It nev­er ceas­es to amaze me, the brazen dis­dain mem­bers of the peo­ple’s nation­al par­ty and their sleep­er affil­i­ates have for the intel­li­gence of the Jamaican peo­ple. The peo­ple’s nation­al par­ty here­to referred to as the PNP are mas­ters at strate­giz­ing and as a con­se­quence win­ning elec­tions. Their only prob­lem is that they are ter­ri­ble at gov­ern­ing. Their ground game is immac­u­late, leav­ing the Jamaica Labour Party JLP bewil­dered in the dust. Based on their orga­ni­za­tion­al skills the PNP have made the argu­ment that Jamaica is PNP coun­try, with some mer­it. They have plant­ed sleep­ers at every lev­el of nation­al life. Mark you there is noth­ing wrong with peo­ple hav­ing their polit­i­cal views. we all do, the prob­lem with these sleep­ers is that they pre­tend they are inde­pen­dent apo­lit­i­cal mem­bers of soci­ety with no axe to grind. Untill of course they are exposed grind­ing their PNP axes.

Garnet Roper Omar Davis

As a boy I grew up lis­ten­ing to Ronald Thwaites pon­tif­i­cate, prog­nos­ti­cate, and pro­mul­gate on the air­ways. Always try­ing to appear neu­tral, I always told friends Thwaites was a plant. No need to speak any fur­ther on Thwaites. Omar Davis spewed finan­cial gib­ber­ish on radio dai­ly as well, he pre­tend­ed he was a finan­cial guru who was from the intel­li­gentsia. We all know that Omar Davis was a polit­i­cal plant which had dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for Jamaica.

Recently G2K the youth arm of the labour par­ty came out after com­plaints by oth­ers in civ­il soci­ety on the issue and spoke stri­dent­ly about the mass of peo­ple who were actu­al plants of the PNP who open­ly opined and pre­sent­ed them­selves as neuter­al mem­bers of the media and oth­er areas of soci­ety only to be revealed as plants of the PNP after the elec­tions. Most if not all of them are now hold­ers of lucra­tive pub­lic sec­tor jobs.

One such plant is Yvonne Mccalla Sobers This lady who looks like any­one’s sweet grand­moth­er, has argued vehe­ment­ly for jus­tice, most­ly against the police , and with lim­it­ed or/​fabricated evi­dence, while at the same time she presents her­self as a friend of the police. By the way Yvonne MCCalla Sobers was just appoint­ed to head the board of E‑learning Jamaica com­pa­ny lim­it­ed. ” Wow”. Garnet Roper President of the Jamaica the­o­log­i­cal sem­i­nary now on a gov­ern­ment board, appoint­ed by the PNP. The peri­od lead­ing up to the last nation­al elec­tions was prob­a­bly the most reveal­ing though, all the rodents start­ed crawl­ing out of the wood-work . Many have since been reward­ed with plum Government jobs,or appoint­ed to boards and giv­en oth­er lucra­tive assign­ments. This gov­ern­ment and it’s oper­a­tives are despi­ca­ble, and down­right shame­less. They are once again uti­liz­ing the pub­lic sec­tor purse as its pri­vate pig­gy-bank to reward loy­al foot sol­diers for putting in the work.

MCCalla Sobers attacked the police in the PNP’s mouth­piece, the Jamaica Daily Gleaner today, in an Article titled “Extrajudicial killings show no com­mit­ment to peace. Read more here”(jamaica​glean​er​.com)

I love Yvonne MCCalla sobers and as such I want­ed to give her Article respect. I want­ed to make sure I under­stood what she intend­ed to con­vey, so I read it twice, and unfor­tu­nate­ly the sec­ond read­ing left me just as baffled:

Quote: If the soci­ety wants peace and pros­per­i­ty, we need to ‘wheel and come again’. The secu­ri­ty tar­get would be win­ning pub­lic con­fi­dence rather than using brute force to cre­ate sit­u­a­tions where com­mu­ni­ties trust crim­i­nals more than police. The pub­lic might then be will­ing to part­ner with the police in solv­ing crime, so the police could rely more on brain than baton or bullet.

Ha ha ha, what utter non­sense, Jamaicans had that.

As a boy grow­ing up in the 70’s in NE. Saint Catherine our police did not car­ry guns, cops patrolled and every­one was on their best behav­ior. Truth mat­ters Yvonne, I refuse to allow you or any­one else to use revi­sion­ist his­to­ry to paint our police offi­cers. Many of Jamaica’s police offi­cers have giv­en detrac­tors more than enough to talk about. But I will keep your feet to the fire of truth in the inter­est of verac­i­ty, and his­tor­i­cal perspective.

The Jamaican peo­ple had offi­cers who some even argued were too nice, what did our peo­ple do? They made it an art, a part of the cul­ture to fight and assault offi­cers. To this day this cul­ture of assault­ing offi­cers is great con­ver­sa­tion piece with­in some quar­ters. Many Jamaicans delight in telling tales of unarmed police offi­cers beat­en by local (bad­men) sim­ply for doing their jobs. They nev­er tire of relat­ing those tales to the delight of their cap­tive audi­ences. Many police offi­cers were mur­dered , many crim­i­nals were shut­tled out of Jamaica through Cuba to Canada after killing police offi­cers, some have returned to Jamaica and to date are still immune from fac­ing charges for killing cops. Many cops who passed through the for­mer Beat-and-foot patrol at the bot­tom of West Street in Kingston will attest to the fact that when young cops come out of the Academy fresh and ide­al­is­tic they are not tough. They are not mean peo­ple who are com­mit­ting alleged acts of extra-judi­cial killings. They are your neigh­bours, your sons and daugh­ters, sis­ters and broth­ers, cousins, aunts and uncles and your friends, and yes they are your class mates too.

It is the vile dis­re­spect­ful igno­rance of peo­ple who refuse to con­form to the rule of law which trans­forms them into what many of you think are killing machines. The truth is our coun­try is an incred­i­bly vio­lent place where the kind of polic­ing you advo­cate is impossible.

Winning pub­lic con­fi­dence, are you nuts ? 85 % of the Jamaican peo­ple are deemed to be cor­rupt, who are you fool­ing. How could any­one with a mod­icum of under­stand­ing argue that police offi­cers would try to make peace with crim­i­nals. The police do not have a man­date to make peace, they have a man­date to enforce the laws. No coun­try may make peace with crim­i­nals for the sake of peace. That is called appease­ment, after doing that, no gov­ern­ment. No police depart­ment may do what you pro­pose and claim legitimacy!!!!.

Those who give up their rights in pur­suit of peace and secu­ri­ty end up with nei­ther. No peo­ple should be lulled into believ­ing that mak­ing peace, call­ing off the police will grant them last­ing peace or secu­ri­ty. Where has it ever worked, did it work in Tivoli Gardens, did it work in any gar­ri­son in our coun­try? The answer is no !! Despite the many view-points local­ly or abroad, one strat­e­gy works in Jamaica. People can­not be asked to obey laws, they must be made to obey laws.

We tried it your way.


  1. Have you ever con­sid­ered writ­ing an e‑book or guest author­ing on other
    blogs? I have a blog based on the same sub­jects you dis­cuss and would love to
    have you share some stories/​information. I know my audi­ence would
    appre­ci­ate your work. If you are even remote­ly inter­est­ed, feel free to shoot me an e mail.

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