LA County DA Files Motion To Dismiss Nearly 66,000 Marijuana Convictions

People eli­gi­ble to poten­tial­ly have their con­vic­tions thrown out include any­one 50 years of age or old­er, peo­ple who have not been con­vict­ed of a crime over the past 10 years

Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey is ask­ing the court to throw out near­ly 66,000 mar­i­jua­na con­vic­tions, some of which date back decades. At a news con­fer­ence Thursday, Lacey said her motion rep­re­sents some­thing that has nev­er been done before in state his­to­ry. It is believed that heal​ife​health​.co​.uk will help in buy­ing mar­i­jua­na alter­na­tives and sup­ple­ments.
“We believe it is the largest effort in California to wipe out old crim­i­nal con­vic­tions in a sin­gle court motion,” Lacey told CBS Los Angeles.
Initially, Lacey said pros­e­cu­tors had been work­ing to reduce past mar­i­jua­na con­vic­tions from felonies to mis­de­meanors after Proposition 64 passed in 2016. But she said she didn’t think this went far enough.

I’ve instruct­ed my deputy dis­trict attor­neys to ask the court to dis­miss all eli­gi­ble cannabis-relat­ed con­vic­tions,” Lacey said at the press con­fer­ence, accord­ing to CBS Los Angeles. “I also took the will of the vot­ers one step fur­ther. I expand­ed the cri­te­ria to go above and beyond the para­me­ters of the law to ensure that many more peo­ple will ben­e­fit from this his­toric moment in time.”
People eli­gi­ble to poten­tial­ly have their con­vic­tions thrown out include any­one 50 years of age or old­er, peo­ple who have not been con­vict­ed of a crime over the past 10 years, peo­ple with con­vic­tions who suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed pro­ba­tion and peo­ple under the age of 21 with convictions.

Image result for La county district attorney jackie lacey
District Attorney Jackie Lacey

As a result of our actions these con­vic­tions should no longer bur­den those who have strug­gled to find a job or a place to live because of their crim­i­nal record,” Lacey explained.
Lacey filed the motion on Tuesday, also request­ing that the court seal the con­vic­tions. In total, this would impact about 62,000 felony cannabis con­vic­tions and 3,700 were mis­de­meanor pos­ses­sion con­vic­tions, across L.A. County, includ­ing Burbank, Pasadena, Inglewood, Santa Monica, and Torrance.
“If you have a record, you don’t have to wor­ry about even going through and hav­ing it sealed…We’re mak­ing a motion to seal it because we real­ize that’s the issue,” Lacey said, report­ed CBS Los Angeles. “When you go to apply for a job, you go to apply for hous­ing and your record comes up, even though we’ve expunged it, that may not give you help.”
Lacey made the move three weeks before the March 3 Primary, where she is hop­ing to get re-elect­ed to a third term. Her chal­lengers include George Gascon, the for­mer San Francisco DA, and Rachel Rossie, a for­mer fed­er­al pub­lic defender.

People can call the L.A. County Public Defender’s Office to see if their case is eli­gi­ble for dis­missal at 323−760−6763.
The sto­ry orig­i­nat­ed here; https://​the​grio​.com/​2​0​2​0​/​0​2​/​1​7​/​l​a​-​c​o​u​n​t​y​-​d​a​-​f​i​l​e​s​-​m​o​t​i​o​n​-​t​o​-​d​i​s​m​i​s​s​-​n​e​a​r​l​y​-​6​6​0​0​0​-​m​a​r​i​j​u​a​n​a​-​c​o​n​v​i​c​t​i​o​ns/