Let’s Sweep The Dead Bodies Under The Rug:Bartlett

No one wants to wake up and see a front-page sto­ry in our news­pa­pers stat­ing, ‘Jamaica bleeds’,” Bartlett told del­e­gates attend­ing the 56th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston two days ago.

Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett

If this state­ment was­n’t so seri­ous­ly unhelp­ful and dan­ger­ous I would bust out laughing .….

Look I have always liked Ed Bartlett. As a Jamaican Politician Ed Bartlett is prob­a­bly one of the nicer per­sons you will find of any of the creeps who tra­verse Gordon House.
I have met and inter­act­ed with Minister Bartlett twice in his capac­i­ty as mem­ber of par­lia­ment of the Nannyville-Back-Bush area of St, Andrew and they were rather pos­i­tive encounters.
On that basis I will try to be char­i­ta­ble to min­is­ter Bartlett , even as I dis­agree with his approach.


♦ Minister Bartlett in his under­stand­able con­cern for the sec­tor over which he has port­fo­lio has unwit­ting­ly sug­gest­ed that dol­lars are more impor­tant than people.
Now lets be real here, there are many peo­ple in this present day Jamaica who aren’t worth fight­ing for , despite that how­ev­er we have to work toward build­ing a bet­ter Jamaica regard­less of those deplorables.

Said Bartlett : While acknowl­edg­ing the role of the media in a free democ­ra­cy, graph­ic details of crime in Jamaica can destroy all the gains that have been made in the tourism sec­tor in recent years.”

In oth­er words lets pre­tend that this isn’t hap­pen­ing. We will just sim­ply sweep the garbage under the rug and pre­tend the house is clean, no one will, know.
Laughable, crime is a metas­ta­siz­ing phe­nom­e­non which feeds on acqui­es­cence and fear.
Those two defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics have been part of Jamaica’s atti­tude toward crime for decades.
The year­ly esca­la­tion in the num­ber of homi­cides is tes­ta­ment to the fact that-that pol­i­cy does not fix the prob­lem it enables it.

♦ In a Democracy you don’t get to sup­press news you don’t like .
Instead of lob­by­ing stake­hold­ers with­ing the tourism sec­tor to pony up mon­ey to help train, equip, and pay the police Minister Bartlett wants what lit­tle effec­tive­ness the Media has left to be fur­ther dimin­ished through censorship .
This is what makes Ed Bartlett’s state­ment so significant.

Bruce Golding

The Minister must know that nei­ther he nor the admin­is­tra­tion of which he is a part have a right to demand where and how the media operates.
On the oth­er hand Minister Bartlett is woe­ful­ly behind the times if he believes that the news out of Jamaica is com­ing large­ly from the few lit­tle news papers there .
Clearly the min­is­ter does not under­stand the pow­er of Blogs and social media plat­forms in shap­ing and dis­sem­i­nat­ing the news and infor­ma­tion in real time organically.

As exas­per­at­ing as the issue of crime and ter­ror­ism is to the del­i­cate tourism indus­try, the answer is cer­tain­ly not to try to sup­press the news but to brain­storm with a view toward resolv­ing this exis­ten­tial issue.
For decades suc­ces­sive gov­ern­ments of both polit­i­cal par­ties have sup­port­ed crim­i­nal con­duct at the expense of the rule of law and law enforcement.
The present Prime Minister, as did the pre­vi­ous labor par­ty Prime Minister Bruce Golding, clear­ly mis­un­der­stood that sup­port­ing those who are opposed to the police would lead to calami­tous con­se­quences for the Island.

As I have said con­sis­tent­ly I do not talk about the People’s National Party when­ev­er the issue of crime and ter­ror is being debated.That par­ty has done immea­sur­able harm to our coun­try which should dis­qual­i­fy that par­ty from rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al pol­i­tics in my opinion.
The labor par­ty should know better.….

Andrew Holness

With the ter­ri­fy­ing mur­der sta­tis­tics and the turn­ing of pop­u­lar opin­ion on INDECOM Andrew Holness is singing a dif­fer­ent tune, and has recent­ly called for a revis­ing of the INDECOM Act.
This writer has writ­ten dozens if not hun­dreds of arti­cles in this medi­um as well as in oth­er medi­ums in which I have laid out that the JCF must have over­sight but INDECOM is not that oversight.

