ing is demand­ing a sep­a­rate set of rules for white men with pow­er.
No knock raids and raids like that car­ried out at Roger Stone’s house, you know where the FBI agents knocked and demand­ed that Stone open the door should only hap­pen to “those peo­ple”, peo­ple of col­or and poor peo­ple who do not mat­ter.
The FBI, I am sure, have sev­er­al rea­sons why they did not ask Roger Stone to report to be arraigned.
Not the least of which could be that he may poten­tial­ly destroy evi­dence ger­mane to their inves­ti­ga­tions.
Roger Stone has dared the agency to come and arrest him. He had T‑shirts made up dar­ing the Muller team and have told every­one who would lis­ten that he expect­ed that he would be indict­ed.
Guess what, they may have done just that.
Roger Stone may also have posed a flight risk, we do not know and nei­ther does the Senator from South Carolina.
All in all Roger Stone deserved no more def­er­ence that the guy on the street. Yet he was quick to tell the truth that the FBI Agents were real­ly quite cour­te­ous to him.
Lindsay Graham in seek­ing to be Trump’s water boy, is mak­ing a roy­al jack­ass of him­self.
John McCain would not rec­og­nize Lindsay Graham as a result of just how low he has sunken.