There is a group of peo­ple in this coun­try who are opposed to President Obama, not because of pol­i­cy but because of race. They fun­da­men­tal­ly believe in the pale­ness of their skin and what it ought to mean, in terms of enti­tle­ments and gov­er­nance of this coun­try. That is at the heart of the fight being waged, not just in Washington but in States all across America. It has noth­ing to do with Obama-care, it has every­thing to do with Obama. After Obama won re-elec­tion a group of Confederate/​Republicans got togeth­er to fig­ure out a way to de-fund the Affordable Care Act, the sig­na­ture domes­tic accom­plish­ment of Obama . The idea is a stu­pid and sui­ci­dal irra­tional one ‚but no one ever accused Confederate/​Republicans of being smart. Devious, cal­cu­la­tive, dis­hon­or­able, igno­ran­ly racist, just not smart.

Even if Confederate/​Republicans could some­how man­age to get a repeal/de-fund bill through the Senate, they are for­get­ting that Obama is still the pres­i­dent . He would sim­ply veto the damn thing. So what is the end game for these loonies? There is none . Their goal is sim­ply to cause chaos , wreck the econ­o­my and hope to be returned to pow­er, reward­ed for the car­nage they caused. Obama sad­dled with the blame.

This oppo­si­tion to Obama has gone through stages: Candidate Obama dealt with.

♦1) Jeremiah Wright.

♦2) Forced to make speech on Race in America>

♦3) Birther debate.♦

After Obama was elected.

♦4) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell dec­la­ra­tion that his sole mis­sion is to make Obama a one term President.

♦5) Birther debate.

♦6) Skip Gates débâcle.

♦7) Joe Wilson you lie.

♦8) Obstruct as much as possible.

♦9) Prevent Obama’s Re-election.

♦10) Challenge Obama-care in the Supreme Court.

♦11) De-fund Obama-care.

♦12) Cause total chaos.

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Billionaire Funders of chaos in America Charles and David Koch:

Behind this brand of Politics are two broth­ers Charles and David Koch who are fund­ing a cam­paign against Obama, they are bank-rolling efforts to derail Obama’s objec­tives to the tune of tens if not Hundreds of mil­lions of dol­lars. This did not hap­pen in a vac­u­um . This was made pos­si­ble by Supreme Court Decision Citizens United. This deci­sion opened the flood gates of spe­cial inter­est mon­ey into the polit­i­cal process under the guise of free speech. Charles and David Koch are not the only ones who are bank-rolling efforts to negate your vote, they are the face of it. These guys do not believe in Government they have stark lib­er­tar­i­an beliefs which basi­cal­ly say those who can­not make it on their own will be weed­ed out nat­u­ral­ly. Never mind that it’ s easy for them to feel that way, they were born with dia­mond spoons in their mouths, thanks to a bil­lion­aire father.

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Tea Party Express Chairperson Amy Kremer.

On the face of it the Tea-Party seem like a grass-roots orga­ni­za­tion con­cerned about Government spend­ing, It’s National chair­per­son is a woman who looks like a reg­u­lar soc­cer mom. Don’t believe the lie, this group of frauds were absolute­ly silent when George Bush was wag­ing two wars on a cred­it card and giv­ing tax-breaks to mil­lion­aires and bil­lion­aires. behind this cha­rade are spe­cif­ic groups which are well orga­nized and fund­ed, these includes Conservative Club for growth. Freedom Works. Tea Party Express. The Heritage Foundation.Conservative Victory Project and oth­ers. Those won­der­ing where are the sane Republicans in light of recent devel­op­ments must remem­ber that notion is an oxy­moron. Mitt Romney the last Republican Presidential Candidate the man who stat­ed he was an inde­pen­dent dur­ing the Reagan years , ran as a “severely”[sic] Conservative Republican. That is the lev­el of luna­cy which is now the clown-show called the Republican Party, which I pre­fer to call the Confederate party.


Ted Cruz:

What rea­son­able Republican? They got rid of Dick Lugar in Indiana, Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania, oth­er ide­o­log­i­cal zealots were pushed into races they had no chance of win­ning , this cost them dear­ly in Delaware, North Dakota and Montana. So they allowed Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, two Tea-Party Senators to walk them into this tun­nel about de-fund­ing Obama care. The tun­nel did not have an open­ing. Cruz in his sig­na­ture self-aggran­diz­ing zealotry, did not both­er to ensure there was a way out, he sim­ply marched them in like the pied piper of Hamelin. This sto­ry is often ref­er­enced in con­nec­tion with charis­mat­ic lead­er­ship, i.e. to com­pare some­one to the Pied Piper is to indi­cate that they lead unwit­ting fol­low­ers to their doom.

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Now caught in a Tunnel from which they can­not return, Confederate/​Republicans have closed the Government, demand­ing that Obama come to the table, so they can debate de-fund­ing his health care law, or delay it for a year until they win the Senate so they can repeal it. Basically a no win embar­rass­ment for Obama. He blinked before, why would they not get their way this time? Obama always gives them what they want! Thus far Obama has stood firm, they did not see this com­ing, he always caves, they have no plan B. The con­ver­sa­tion has now being shift­ed to talks about bud­get deficits and just sit­ting down to have a dis­cus­sion about hav­ing a dis­cus­sion.. The shame­less neo­phyte Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz locked the Government down, then have the nerve to tell mil­i­tary Veterans the President did it. This guy is a shame­less dem­a­gogue . At issue how­ev­er is what Confederate/​Republicans think about the aver­age American, they believe they are too stu­pid to under­stand the issues. This guy has shades of Joe McCarthy, this coun­try would be wise to pay spe­cial atten­tion to him, he can cause a lot of harm before he is through, just like McCarthy did.


  1. Interesting per­spec­tive Mike . Although con­spir­a­to­r­i­al in tone , I tru­ly believe for most part in the posi­tion you have tak­en . For the purist cap­i­tal­ist , its in their best inter­est not for any social pro­grams being pro­mot­ed by Obama, includ­ing Obama care not to suc­ceed ‚which might ben­e­fit the less for­tu­nate among the cit­i­zen­ry of the US . Its unfor­tu­nate that these movers and shak­ers of the indus­tries of the US which shapes its eco­nom­ic land­scape , are not look­ing at the big­ger pic­ture here, and that is, an healthy cit­i­zen­ry can be of immense impor­tance to a coun­tries devel­op­ment . If we are guid­ed by your obser­va­tion it would seem that this is of no impor­tance to them , its rather the colour of a man skin and main­tain­ing the class sta­tus quo . Perhaps this is where your per­spec­tive finds rel­e­vance . Keep writ­ing Mike .

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