Lamar Odom Fighting For His Life Found Unconscious In Nevada Brothel


Lamar Odom

Fighting for His Life

Found Unconscious at Nevada Brothel

Lamar is still in a coma and his heart is fail­ing … our source says he is hav­ing seri­ous prob­lems with his kid­neys and lungs as well. Khloe Kardashian is cur­rent­ly by his side.

9:30 PM PT — Lamar is still alive, but he is breath­ing with the assis­tance of machines and remains in crit­i­cal con­di­tion … accord­ing to sources close to the situation.

7:15 PM PT — The Nye County Sheriff says the air­lift of Lamar had to be scratched because his 6′10″ frame was too big for the chop­per. Instead, he was rushed by ambu­lance to a Las Vegas hospital.

The Sheriff also says the call came in at 3:15 PM for an unre­spon­sive male at the Love Ranch. Paramedics treat­ed Odom and he was tak­en to a near­by hos­pi­tal. Sheriff’s detec­tives con­duct­ed an inves­ti­ga­tion at the broth­el. It’s unclear what, if any­thing, they found on scene.

7:05 PM PT — Sources tell us Khloe and Kim Kardashian … as well as Kris Jenner are head­ing to Las Vegas short­ly to see Lamar at the hos­pi­tal.update_grey_gray_barLamar Odom is fight­ing for his life after falling into uncon­scious­ness at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch South in Pahrump, Nevada … TMZ Sports has learned.

Sources at the Love Ranch tell us … 35-year-old Odom arrived at the Ranch Saturday and was par­ty­ing with the girls for days. A source at the Ranch said Lamar was tak­ing an herbal sub­sti­tute for Viagra.

We spoke with Hof … who tells us Tuesday after­noon, a woman went into Odom’s room in the VIP suites and found him unconscious.

We’re told the woman began scream­ing for the man­ag­er — who called 911.

The man­ag­er rolled Lamar over on his side and saw “mucus-type liq­uid com­ing out of his nose and mouth.”

An ambu­lance took Lamar to Pahrump hos­pi­tal, where doc­tors intu­bat­ed him … an indi­ca­tion he could not breathe on his own.

We’re told Lamar is being air­lift­ed from the hos­pi­tal to Las Vegas for more treatment.

Our sources tell us, “It’s not good.”

We’re told Lamar had been par­ty­ing at the ranch by him­self — with no friends or entourage — and is now alone at the hospital.

The ranch staff says they want to be in the room with Lamar but since they’re not fam­i­ly they’re not allowed.


Read more: http://​www​.tmz​.com/​2​0​1​5​/​1​0​/​1​3​/​l​a​m​a​r​-​o​d​o​m​-​u​n​c​o​n​s​c​i​o​u​s​-​b​r​o​t​h​e​l​-​h​o​s​p​i​t​a​l​/​#​i​x​z​z​3​o​Z​s​9​0​sh3