Latinos Vastly Improved Impression Of Congress Premature:

Latino immigrants march for rights and recognition.

The 2012 Presidential Elections was a serious reality check for conscientious Republicans.…isn’t that an Oxymoron? Ok all kidding aside, they got beat in every category except white male.

African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, Women, Lesbians and Gays, Unionized work­ers, .….….…intel­li­gent peo­ple, ok I did say all jokes aside, but some­times I have to won­der if there are any sane peo­ple in the Republican Party?

I am stunned that a Party could con­scious­ly place itself on the wrong side his­to­ry ‚on issue after issue, after issue.

I am some­times tempt­ed to go on and on about Republicans, but why both­er? There are far more impor­tant things hap­pen­ing on our plan­et which war­rants our atten­tion than a par­ty still stuck in the age of Dinosaurs.

Last General Elections President Obama snagged 71% of the Latino vote com­pared to Mitt Romney’s 27%. In the pre­ced­ing 4 years since Obama has been President, he had hired Latinos to Cabinet posi­tions, signed an Executive Order giv­ing dreamers(mostly Latinos) a breather from depor­ta­tion, and prob­a­bly most impor­tant­ly he appoint­ed the very first Latino to the United Sates Supreme Court, Sonya Sotomeyer.


Former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis:Ass. Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomeyer:

I’m not about to cri­tique any­one on the basis of race, but I do won­der at the recent polling num­bers which saw Latinos giv­ing Congress a huge thumbs up. The con­gres­sion­al approval rat­ing stands at an impres­sive 56 per­cent among Hispanics, how­ev­er, up by 21 per­cent since November 2011, when just 35 per­cent gave a thumbs-up to Congress.

I have one sim­ple com­ment to make to my Hispanic friends. You do real­ize that there are Republicans in the Congress right? Even as the con­gress look at Immigration reform, Republicans are dug in on what they call Amnesty. They are opposed to any path­way to cit­i­zen­ship for the mil­lions of peo­ple here liv­ing in the shad­ows, Never mind that this would be a finan­cial plus for the econ­o­my. Whatever Republicans do on the issue of immi­gra­tion must be viewed as self serv­ing, as they are mas­ters and con­trollers of their own demise if they fail to get on board.

Even as the fate of the Republican Party is inex­tri­ca­bly linked to them gain­ing trac­tion with Latinos, the fastest grow­ing minor­i­ty group in the coun­try, they con­tin­ue to hold fast to their mantra of law and order. Everyone agrees this is a coun­try of laws, and as such those who vio­lat­ed the coun­try’s laws should be held account­able. but we must nev­er lose sight of the fact that we are all cit­i­zens of this world, we all came here at one time or anoth­er, and if we did­n’t , our four-par­ents did.

Arizona Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpio:

Republicans have one pol­i­cy, it is the pol­i­cy they have for every­thing, and every­one, except rich white males. “Punitive “, on every issue they adopt a puni­tive approach, an approach designed to pun­ish and exact revenge.

It is against that back­ground that I won­der if Latinos have con­sid­ered that the very peo­ple who want them impris­oned or kicked out of the coun­try are still in the con­gress as they give the con­gress this exu­ber­ant approval rating.

My Latino friends may want to wait just a lit­tle while longer before they bring out the mari­achi bands, There is still no Immigration Bill signed by the President, and the same Racist old Republican White men are still in con­trol of the House of Representatives.

The mem­o­ry and lan­guage of peo­ple like Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpio of Maricopa County should be a stark reminder to Latinos that the bat­tle is far from over. So I sug­gest they hold off on the thumbs up to congress.