KING: How White Privilege Is Allowing White Men Across The Country To Assault Black Men And Beat The Rap

Sean King

On October 22, 2015 a young men­tal­ly dis­abled high school stu­dent was sex­u­al­ly assault­ed by his class­mates on school prop­er­ty. The 18-year-old vic­tim, who was adopt­ed as a tod­dler, was one of the lone African-American stu­dents in the near­ly all white Dietrich High School in Idaho. John Howard, 18, Tanner Ward, 17, and one oth­er uniden­ti­fied mem­ber of the foot­ball team lured the vic­tim into a school lock­er room, promis­ing him hugs, stripped him, force­ful­ly insert­ed a clothes hang­er into his rec­tum, then kicked it deep­er into his rec­tum — caus­ing inter­nal injuries.

When this case was ini­tial­ly report­ed, and it was announced that John Howard was being charged with felony rape, the pos­si­ble penal­ties were as severe as life in prison. It seemed like some sem­blance of jus­tice was immi­nent. The school super­in­ten­dent inter­viewed 30 wit­ness­es and con­firmed that the teen was sex­u­al­ly assault­ed. Prosecutors agreed with their inves­ti­ga­tion — which also deter­mined that the vic­tim was also called “Kool-Aid,” “chick­en eater,” “water­mel­on,” and even “n — -r” by stu­dents at the school.

In spite of all of this evi­dence, this week John Howard was giv­en the break of his life. Instead of get­ting life in prison for what he did, he won’t be going to jail for 10 years or five years or a year or six months or even a day. Instead, he’s get­ting two years of pro­ba­tion and 300 hours of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice. With good behav­ior, the judge said his record could be expunged. He’ll also be allowed to do his com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice in his new home in Texas where his fam­i­ly peace­ful­ly relocated.

Tanner Ward, who was said to ini­tial­ly insert the hang­er into the victim’s rec­tum, was ini­tial­ly charged as an adult, but con­ve­nient­ly had his case sent to juve­nile court instead.

KING: Black teen James Means killed by remorse­less white man

How in the hell did this happen?

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John McGraw (c.) listens during his hearing on December 14, 2016.


How could a man who did some­thing so heinous, so cru­el and dement­ed, so hor­rif­ic and bar­bar­ic, get pro­ba­tion and com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice for it? American jails and pris­ons are full of men and women who did far less and had the prover­bial book thrown at them. For sev­er­al years, I worked full time in pris­ons and youth deten­tion cen­ters all around Georgia and met thou­sands and thou­sands of mid­dle and high school stu­dents who were sen­tenced to hard time in adult pris­ons for far less.

This sen­tence is the liv­ing embod­i­ment of white privilege.

Such is also the case of John Franklin McGraw. At a Donald Trump ral­ly this past March, while Rakeem Jones was being escort­ed out of the ral­ly, sur­round­ed by police, McGraw, who is white, walked right up to Jones, who is black, and through a vicious elbow right to his face, knock­ing him onto the ground.

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After throw­ing the blow, McGraw, in full view of police, walked right on back to his seat. Even though police wit­nessed the attack, they seemed to have no inter­est what­so­ev­er in arrest­ing McGraw for it. Later, in an inter­view on nation­al tele­vi­sion, McGraw open­ly said of Jones, “the next time we see him, we might have to kill him.” Speaking of the assault, McGraw said “You bet I liked it. Knocking the hell out of that big mouth. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a ter­ror­ist organization.”

John McGraw (l.) is accused of hitting Rakeem Jones (r.) as deputies were removing Jones from the Trump rally.
John McGraw (l.) is accused of hitting Rakeem Jones (r.) as deputies were removing Jones from the Trump rally.

After a bystander’s cell phone video of the attack was released, and a nation­al out­cry for jus­tice fol­lowed, police, days lat­er, locat­ed and charged McGraw with felony assault.

Then, last week, white priv­i­lege struck again. McGraw basi­cal­ly beat it all — in spite of the assault being on cam­era, in front of thou­sands, includ­ing the police, and in spite of his death threat being filmed and aired around the world, the judge had mer­cy on McGraw. He was giv­en “a sus­pend­ed 30-day jail sen­tence and a year on unsu­per­vised probation.”

Normally, as a part of such pro­ba­tion, some­one would have to sur­ren­der their firearms, but the judge also “removed a pro­vi­sion from the pro­ba­tion that would have kept McGraw from own­ing a gun.”

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In oth­er words, McGraw pret­ty much got every­thing he want­ed, includ­ing extra pro­vi­sions to keep his guns, in spite of the fact that he threat­ened to kill Jones on nation­al television.

While Rakeem Jones was being escorted out of the rally, surrounded by police, McGraw, who is white, walked right up to Jones, who is black, and through a vicious elbow right to his face, knocking him onto the ground.
While Rakeem Jones was being escorted out of the rally, surrounded by police, McGraw, who is white, walked right up to Jones, who is black, and through a vicious elbow right to his face, knocking him onto the ground.

It’s all so damn ludi­crous. That McGraw even felt the con­fi­dence and peace of mind to go up and assault Jones in front of police, then take his seat, tells us that he knew full well that law enforce­ment and the jus­tice sys­tem would have lit­tle inter­est in hold­ing him account­able for his actions. It turned out, McGraw was absolute­ly correct.

Again, I per­son­al­ly know men and women who are spend­ing hard time in prison right now for doing far less, but McGraw was giv­en break after break after break.

I’ve said it before, and I must say it again — this jus­tice sys­tem is not bro­ken. It’s func­tion­ing just the way it was designed and built to func­tion. It’s fir­ing on all cylin­ders.‑1.2917496