Lets Bring A Different Approach To Policing In Jamaica’s Urban Ghettos,.

 Norman Grindley Police use yellow tape to block off a section of North Street and Bond Street in west Kingston after two persons were shot by gunmen yesterday. Gleaner photo
Police use yel­low tape to block off a sec­tion of North Street and Bond Street in west Kingston after two per­sons were shot by gun­men yes­ter­day.
Gleaner pho­to

I’m not sure what type of method­ol­o­gy the Jamaica Constabulary Force is using in it’s attempt to con­tain and sup­press crime in Jamaica’s inner cities.
What I do know is that they aren’t working.
I under­stand the chal­lenges fac­ing the police and they are many and var­ied chief among which are.
♦ The pre­ten­tious nature of Jamaican up-town tap­pa­naris[sic] to inject them­selves into every­thing the police does , sole­ly to find fault. We Jamaicans know how to do every­one’s job but our own.
♦ Lack of resources and sup­port from the Government to effec­tive­ly get the job done.
♦ The propen­si­ty of inner city dwellers to push back against law enforce­ment even though they derive the most ben­e­fit from prop­er law enforcement.
♦A judi­cial sys­tem hos­tile to law enforce­ment, prob­a­bly found nowhere else in the world.
♦ A per­va­sive cul­ture of anti-law enforcement.
♦ Lack of ongo­ing train­ing and logis­ti­cal support.
♦ Low and inad­e­quate wages and remu­ner­a­tion for the extra work and the haz­ard offi­cers face.
♦ Dealing with an over­sight Agency which places itself in the posi­tion of Savior but brings pre­cious lit­tle if any­thing to the table.

Yes it is dif­fi­cult being a police offi­cer in Jamaica, I know for a fact many offi­cers would be out if the oppor­tu­ni­ty pre­sent­ed itself.
Officers are large­ly in it now for the lit­tle stipend they receive 12 times a year.
Morale is at all time lows.
Esprit de corps is non-exis­tent, a thing of the past.
They risk their lives for a cor­rupt , Administration which refus­es to rec­og­nize their sacrifice.
They risk their lives for a peo­ple total­ly unde­serv­ing of the sac­ri­fice they make.

- Commissioner of Police, Dr Carl Williams, is this ... The reason for having a PhD is problem solving . Lets begin to solve some problems Commissioner.
- Commissioner of Police, Dr Carl Williams, is this …
The rea­son for hav­ing a PhD is prob­lem solv­ing .
Lets begin to solve some prob­lems Commissioner.

I am not anti-police, I have been in the trench­es , I have fought along­side many still serv­ing includ­ing SSP Cornwall (big­ga) Ford , a man who was senior to me and whom I still have the utmost respect for as a seri­ous crime fight­er to this day.
Senior Superintendent Ford is now the Commanding Officer in charge of Western Kingston. This Command means Ford has come full cir­cle as a young man who hails from right there in Hannah Town.
Ford is a son of the soil, he knows the com­mu­ni­ty inside out , not just as a police offi­cer but as a kid who tra­versed the lanes and alley-ways as all lit­tle boys do.
Understanding the psy­chol­o­gy of the com­mu­ni­ty is not a prob­lem then for Ford.

As vio­lence con­tin­ue to plague com­mu­ni­ties in west Kingston, Schools are forced to keep chil­dren inside out of fear for their lives. Educators lament chil­dren are trau­ma­tized at the con­stant sound of gun­shots. As a result they are forced to hun­ker down as if in a war zone.
How can Jamaica expect to suc­ceed as a Nation if it’s chil­dren are trau­ma­tized. Kids go to School not know­ing when a stray bul­let with their name on it will hit?
These are the con­di­tions we read about and con­demn in Gaza and the West Bank. We can­not allow this bunker real­i­ty to con­tin­ue to be par for the course any longer.

I am left won­der­ing whether the cur­rent sys­tem the police is employ­ing of putting out fires may not be con­tribut­ing to the problem?
Criminals are oppor­tunis­tic Vultures. They will push the enve­lope of oppor­tunism to the extent they are con­vinced they will pre­vail with­out con­se­quence. In many instances the strat­e­gy of the Police has been and still remain high­ly predictable.
It may be time for the Police to adopt a grid approach to con­tain­ing crime.
Outside in , rather than inside out.

This means using every sin­gle iota of resource avail­able to posi­tion cops strate­gi­cal­ly around trou­ble spots.
This means very few offi­cers at police stations.
This means bring­ing the assets of the Defense Force into the mix. We won’t be fight­ing Cuba any­time soon we don’t need troops and vehi­cles lay­ing around idle.
This means cut­ting off poten­tial escape routes includ­ing gul­lies and drains.
As soon as some­one fires a gun the out­er cir­cle clos­es until the offender/​s are iso­lat­ed , cut off, arrest­ed or tak­en out.
When you negate the chances of escape you change behaviors.
It’s time to stop dash­ing to scenes of crime after the fact. Criminals under­stand that is what Police do, they have no fear they know the areas , they know the topography.
Lets bring a dif­fer­ent approach to polic­ing in Jamaica’s urban ghettos,.

2 thoughts on “Lets Bring A Different Approach To Policing In Jamaica’s Urban Ghettos,.

  1. Mr Beckles well said…i am n ardent read­er of ur blogs..But in real­i­ty what more can the Cops do.…They could aquire the best of weapon,get the best Tactial Training and have the best Community Saftey Officers things will not change untill the mind set of our fel­low broth­ers and sis­ters are changed…In the Society that i live in to be poor is a crime,and there is no bal­ance of Justice…For eg.…for the same crime com­mit­ted to poor gets beat­en down while the rich get a pat on the shoulders…We as a peo­ple here in Jamaica are still under­go­ing the ploy that brought us to slavery.…Divide and con­quer r Divide and rule with the gov­ern­ment being our slave master…Untill cor­rup­tion is sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce at the helm the we will all con­tin­ue to cry…A tail can­not wag the Dog it is the Dog that wags its tail.…

    • I con­cur total­ly and as a fol­low­er of these blogs you know that I speak out almost dai­ly about Governmental cor­rup­tion , from with­ing the halls of Gordon House to the cor­ri­dors of our Courts to the board Rooms of cor­po­rate Jamaica.
      Thanks for read­ing and com­ment­ing sir.
      Please con­tin­ue to read and let us hear from you as you have done today.
      A sin­gle can­dle pierces the dark­ness and can be seen for miles around.
      Never feel that we can­not make a difference.
      Rosa Parks trig­gered a move­ment sim­ply by sit­ting down.
      Peace until I hear from you again Sir.

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