Light Sentences In Case Of Paulwell’s Child And Her Mother Should Shame Paulwell Into Action, But.…

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My friend was livid yes­ter­day about the sen­tences hand­ed down in the tri­al of dou­ble mur­der­er Richard Brown, who con­fessed to the killing of Phillip Paulwell’s 10-month-old child and her moth­er, Toshyna Patterson. My friend does not feel that the sen­tence fits the crime; I concur.
The depraved beast had the gall to pen a let­ter to the court claim­ing he was sor­ry for the heinous act he was a part of com­mit­ting with the sole intent of exploit­ing the well-known irra­tional lenien­cy with which the courts mete out sentences.
It worked!!!
Thirty (30) years is absolute­ly not any­one’s idea of a deci­sive sen­tence for a man who, with depraved indif­fer­ence, mur­dered a young moth­er and her 10-month-old infant child.
If you thought the thir­ty-year sen­tence was a slap in the face of our coun­try and the griev­ing fam­i­ly, Richard Brown was addi­tion­al­ly sen­tenced to one year and ten (10) months impris­on­ment at hard labor for the kid­nap­ping of the moth­er and baby.
On the kid­nap­ping alone, he should have been giv­en a life sen­tence, not to men­tion the dou­ble murder.

The sor­did tale of the mur­der of the young 27-year-old moth­er and her infant child has been all over the media like a soap opera. It involved an American National who hap­pened to be a mem­ber of that coun­try’s armed ser­vices, a pow­er­ful Jamaican politi­cian, jeal­ousy, hatred, and young men and women eas­i­ly lured into crime by the specter of easy money.
And so Toshyna Patterson and her infant child became the vic­tims of jeal­ousy and depraved minds who are quite will­ing to ‘kill and col­lect, drink and forget.”
For almost two decades, this writer has writ­ten hun­dreds of arti­cles speak­ing to the lack of real sen­tenc­ing in Jamaica, a phe­nom­e­non that has helped expo­nen­tial­ly to embold­en the nation’s heart­less killers.
Additionally, the fact that US Navy Culinary Specialist Seaman Leoda Bradshaw, who also has an eight-year-old daugh­ter with Paulwell and has been charged in the mat­ter, thought she would get away with con­tract­ing mur­der for hire and sim­ply walk away speaks to how they view Jamaica’s jus­tice system…
But who can blame them for think­ing the Police are dumb or that the judges are in love with mur­der­ers? Brown’s accom­plice, Roshane Miller, was sen­tenced to sev­en-and-a-half years in prison for two counts of acces­so­ry before the fact of mur­der for his role in the crimes. Additionally, he was sen­tenced to two years and ten months impris­on­ment at hard labor for con­spir­a­cy to kid­nap and one year and 10 months at hard labor for mis­prison of a felony. The sen­tences are to run con­cur­rent­ly.

This is jus­tice Jamaican style, and please don’t get me start­ed on the high-priced lawyers that these mon­sters are able to hire when they are caught. Jamaica sim­ply can­not con­tin­ue this way, but this is a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty for the PNP’s Phillip Paulwell to cham­pi­on leg­is­la­tion in the House to add teeth to crimes exact­ly like these. Paulwell, tongue in cheek, issued a state­ment about being sad at the events. We don’t need Paulwell and the PNP to be sad; we need them to help with leg­is­la­tion with teeth. Stop sup­port­ing crim­i­nals by block­ing tough leg­is­la­tion that would send strong mes­sages that we will no longer tol­er­ate these acts of criminality.
Talk is cheap; this is the oppor­tu­ni­ty for Pualwell to step up or shut up; talk is cheap.
We need manda­to­ry min­i­mum sen­tences of life with­out parole for crimes of depraved indif­fer­ence like this one. We do not need judges hand­ing down sen­tences of 712 years for con­spir­a­cy to mur­der, which in actu­al­i­ty is mur­der. We do not need judges hand­ing down sen­tences of two years and ten months impris­on­ment at hard labor for con­spir­a­cy to kid­nap and one year and ten months at hard labor for mis­prison of a felony.
This is a damn disgrace.….





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.