Legally Justified Killing Perhaps, But Morally Unnecessary & Unjust.…

NYPD Cops made light work of this elder­ly man who seemed ine­bri­at­ed and appeared to have had a weapon. The offi­cers had cov­er behind their cars, had enough time to try and engage the gen­tle­man in a con­ver­sa­tion, and could poten­tial­ly have tak­en the time to fig­ure out what was real­ly going on with him.
Regardless of the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing what was up with the now-deceased gen­tle­man, we have to ask our­selves if we want a soci­ety in which the goal of the police is to exter­mi­nate cit­i­zens who may be expe­ri­enc­ing men­tal anguish or trauma?
Ask your­selves this; what would these police offi­cers have done if they were not allowed to car­ry firearms?
Would they not have tak­en cov­er and tried talk­ing to the elder­ly man? I think so.

Let us be clear about this; there will be no charges against these two cops. Even if the man had only a knife, the sys­tem would jus­ti­fy his killing by state agents.
If he, in fact, had a gun, then this shoot­ing is back-slap­ping good for them.
but, every offi­cer of the law is equipped with a con­science, he/​she must ask him/​herself this ques­tion after all of the back­slap­ping and the con­grat­u­la­tions are over; “Was I moral­ly jus­ti­fied in tak­ing the life of this once liv­ing breath­ing human being?
Legally jus­ti­fied but moral­ly bankrupt.
