1454678_10200939988521602_1751407521_n “There is gonna be, I sup­pose, a grey area in some instances that a per­son is act­ing pure­ly as a civil­ian who hap­pens to be a mem­ber of the force or is act­ing as a mem­ber of the force who is not on duty. I don’t think we could eas­i­ly attempt to address that through a def­i­n­i­tion,” Golding said. Said Bunting, “We may need to leave it to the dis­cre­tion of INDECOM. If it is clear that a man is on vaca­tion and gets into a fight with some­body else…I would not expect that INDECOM would get into that sit­u­a­tion but if the man is not ros­tered for work and while on the streets sees a sus­pi­cious act and then inter­venes and may have to use his ser­vice pis­tol in that case he is clear­ly act­ing as a constable”.“Yes, I would be hap­py to leave it to INDECOM’s dis­cre­tion. We have agreed on that,” Golding replied.http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/INDECOM-to-also-investigate-incidents-involving-off-duty-police_15917346 Mark-Golding (1) Mark Golding and Peter Bunting Of course those are not my words! Those are the words of these two Jack-ass­es, no dis­re­spect to Jack-ass. Jamaica is over-run with crime, one of the ways police have been able to appre­hend crim­i­nals is by being incon­spic­u­ous. Not nec­es­sar­i­ly under cov­er , just not in that bright red and black mon­key-suit they are forced to wear. Many offi­cers have nabbed crim­i­nals trav­el­ling in bus­es or just being in the right place at the right time. Numerous amounts of guns have been removed from the streets. Just last week the Jamaica Observer high­light­ed one such instance where an offi­cer dis­armed a man tot­ing a gun at a wake in St. Thomas http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​A​l​e​r​t​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​m​a​n​-​d​i​s​a​r​m​s​-​g​u​n​m​a​n​-​w​i​t​h​-​b​a​r​e​-​h​a​nds. Every sin­gle law enforce­ment offi­cer who ever served in the JCF have a sto­ry to tell of actions they took while off duty. So lets see what is at issue here. Before we do that how­ev­er lets estab­lish what the Jamaica Constabulary Force Act says as it relates to cops being off duty. A con­sta­ble is nev­er off duty. In fact the Act is clear, if a crime is com­mit­ted in the pres­ence of a cop whether on or off duty and he/​she does not act he or she will be dis­ci­plined. Now INDECOM wants the INDECOM Act clar­i­fied, so they may go after cops who act in good faith while sup­pos­ed­ly off duty. If you take into account the fact that under PJ Patterson not a sin­gle Detective was trained for 10 years and jux­ta­pose that with the crime rate in Jamaica present day, it is clear that this Government of Portia Simpson Miller and her acolytes have deter­mined they want to com­plete­ly erad­i­cate law enforce­ment in Jamaica. The hairy-faced pri­mate Mark Golding, who occu­pies the Justice Ministry, is a known Anti ‑Police antag­o­nist, but Peter Bunting must know bet­ter. download (9)  Terrence Williams (indecom)commissioner. It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble that two men who are sup­posed to act with wis­dom could say what they are on record say­ing.»> Instead of hash­ing out the minu­tia of the law ‚with an under­stand­ing of the risks offi­cers face , the lev­els of brav­ery which goes into the actions offi­cer take, they chose to sim­ply leave the grey area up to the whims and wish­es of Terrence Williams. Where is the Police Federation on this ? Where is the Gazetted Rank ? Are they going to sit idly by as total lap-dogs while the men and women under their com­mand take the risks and gets sent to prison for act­ing in good faith?

