Jamaicans were officially told that one of the more effective arm within the police department was effectively disbanded.

Kingfish was launched in 2004 under the for­mer Government of the People’s National Party, after tremen­dous demands from a crime inun­dat­ed pub­lic. At it’s launch Kingfish was her­ald­ed as a unit that would go after orga­nized crime play­ers. I argued after it’s launch that Kingfish would die the same death as oth­er units which were suc­cess­ful in con­tain­ing crime. Many who dis­cuss crime and secu­ri­ty in Jamaica, whether they live on the Island or not , do so from their own per­cep­tions about the rule of law.The ques­tion of suc­cess as it relates to spe­cial­ized units and their impact on crime will always be subjective.

I speak from the dual van­tage point of an ordi­nary cit­i­zen but also from a posi­tion of hav­ing once being a part of one of those spe­cial­ized units. That perch gives one a bet­ter idea of the com­pre­hen­sive work that have been put in by these units and the suc­cess­es reaped as a result of this work. As I have writ­ten in a soon to be pub­lished book, I am con­vinced that the val­ues many of us hold dear, peace and tran­quil­i­ty in our com­mu­ni­ties, infra­struc­ture which will enable the intre­pune­r­i­al spir­it of our peo­ple to soar, and leg­is­la­tion which would make each and every cit­i­zen feel he/​she has a stake in our coun­try, are not the val­ues the coun­try’s polit­i­cal lead­ers espouse.

So like the Operations Squad (Eradication) based at the old pass­port office on Spanish Town Road, The Ranger squad out of the Mobile Reserves,the Crime man­age­ment Unit head­ed by Renato Adams, The Ocid squad and oth­ers we are now told that Operation Kingfish is gone. This has con­firmed what I stat­ed above, our lead­ers do not want to end crime they want the sta­tus quo.

The Jamaica Gleaner saw it this way.



The crux of the mat­ter as it relates to Kingfish is that it worked in secur­ing inves­tiga­tive integri­ty and pro­fes­sion­al­ism in its pur­suit of high-pro­file criminals.

High pro­file crim­i­nals such as Donald (Zekes) Phipps, local Matthews Lane punk and Joel Andem of the Gideon war­riors gang are doing time as a result of the work Kingfish did, accord­ing to the report.

The Country’s nation­al secu­ri­ty min­is­ter Peter Bunting seem hap­py to say “I did­n’t do it, it was some­one else”. Bunting was so intent on putting dis­tance between him­self and the dis­band­ing of Kingfish, he went on sug­gest that the unit may have been dis­man­tled before his pre­de­ces­sor Dwight Nelson’s time as secu­ri­ty min­is­ter. Well there you have it! If it works or was start­ed by the oth­er par­ty they do not want it, as such it leads cyn­ics like myself to argue and con­clude that the rea­son it was dis­band­ed was that the coun­try’s polit­i­cal lead­ers want to retain the sta­tus quo. According to the report,Les Green, Assistant com­mis­sion­er of police, and a British Transplant, is at a loss as to the rea­sons for the dis­band­ment of the unit. Here’s what Green had to say:

I don’t know why it got dis­band­ed, but it has been qui­et­ly dis­band­ed and no longer exists … . It was nev­er announced or for­mu­lat­ed as a closure.” 

He argued that pol­i­tics and jeal­ousy played a part in the demise of Operation Kingfish, which was an intel­li­gence-dri­ven ini­tia­tive, involv­ing hand-picked mem­bers of the local police force work­ing close­ly with their coun­ter­parts in the United Kingdom and the United States. Juxtaposing that with the stark real­i­ties of what’s hap­pen­ing this week, over 10 peo­ple were slaugh­tered over this week-end with 4 killed in August Town Saint Andrew alone. http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​B​l​o​o​d​-​r​u​n​s​-​i​n​-​A​u​g​u​s​t​-​T​own — 4‑year-old-boy-grazed-by-fly­ing-bul­let­s_11790969

Police in the com­mu­ni­ty of August Town

The blood-let­ting is con­tin­u­ing, the police are no clos­er to end­ing gang vio­lence and the wan­ton slaugh­ter of the nation’s 2.7 mil­lion peo­ple than when the com­mis­sion­er charged his divi­sion­al com­man­ders to end them. The Government for its part have no clue and seem to be say­ing Kingfish was on its way out before it came on the scene. There is only one prob­lem with the posi­tion tak­en by the Government, they are in gov­ern­ment. Even if Kingfish was being phased out, as a pol­i­cy of the pre­vi­ous government,the oppo­si­tion would have known this if they under­stood the dan­gers of crime. They sure­ly could have devised a crime pol­i­cy which includ­ed the ener­giz­ing or resus­ci­ta­tion of oper­a­tion Kingfish. Inner city com­mu­ni­ties like August Town where these killings are hap­pen­ing would have been cleared of the very urban ter­ror­ists that the People’s National Party,gave breath­ing room to, when they did not vote to extend the lim­it­ed state of pub­lic emergency.

The chick­ens have sim­ply come home to roost, and both sides of the polit­i­cal divide have dirty hands. It’s inter­est­ing to hear the min­is­ter now offer­ing plat­i­tudes to the fam­i­lies of the deceased. Will assur­ances from Bunting and Ellington bring back their loved ones? The answer is no, and as the com­mu­ni­ty grieve it must come to the real­iza­tion that the silence they engage in when crimes are being com­mit­ted against their neigh­bors is the silence that is killing them. The Police in Jamaica are large­ly capa­ble of arrest­ing only for offences com­mit­ted with­in their view,they are hor­ri­ble at inves­ti­gat­ing, intel­li­gence gath­er­ing and case prepa­ra­tion, so for all intents and pur­pos­es the mur­der­ers who killed those peo­ple in August Town over the week-end and the oth­er 6 in the oth­er parts of the coun­try, may rest assured they will nev­er be held account­able for their crimes. This is the new nor­mal in Jamaica, as eco­nom­ic con­di­tions wors­ens world-wide, small economies like ours should be look­ing to attract all kinds of invest­ments, our coun­try should be rolling out the red car­pet to Jamaican nation­als wish­ing to return home. Instead the gov­ern­ment has once again reneged on its core respon­si­bil­i­ty which is to pro­tect its cit­i­zens. Disbanding oper­a­tion Kingfish has been only one step in the total abdi­ca­tion of that duty,and both polit­i­cal par­ties are responsible.