Kyle Rittenhouse Seen At Bar Flashing White Power Sign

Have you ever won­dered what hap­pens when mur­der­ers are grant­ed bail?
Wonder no more, in this medi­um, we have stri­dent­ly been opposed to courts allow­ing accused mur­der­ers back onto the streets after they are arrest­ed and charged.
Instead of bail, I have advo­cat­ed for a speedy tri­al, so that mur­der accused can have their day in court.
In the United States, when a black offend­er is accused of mur­der, he does not expect that he will be grant­ed bail before trial.
Even if he is ulti­mate­ly exon­er­at­ed, he would have already served a lengthy jail time for com­mit­ting no crime.
You may argue that I am con­tra­dict­ing myself. Actually, no. If a defen­dant is giv­en a speedy tri­al, the prob­lem would be reme­di­at­ed, to the great­est extent that it can be.
Poor whites, too, are gen­er­al­ly kept locked up after being accused of mur­der; in actu­al­i­ty, the aver­age per­son, regard­less of col­or, can expect to spend what­ev­er time the sys­tem deems nec­es­sary locked in jail to await tri­al in cas­es far less seri­ous than homicide.
Of course, if you are a wealthy white or a sym­bol of white suprema­cy, you can expect to be grant­ed bail as Kenosha Wisconsin Kyle Rittenhouse was after killing two peo­ple and injur­ing anoth­er after cross­ing state lines with a weapon.
A judge set bail, and white suprema­cists ponied up the mon­ey to spring him from jail.

Kenosha shoot­ing sus­pect Kyle Rittenhouse is seen in Pudgy’s Pub in Mount Pleasant on Jan. 5 pos­ing for a pho­to while flash­ing a white pow­er sign.

(Yahoo News report­ed, Prosecutors in Wisconsin have asked a judge to order Kyle Rittenhouse to stay out of bars, and away from vio­lent white pow­er groups like the Proud Boys.
The request comes a week after Rittenhouse was seen drink­ing at a tav­ern out­side of Kenosha after plead­ing not guilty — via Zoom from his lawyer’s office in Racine — at his arraign­ment Jan. 5 on homi­cide and oth­er charges relat­ed to the Aug. 25 vio­lence in Kenosha.
Rittenhouse, who is free on $2 mil­lion bails, had just turned 18 two days ear­li­er. After the hear­ing, he, his moth­er, and sev­er­al oth­er adults went to Pudgy’s Pub in Mount Pleasant. He was seen drink­ing beer while wear­ing a t‑shirt read­ing Free as Fuck).


Black mur­der defen­dants can­not get bail; in many cas­es„ black defen­dants who are accused of far less­er crimes are [not] grant­ed bail. Just imag­ine a black mur­der accused, much less one as high pro­file as Kyle Rittenhouse, being allowed back onto the streets and was caught in a bar flash­ing black pow­er signs.
Do you think that pros­e­cu­tors would be ask­ing the judge to order the defen­dant to stay away from bars? Or do you believe they would be ask­ing to yank his bail?
These are the two Americas we talk about, when we talk about the so-called Justice sys­tem. We saw how some police offi­cers helped the nean­derthal white insur­rec­tion­ists to breach the Capitol, where blood was shed in the halls of Congress.

Rittenhouse’s attor­ney respond­ed that his client does­n’t belong to or asso­ciate — even online — with such groups and called the state’s motion “a not-so-thin­ly veiled attempt to inter­ject the issue of race into a case that is about a person’s right to self-defense.”