Let’s Not Forget !!!

There is a lot which needs exam­in­ing, as a result of the George Zimmerman acquit­tal. Zimmerman was a 28 years old at the time of the shoot­ing. Trayvon Martin was 17 years old. Zimmerman had a gun. Trayvon Martin was unarmed. Zimmerman saw Travyon Martin as a sus­pect. He called the police, fol­lowed him in his truck as he talked to police. Trayvon was on the phone with his friend Rachael Jeantel, she was the last per­son Trayvon Martin spoke to before George Zimmerman put a bul­let dead cen­ter into his heart. Trayvon told his friend Rachael Jeantel that a creepy crack­er was fol­low­ing him.

images (19)She advised him to run, he obvi­ous­ly took her advise, a deci­sion which may have cost him his life. Zimmerman exit­ed his truck, the police dis­patch­er heard sounds which indi­cat­ed that Zimmerman was chas­ing after the teen, she asked Zimmerman whether he was fol­low­ing Trayvon? Zimmerman answered in the affir­ma­tive. The dis­patch­er told him ‘we don’t need you to do that” Zimmerman said “ok”, yet he did anyway.

I believe Zimmerman exit­ed the truck he was dri­ving and chased Trayvon Martin. Trayvon was scared, he told Rachael Jaentel he was scared of the creepy crack­er fol­low­ing him. She advised him to run, he ran out of fear of his life. Zimmerman, embold­ened by Florida’s stand your ground laws. His posi­tion as watch cap­tain with­in that com­mu­ni­ty, his desire to make sure that the per­ceived crim­i­nal does not get away. Remember his com­ments heard on the tape “these ass-holes always get away”.

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Zimmerman was going to make sure that this one did­n’t get away, he exit­ed his truck , chased 17-year-old Trayvon Martin down ‚Trayvon Martin was a lanky 5 feet 11 inch kid , he must have been faster than Zimmerman , but he did­n’t know the hous­ing devel­op­ment the way Zimmerman did. I believe he chased the young man down cor­nered him, I believe there was a fight, I believe Trayvon screamed for help, Zimmerman shot him point blank range and the scream­ing stopped.

I fun­da­men­tal­ly believe Zimmerman’s super­fi­cial wounds were staged to cov­er up his crime. I believe he had help cov­er­ing up the crime from peo­ple in posi­tions of pow­er because of his father’s con­nec­tions. I believe the inves­ti­ga­tion was mis­han­dled from the start, they had no idea the case would gar­ner such nation­al attention.

Hearing Juror B‑37 account of how she per­ceived the case was a chill­ing reminder to me , just how deep racism runs in America. The vic­tim Trayvon Martin did not get any ben­e­fit of the doubt. It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble that any­one of sound mind could empathize with a grown man who ignored the com­mands of author­i­ties chased down an unarmed kid and shot him in the heart.

The kid was doing noth­ing wrong.

Many peo­ple con­tin­ue to ped­dle the crap that women are incred­i­ble nur­tur­ers ‚who are far more emphat­ic than men. My friend told me today , “maybe she is emphat­ic if it’s her kid”.

Maybe my friend, just maybe !!!

One thought on “Let’s Not Forget !!!

  1. From the infor­ma­tion pre­sent­ed in court, the best way for any intel­li­gent, fair, just or unbi­ased per­son to judge this case was the instruc­tions that the 911 dis­patch­er had giv­en to “George Zimmerman.” The shoot­ing was planned, pre­med­i­tate, and well-orches­trat­ed by “George Zimmerman” and oth­ers in author­i­ty. The case was “botched” from the onset, because he was anoth­er Blackman up to no good as usu­al! The stereo­type in this coun­try regard­ing to black men are crim­i­nal is being fun­nel­ing and not help­ing the Blackman’s cause by some of our own black peo­ple. As a Blackman, I am more afraid of the black and Hispanic men “rob­bing and killing” me than any oth­er race. Reasons are that some of them are inher­ent­ly vio­lent, lazy and don’t want to work, for var­i­ous rea­sons. I avoid dri­ving through black com­mu­ni­ties, because I don’t want any stray bul­let to hit me or my fam­i­ly. Their mind­set is messed up and because of that the hatred towards us, not jus­ti­fi­able though but is a con­tribut­ing fac­tor to our com­mu­ni­ty. George Zimmerman was not on tri­al it was “Trayvon Martin” and the “black com­mu­ni­ty.” The sys­tem is “insti­tu­tion­al­ly” stacked against the black man in every way! Damn if do, damn if you don’t! The injuries that “George” had are not sup­port­ed by his claim in any way pos­si­ble. If his head was being hit on the con­crete slab, the “bump” on his head back, would be a wide and open wound, bleed­ing pro­fuse­ly and would need stitch­es. The main detec­tive who tes­ti­fied for the pros­e­cu­tion should be fired forth­with! The main pros­e­cu­tor “Corey Anderson” should have been the main pros­e­cu­tor in the case, she choos­es not to pros­e­cute the case in court. The pros­e­cu­tor allows “George Zimmerman” the­o­ry (fan­ta­sy) to dis­play through­out the entire tri­al, thus give him as many cov­er­age he need­ed not to tes­ti­fy. The case was a big fail­ure from day one in every way! With this inci­dent, the only thing I would sug­gest to fathers (par­ents) with young son(s) ; teach them how to con­duct them­selves in pub­lic, teach them to use firearms respon­si­ble, as soon as they of the age and are able to get a con­ceal per­mit, get one to pro­tect them from the next “George Zimmerman.” With that said, this is prepar­ing them from being the next victim.

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