Lets Fix Crime In Jamaica

Carl Williams
Carl Williams

Murder in Jamaica is a way of life. Over the last sev­er­al years Jamaica aver­ages approx­i­mate­ly 2.5 homi­cides per day.

With a pop­u­la­tion of 2.7 Million the chances of get­ting killed at any giv­en time is a real cause of dread for the aver­age Jamaican. The like­ly-hood of get­ting killed increas­es dra­mat­i­cal­ly if you are a return­ing res­i­dent, or if some­one gets the idea that you have a few dol­lars in your pockets.

Contract Killings are not inves­ti­gat­ed prop­er­ly, even on the rare occa­sion a Principal trig­ger-man is held account­able. This leaves the brains behind the scenes to go ahead and kill with­out consequence.

It is now time to enhance the process by allow­ing deals with low-lev­el crim­i­nals if they coöper­ate with Investigators and Prosecutors.

Merely rob­bing a vic­tim is not enough, in many cas­es peo­ple are killed even when they com­ply with demands to hand over their prop­er­ty. Killing vic­tims is the norm mere­ly par for the course, or just for the hell of it.

A new Police Commissioner was recent­ly appoint­ed in the per­son of Carl Williams a PhD. We salute Williams and wish him the best even as we are mind­ful that mere­ly putting Willimas a superbly edu­cat­ed indi­vid­ual in charge will do very lit­tle to Curb crime.

It is great to see a PhD head­ing the JCF,not because I believe it makes much dif­fer­ence in the effec­tive­ness of the Department. But that it silences the Island Nation’s Bourgeoisie. At least Williams will be heard , Jamaicans are heav­i­ly invest­ed in Titles.

Chief of Department NYPD Phillip Banks
Chief of Department NYPD Phillip Banks

William Bratton who heads the NYPD the World’s largest Police Department of 46,000 Officers does not have a PhD .

In fact, nei­ther is Chief of Department Phillip Banks, though he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Lincoln University, and is a 2001 grad­u­ate of the Police Management Institute at Columbia University, and also attend­ed Harvard University.

My point is, it hard­ly is how well edu­cat­ed the Top tier of a Police Department is. It nev­er was. It is about a few oth­er things.

(1 A decid­ed mind­set that Crime will not be tol­er­at­ed, nur­tured, or supported.

(2 Passing laws which puts crim­i­nals in Prison and keep them there.

(3 Supporting Law Enforcement Officers in the Lawful Execution of their duties. While mak­ing it clear that abuse of Power and crim­i­nal con­duct will not be tolerated.

(4 Ensuring that Politics has no part in Law Enforcement.

(5 Improving the Criminal Justice System.
(6 Eliminating bases of sup­port for crim­i­nal con­duct by attach­ing seri­ous penal­ties for those who aid and abet crim­i­nals. No dis­tinc­tion should be made between those who are Principals and those who aid and abet.

(7 Train, equip, and pay Officers,while hold­ing them accountable.

Jamaican streets con­tin­ue to run red with the blood of the inno­cent. The killings con­tin­ue because crim­i­nals know they will get away with it when they kill. Even when they are known fear pre­vents any­one from com­ing for­ward. This brings up anoth­er require­ment. Police can no longer depend on eye­wit­ness­es to solve crime. Eyewitness accounts , once thought to be infal­li­ble is now proven to be fal­li­ble. We must improve our Scientific approach to Crime Fighting.

The Government is com­plic­it, at least by default, when it does not do enough to bring cal­lous mur­der­ers and Rapists to Justice. For over four decades this men­tal­i­ty has been the norm. Zones of Political Exclusions were cre­at­ed with a view to keep­ing one Party or the oth­er in Power. Those Zones of Political Exclusions are also Zones of Refuge for known Criminals.

Until this prac­tice is stopped and Law Enforcement has a free hand to do it’s job, Jamaica will remain in the top five most like­ly place to get your­self killed.