KING: The Investigations Into The Police Shootings Of Alton Sterling And Philando Castile Should Be Done By Now

Writer Shaun King, Atlanta, Ga
Writer Shaun King, Atlanta, Ga

When Tulsa, Okla. Police Officer Betty Shelby shot and killed Terence Crutcher, an unarmed black man who had his hands in the air, the local dis­trict attor­ney wast­ed lit­tle time in fil­ing charges. The entire ordeal was filmed from a near­by dash cam and from high above the scene in a helicopter.

Crutcher’s fam­i­ly was dev­as­tat­ed, cit­i­zens of Tulsa were out­raged, and peo­ple all over the world were call­ing for jus­tice. Within days, charges were filed, Shelby was placed under arrest, and the case against her is proceeding.

The process has not been entire­ly flaw­less — some thought Shelby was under­charged — but the case, from all appear­ances, has been treat­ed with the obvi­ous urgency it deserves. While what comes next remains to be seen, how Tulsa has han­dled this case thus far is a text­book exam­ple of how police vio­lence, par­tic­u­lar­ly the shoot­ings of unarmed black men, women and chil­dren, should go.

The same can­not be said for vir­tu­al­ly every oth­er major case of police brutality.

Tulsa offi­cer pleads not guilty in killing of Terence Crutcher

Alton Sterling was killed by police on July 5 in Baton Rouge, La.

We see it hap­pen­ing right now in the July shoot­ing deaths of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota. Both men were shot and killed by police more than 90 days ago. Both cas­es had eye­wit­ness­es in the imme­di­ate vicin­i­ty. The entire shoot­ing and after­math of the shoot­ing of Alton Sterling was filmed. The after­math of the shoot­ing of Philando Castile was filmed, but it all unfold­ed with his fiancée and her daugh­ter right there in the car with him.

We’re not talk­ing about a mur­der mys­tery here.

We know who pulled the trig­ger. We know where the weapons are. We know when and where the shoot­ings took place.‑1.2829463