LAPD Response To Reported Suicidal Man Ends With Officer Being Shot By ‘Friendly Fire’

By Monique Judge

If you are strug­gling to under­stand why peo­ple are call­ing for police depart­ments to be defund­ed and have those funds real­lo­cat­ed to human ser­vices such as men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als, then please allow an inci­dent that occurred with the Los Angeles Police Department on Wednesday to serve as one glar­ing example. 

The Los Angeles Times reports that offi­cers with the LAPD respond­ed to a call of a sui­ci­dal man in Hollywood on Wednesday after­noon, and when they arrived on the scene, they encoun­tered the man — who was hold­ing a pair of scis­sors — as well as a Rottweiler. 

Josh Rubenstein, a police spokesman, told the Times that what hap­pened next is unclear, but some­how at the end of every­thing, both the dog as well as an offi­cer had been shot by so-called “friend­ly fire” from anoth­er officer. 

We have questions:

We have questions:

  1. How many offi­cers responded?
  2. Who was the tar­get of the gunfire?
  3. Are scis­sors con­sid­ered a dead­ly weapon when matched against police offi­cers with guns?
  4. Is pulling out a gun stan­dard pro­to­col when a per­son is hold­ing scis­sors and threat­en­ing to harm themselves?
  5. Do y’all get it yet, or nah?

Rubenstein said that the inci­dent is still under inves­ti­ga­tion, and con­firmed that, while both an offi­cer and the dog had been shot, the dog was tak­en to a veterinarian’s office for treatment. 

Meanwhile, the report­ed sui­ci­dal man was tak­en into police cus­tody for…??? We don’t even know yet actu­al­ly, but we are con­fi­dent that the LAPD will come up with some kind of trumped-up charge as a way to place the blame for them shoot­ing them­selves while on a dis­tress call. 

Defund the police. Defund them now.