INDECOM from the out­set through it’s com­mis­sion­er Terrence Williams and Assistant Commissioner Hamish Campbell, set a con­fronta­tion­al anti-police agenda.
That agen­da was evi­denced through INDECOM’S prin­ci­pals shar­ing plat­forms with anti police agi­ta­tors and lob­by­ists like JFJ, the IACHR, FAST to name a few.
Contrary to it’s man­date to re-active­ly inves­ti­gate alle­ga­tions of abuse by the Military,Police and Correction’s Departments, as well as cas­es in which these enti­ties use force as part of their dai­ly rou­tine , INDECOM’s prin­ci­pals turned the agency into a an anti-police , anti-mil­i­tary lobby.

On that basis alone ‚not only should Williams,Campbell and oth­ers from INDECOM who attend­ed the con­fer­ences with those anti-police lob­by groups be fired at the time , the Act should have been revis­it­ed at that time.
The Police and Military protest­ed at the time, yet Bruce Golding and his admin­is­tra­tion refused to cor­rect this egre­gious trav­es­ty result­ing in a mass exo­dus of good cops who saw the writ­ing on the wall.
The Government had estab­lished an agency to col­lab­o­rate with forces against them .

Others took up the offer of ear­ly retire­ment , leav­ing behind a cadre of police impos­tors many of whom were only there for the lit­tle pay-check giv­en the Island’s dis­mal job pro­duc­ing record.
Degrees yes, moti­vat­ed to go out and fight crime , No!
Scenes of crime inves­ti­ga­tions which begin with full pro­to­cols of the process are only a cha­rade which hard­ly result in mur­der­ers being brought to justice .

There is hard­ly any detec­tive work being done out­side the cha­rade of the crime scene tapes and the guys in the long coats.…
Sure we need the gath­er­ing of the sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence but noth­ing replaces the need for good old fash­ioned police work through intel­li­gence gathering.
Police work in Jamaica has being reduced to peo­ple with a few years ser­vice smart­ly dressed in the uni­form of senior­i­ty , sit­ting behind desks mak­ing inane statements.
But whats the use of remov­ing the killers from the streets if the ide­o­log­i­cal­ly lib­er­al judges out of the Norman Manley Law just turns them loose?

There is a nev­er end­ing parade of opin­ions and work­ing papers on how to deal effec­tive­ly with crime in our country.
The vast major­i­ty of what I have seen and read seem to be about the writ­ers sense of them­selves rather than a com­pre­hen­sive assess­ment of what exist and a rad­i­cal approach on how to fix it.

Let me be clear, in order to build a sky-scraper with shiny glass win­dows and cool air-con­di­tioned offices ‚the work of cre­at­ing a design must be done.
Then comes the hard work of dig­ging deep into the earth to estab­lish a foun­da­tion and in many cas­es sev­er­al floors below ground.
After the exca­va­tion is done then comes the hard work of lay­ing con­crete and steel , inch by inch .It is hard dirty work ‚but work which must be done if ever the work­men want to have that tow­er deliv­ered to the owners.

So too is the issue of tak­ing back our streets from the mur­der­ers and gang­sters who con­trol them, hard dirty work .
Not every­one want to face those real­i­ties. It is nec­es­sary work which must be done. This requires police offi­cers , not academics.
Hands must get dirty . hun­dreds of the young men walk­ing around Jamaica rub­bing shoul­ders with law abid­ing Jamaicans have the blood of sev­er­al peo­ple on their hands.
We must nev­er sur­ren­der to the idea that the sheer vol­ume of mur­ders is too great to bring the killers to justice,or bring jus­tice to them , their choice.

There is no arriv­ing at a pros­per­ous and pleas­ant Jamaica using pleas­antries and platitudes.
The hon­est fact is that the dirty work of dri­ving fear into crim­i­nals and putting mur­der­ers in jail and keep­ing them there, must begin if this issue is ever to be addressed successfully.

We can have truth and rec­on­cil­i­a­tion after we have con­trol , not before.
I am not dis­suad­ed by those who crit­i­cize my argu­ments they are exact­ly the argu­ments I expect­ed to hear from mur­der­ers and sup­port­ers of murderers.
We are nev­er ever going to deal effec­tive­ly with crime and ter­ror by sweep­ing mur­der sta­tis­tics under the carpet.