Raymond Wilson
Raymond Wilson

It was just last year that Jamaica’s inept National Security Minister said quote :” That Agency has too much pow­er”. Bunting was relat­ing to the broad pow­ers giv­en the neo­phyte Agency (INDECOM) and it’s Napoleonic Commissioner Terrence Williams. Days lat­er Bunting walked back his com­ments and signed onto every­thing (INDECOM) want­ed. I asked then, who was behind the cam­paign to destroy the police force ? I asked why was Bunting forced to toe the line and by whom? Why is Bunting now walk­ing hand in hand with Mark Golding the anti ‑police Justice Minister in this cor­rupt Simpson Miller Administration? The Jamaican peo­ple know that Bunting is out of his league as a min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty. Yet I do not believe Bunting is seen as cor­rupt. On that basis we have to ask Minister Bunting to look at his role in this fias­co, this dis­man­tling of our coun­try can­not go unpun­ished. This lat­est action by the gov­ern­ment through its agents, sends a clear unequiv­o­cal mes­sage to crim­i­nals, cops will not come after you, if they do, we have peo­ple in place to make sure they go to prison. Surely there is an agen­da by the PNP to turn Jamaica into a one par­ty social­ist state. In fact they have opined that jamaica a pnp coun­try for years. Latest reports indi­cate they have brought recruit­ing into the schools. Democratic social­ism was sound­ly reject­ed as a prac­ti­cal pol­i­cy direc­tion for Jamaica in 1980. That did not change the ambi­tions of the Governing PNP they are using back-door means to turn Jamaica into a one par­ty state.They hope to do so while main­tain­ing appear­ances of a demo­c­ra­t­ic coun­try. Jamaicans need to open their eyes to the goings-on . 1)Calls for a rein­tro­duc­tion of Home ‑Guards.Under Michael Manley home guards were trained and put in place, the police force forced to den­i­grate into inef­fec­tive­ness. 2) Jamaica’s present cozy rela­tion­ship with Cuba. Under Manley Jamaican men were sent to Cuba to train. These une­d­u­cat­ed Jamaicans were trained as killers called (brigidis­tas)on their return to Jamaica they mor­phed into a ter­ror­ist group which changed the way Jamaicans looked at crime on the Island. 3) The build­ing of zones of polit­i­cal exclusion(garrisons) . This is the per­fect way to steal elec­tions. The PNP has used tax­pay­ers funds to build homes to house PNP vot­ers at the expense of the mid­dle-class. Jamaica’s mid­dle-class is now only 18% of the coun­try, with 78% clas­si­fied as poor . The Prime Minister’s and her par­ty the (PNP) records 105% of the votes in her con­stituen­cy out of a max­i­mum 100%[sic]. 4)The return to wide-spread un-checked crim­i­nal­i­ty and the demo­niz­ing of the secu­ri­ty forces, eeri­ly rem­i­nis­cent of the Manley years. The return of (JEEP) as a pork-bar­rel tax-pay­ers fund­ed give away to par­ty hacks, it’s the sec­ond com­ing of crash program,https://mikebeckles.com/mywpblog/?p=1860. What made the peo­ple think that the poli­cies of the 70’s which dec­i­mat­ed the coun­try , set­ting it back decades, would be bet­ter this time around? Manley and his acolytes did the very same thing this dunce is accused of doing, dec­i­mate the police, allow crime to rise, give peo­ple carte-blanche to do what they want. That strat­e­gy has wide appeal to Jamaicans who are large­ly an ungovern­able peo­ple. Even after Manley’s destruc­tive attempt at social engi­neer­ing the sta­bi­liz­ing hand of Edward Seaga ensured the Jamaican dol­lar was just 4 Jamaican dol­lars to 1 American dol­lars by the time he left office. Today the Jamaican dol­lar trades upward of J$107 to US$1. Where there is no vision the peo­ple perish.


  1. My broth­er the major­i­ty of Jamaicans want to per­ish. All most want is to eat a food at the expense of those who works. so their polit­i­cal par­ty will ensure that they eat a food and the police should not inter­vene in a man eat­ing a food regard­less if he broke the law to eat it. This par­ty got land­slide vic­to­ry after mess­ing up for 18 years. police is nev­er off duty, ask the last Sergeant from St. Thomas who was sta­tioned in Lionel Town. He was on his way home just com­plet­ed a tour of duty and could not get a dri­ve home so he decid­ed to sleep in the bar­rack. a call came in where it need­ed action and he pro­tect­ing his insur­ance pol­i­cy decid­ed it was the cor­po­ral who was on duty should go, he was charged and dis­missed from the force for fail­ing to answer the call along with the cor­po­ral and the Judges remarks is that a cop is nev­er off duty. Police men and women need to allow the coun­try to go in the direc­tion the gov­ern­ment wants while try­ing to pro­tect their lives and that of their fam­i­ly. Do not be eager to go after gun­men or oth­er crim­i­nals cause Terrence will get you. Avoid argu­ing with oth­ers in your com­mu­ni­ty and stay well inside when you are not at work. Don’t blame it on the politi­cians they say blame it on the teach­ers. What a country

    • Barrinton we have long known that a police offi­cer is nev­er off duty !! You know I wrote awhile that police should stand down. Do not engage, do not engage, let the coun­try get a feel of what life can be like with­out law enforce­ment they will real­ize soon enough.

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