KING: How Would The U.S. React If The Planned Parenthood Shooter Was Not A White Male?

Robert L. Dear, 57, was arrested for the fatal shooting of three people when he opened fire on a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood on Black Friday.
Robert L. Dear, 57, was arrest­ed for the fatal shoot­ing of three peo­ple when he opened fire on a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood on Black Friday.

Imagine for a moment the nation­al response if a Muslim man killed a police offi­cer, an Iraq war vet­er­an and a young moth­er in a mass shoot­ing in which four oth­er police offi­cers and five oth­er peo­ple were seri­ous­ly injured.

What if it was a refugee who did the killing? An undoc­u­ment­ed immi­grant? Someone from Syria?

University of Colorado — Colorado Springs (UCCS) police officer Garrett Swasey, was killed in the line of duty when Dear shot up a Planned Parenthood clinic Friday.
University of Colorado — Colorado Springs (UCCS) police offi­cer Garrett Swasey, was killed in the line of duty when Dear shot up a Planned Parenthood clin­ic Friday.

Could you imag­ine if the Planned Parenthood shoot­er was a Black Lives Matter pro­test­er? What would the nation­al response be if that pro­test­er shot five police offi­cers, killed one, killed a dec­o­rat­ed war vet­er­an, killed a moth­er and shot 11 peo­ple in all?

Be real here. You know the answer.

If any­one oth­er than an angry white man like Robert Lewis Dear had killed a moth­er, a police offi­cer and a war vet­er­an in a mass shoot­ing, you know and I know that heav­en and earth would move to restrict and penal­ize and demo­nize any­one who even resem­bled or was remote­ly con­nect­ed to that person.

I shud­der at the thought of what might hap­pen to Syrians in America if the shoot­er had been a Syrian. If the shoot­er had ever in his life even post­ed the hash­tag #BlackLivesMatter every sin­gle mem­ber of the mod­ern-day civ­il rights move­ment would be asked how we encour­aged or pro­mot­ed or sanc­tioned such vio­lence. The death threats would come pour­ing in and we would all be at greater risk.

Somehow, though, when a white man ter­ror­izes soci­ety by bring­ing down vio­lent mur­der and may­hem on any­body in his pres­ence, be it a school, a movie the­ater, a gov­ern­ment build­ing or a Planned Parenthood clin­ic, white men get a pass that I am pret­ty dog­gone sure nobody else in America gets.

Victim Ke'Arre M. Stewart, 29, was an Iraq War veteran with two young daughters.
Victim Ke’Arre M. Stewart, 29, was an Iraq War vet­er­an with two young daughters.

In spite of the real­i­ty that it has been wide­ly shared that white men are the “biggest ter­ror threat in America,” it’s a real strug­gle to think of any mean­ing­ful push­back against white men to curb such a threat. Even though not a sin­gle Syrian or a sin­gle refugee attacked Paris recent­ly, mass hys­te­ria reached such a fevered pitch in America that over 30 gov­er­nors and the United States House of Representatives came togeth­er in mat­ter of days to make it clear that they didn’t want Syrian refugees com­ing into America.

Victim Jennifer Markovsky, 36, was married and had a daughter and a son.
Victim Jennifer Markovsky, 36, was mar­ried and had a daugh­ter and a son.

It appears that America is much more will­ing to plan, shift, restrict, debate, and leg­is­late fic­tion­al threats to our safe­ty than any of the home­grown vari­ety. Ultimately, I’m left to con­clude that America doesn’t real­ly care about its cit­i­zens being ter­ror­ized as long as it’s white men caus­ing the harm.

KING: How would the U.S. react if the Planned Parenthood shoot­er was not a white male?