Like The Last, This Year Will End With No Change … Unless

Imagine being rav­en­ous­ly hun­gry yet you are close to an Ocean filled with fish but you have noth­ing with which to catch the fish. No net, no hook, no device or mate­r­i­al one could use to cre­ate a snare.
Chances are you could die from hunger right there, or you can flail away if you are able to swim and hope to catch some­thing to sat­is­fy the hunger.
Until of course the hunger pangs begin to gnaw at your gut again.

How about being thirsty at an Oasis and you have to cross the desert, you can drink all you want from the brook but you have no con­tain­er to car­ry any of the life­giv­ing liq­uid with you?
Oh, by the way, you can’t tar­ry too long by the brook because there are some thirsty trav­el­ers who will be com­ing soon to refresh them­selves and they are car­ni­vores.
Difficult deci­sions and near impos­si­ble task if you have noth­ing with which to car­ry the water right?

Now that I have got­ten your atten­tion, I would like you to think about those two metaphors as it relates to the scourge of vio­lent crimes in our coun­try.
The moral of my con­tention is that if you do not have the tools it is almost dif­fi­cult to com­plete a task, no mat­ter how sim­ple or urgent the need.
The aver­age law-abid­ing Jamaican liv­ing in the Zones Of Special Operations and sub­ject­ed to the lim­it­ed State of Emergency would like to see those ini­tia­tives con­tin­ue.
Of course, those zones of oper­a­tions, or (ZOSO’s), as they are affec­tion­ate­ly known, (we Jamaicans are enam­ored with acronyms) requires plen­ty of human resources and mon­ey.
ZOSO’s and the State of Emergency are a great strain on the offi­cers who make them pos­si­ble. A fact which eludes both the plan­ners and the res­i­dents who are right­ly clam­or­ing for some respite from the dai­ly bloodletting.

Now as you all know there is one lit­tle prob­lem with ZOSO’s and the Limited State of Emergency declared in spe­cif­ic areas.
They can­not go on for­ev­er because they strain con­sti­tu­tion­al lim­its in some cas­es and exhaust finan­cial and human resources in oth­ers.
Additionally, when those mea­sures are insti­tut­ed in spe­cif­ic areas the pro­duc­ers of vio­lence sim­ply move to oth­er areas and we end up inex­orably look­ing like we are in a whack-a-mole sit­u­a­tion which does no good.
Since pulling up ZOSO’s and get­ting approval for insti­tut­ing a State of Emergency takes time, and since there are peo­ple in posi­tions of pow­er who val­ue the let­ter of the archa­ic con­sti­tu­tion over the lives of our cit­i­zens, it is clear that we have to find oth­er ways to deal with this cri­sis of vio­lent crimes.

There is no sil­ver bul­let with which to elim­i­nate vio­lent crimes from our midst. Dealing effec­tive­ly with crime will have to be approached method­i­cal­ly and strate­gi­cal­ly.
There is no sce­nario in which plac­ing huge amounts of secu­ri­ty per­son­nel in spe­cif­ic loca­tions will effec­tive­ly reduce crime for the long term, even if we could afford it.
Which brings us to some actu­al solu­tions which the gov­ern­ing par­ty is too timid to effec­tu­ate and the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion is too com­plic­it in its asso­ci­a­tions with crim­i­nals and their lob­bies to sup­port.
This is not to say that the gov­ern­ing par­ty does not have mem­bers who are knee deep in crim­i­nal com­plic­i­ty and col­lu­sion as well.

Since it is clear that the solu­tion to this prob­lem is not adding more police,(even though more police offi­cers does not hurt), and since it is clear that plac­ing huge amounts of resources in one area results in a con­fla­gra­tion of vio­lent crimes in anothe, it may be time for us to look at the issue in a holis­tic way.

Reading through this site will pro­vide plen­ty of solu­tions for address­ing our coun­try’s crime dilem­ma.
The prob­lem is that one par­ty is too scared to use them and the oth­er is too com­plic­it to sup­port real and mean­ing­ful crime reduc­tion ini­tia­tives.

The Jamaican peo­ple are cry­ing out for lead­er­ship, that much we know. It is not as if Jamaicans can­not abide by rules or laws when those rules and or laws are fol­lowed up with strong con­se­quences for break­ing them.
The hun­dreds of thou­sands, (mil­lions per­haps) of Jamaicans liv­ing in the dias­po­ra fol­low rules. When they decide to not, they pay the price.
Jamaicans at home do the things they do because they are allowed to do them.

Steve McGregor

Steve McGregor an Assistant Commissioner of police spoke to a group at a Stonebrook Vista return­ing res­i­dents’ meet­ing in Falmouth, Trelawny, last Sunday.
McGregor not­ed: “We have to dri­ve some fear into these young­sters, who are respon­si­ble for 95 per­cent of the mur­ders. This is so because, at this time, we have the worst set of par­ents ever in Jamaica.”
Older par­ents were less edu­cat­ed, but they paid atten­tion to young­sters of the day. Older peo­ple have to become involved to keep the young­sters on the right track.”

That fear of which he speaks must be fear of the con­se­quences of break­ing the laws.
The leg­is­la­tion the law­mak­ers pro­pose focus­es on the pro­tec­tion of crim­i­nals rather than focus­ing on the pain of their vic­tims.
Legislations are held up to get the input of the very peo­ple the laws would bring to heel.
This is the dystopi­an hell in which law-abid­ing peo­ple find them­selves.
The rights of killers trumps their basic right to life and the abil­i­ty to live their lives in peace.

Both polit­i­cal par­ties have been will­ing and con­tin­u­al enablers of this trag­ic posi­tion in which the coun­try finds itself.
Every day the cri­sis deep­ens because both polit­i­cal par­ties are behold­en to over­ly influ­en­tial lob­bies which are ham­per­ing effec­tive polic­ing of the nation.
No coun­try in west­ern Europe or North America let alone in oth­er regions of the world allow rights lob­by to dic­tate to them how they secure their pop­u­la­tions.
Jamaica is the only coun­try I know of which fash­ions its laws in accor­dance with the wish­es of those who advo­cate for crim­i­nals instead of with the inter­est of the inno­cent law abid­ing pop­u­la­tion front and cen­ter.
Those who break the laws know they have the law abid­ing peo­ple by the balls and over a bar­rel.
Their polit­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tives are either crim­i­nals them­selves or are behold­en to the crim­i­nal lob­by.
Either way, the peo­ple are .….….I won’t say it.