Why Are Les Green’s Claims More Resonant Than That Of Other Jamaican Cops.…


Former Minister of National Security Peter Bunting told the Jamaica Gleaner ‚that upon tak­ing office in 2012 he tried to revive the probe of a Senior Government offi­cial by the police.
Bunting was speak­ing about the alleged mur­der for hire inves­ti­ga­tions which was being spear-head­ed by Former Scotland Yard Detective, and a then ACP in the JCF Les Green.
The sub­ject of the probe was the JLP ‘s St Thomas MP James Robertson.

Said Bunting…

National security minister Peter Bunting
Former National secu­ri­ty min­is­ter
Peter Bunting

I indi­cat­ed to Mr Green that I would sup­port the renew­al of his con­tract and that we would be able to offer pro­tec­tion to the wit­ness­es,” . “In essence, revers­ing the deci­sion the min­istry had tak­en … . But by that time, the wit­ness­es were already spooked,” . “I lat­er wrote to the Police Service Commission express­ing sup­port for the renew­al of Green’s con­tract”. I thought that Mr Green was mak­ing an impor­tant contribution,however, six months into the new con­tract, a frus­trat­ed mis­ter Green decid­ed he could no longer con­tin­ue, bunting told the Gleaner.

In the mean­time the present min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty Robert Mantague has sug­gest­ed he will now ask that the mat­ter be reopened.

This case, loaded with pol­i­tics, and ref­er­ence to crim­i­nal col­lu­sion though stark, is just one case. It is one of many with­in a sys­tem of cor­rup­tion which has per­me­at­ed the Jamaican cul­ture since the Nation start­ed run­ning it’s own affairs.

Les GreenEveryone knows that the well con­nect­ed in Jamaica are above the laws.
Les Green, set aside his accent, skin col­or and coun­try of ori­gin, was a cop no more no less.
He left over frus­tra­tion with the com­plic­it, cor­rupt sys­tem and every­one is talk­ing about his depar­ture and comments.
Yet every year hun­dreds of police offi­cers born in Jamaica, chat Jumekan , and wear dark skin leave with vol­umes of sto­ry to tell .
What’s the dif­fer­ence with Green speak­ing out? As against our own offi­cers say­ing the very same things for years?
The col­or of his skin!!!!
They were hired to do a job we were quite capa­ble of doing but our Jamaican police offi­cers received no sup­port. The
lead­er­ship was pret­ty hap­py to run to England for help , I’m
Les Green for­mer Acp, JCF .…..

still wait­ing to see the ben­e­fits from those contracts.

The Tivoli Gardens inquiry which the People’s National Party com­mis­sioned to embar­rass it’s adver­sary the JLP, wast­ed hun­dreds of mil­lions of dollars.
The witch-hunt which sought to do more that what was an open and shut case of annex­ing a way­ward com­mu­ni­ty to the rest of the Island was doomed to reveal noth­ing we did not know.
In the same way the lin­ger­ing residue of colo­nial­ist brain­wash­ing influ­enced the hir­ing of Mark Shields, Les Green and Hamish Campbell over the empow­er­ment of our own officers,having David Simmons of Barbados sit in judge­ment in our coun­try reveals the deep root­ed sense of inse­cu­ri­ty and self doubt which still exist in Jamaica despite the out­ward bravado.


Ultimately the Tivoli inquiry start­ed out as this writer said it would be. A drawn-out bull­shit p[aarde of much heat and lit­tle light.
Garnet Roper a Minister of Religion summed up the Commission’s work this way.

We have spent some $300 mil­lion on a com­mis­sion of enquiry that went out of its way to exon­er­ate mem­bers of the polit­i­cal class for their role in those mat­ters. In fact, the only peo­ple that the Tivoli com­mis­sion­ers were pre­pared to blame for the entire episode were the secu­ri­ty forces. The com­mis­sion­ers were par­tic­u­lar­ly sav­age in their find­ings on the mem­bers of the JCF. In fact, there is one par­tic­u­lar offi­cer who, if the com­mis­sion­ers had their way, would have his career end­ed and play no fur­ther role in polic­ing. Their beef with that offi­cer is that he failed to proof­read the state­ment he gave to the com­mis­sion before sign­ing it. The com­mis­sion­ers attrib­uted no per­son­al cul­pa­bil­i­ty to any­one but the police — even though the mem­bers of the JCF entered the zone of con­flict only after a sub­stan­tial num­ber of per­sons who were killed were already dead (read the post-mortem reports). They did not blame the JDF for fail­ing to tell the com­mis­sion where Dudus had been stay­ing before the Reverend Miller went and fetched him.

Robert-Montague-16x20-Official-480x600It’s time that this Island of 2.8 mil­lion rec­og­nize that irre­spec­tive of the qual­i­ty of the Les Green led investigation,the evi­dence or lack there­of to pros­e­cute the sub­ject of said inves­ti­ga­tion, the aver­age per­son on the streets ignore the laws because they fun­da­men­tal­ly believe the laws do not apply to the polit­i­cal class.
This inci­dent is not an out­lier, it is the norm.
There is noth­ing out­side the bounds of what the polit­i­cal class will not do to avoid get­ting arrest­ed and pros­e­cut­ed for their crimes.