Killings Of Police Officers Went Up In 2014, But Have Fallen Since The 1980s

NEW YORK, NY - DECEMBER 27:  Pallbearers carry the casket during the funeral of slain New York Police Department (NYPD) officer Rafael Ramos at the Christ Tabernacle Church on December 27, 2014 in the Glenwood section of the Queens borough of New York City. Ramos was shot, along with Police Officer Wenjian Liu while sitting in their patrol car in an ambush attack in Brooklyn on December 20. Thousands of fellow officers, family, friends and Vice President Joseph Biden arrived at the church for the funeral.  (Photo by Kevin Hagen/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY — DECEMBER 27: Pallbearers car­ry the cas­ket dur­ing the funer­al of slain New York Police Department (NYPD) offi­cer Rafael Ramos at the Christ Tabernacle Church on December 27, 2014 in the Glenwood sec­tion of the Queens bor­ough of New York City. Ramos was shot, along with Police Officer Wenjian Liu while sit­ting in their patrol car in an ambush attack in Brooklyn on December 20. Thousands of fel­low offi­cers, fam­i­ly, friends and Vice President Joseph Biden arrived at the church for the funer­al. (Photo by Kevin Hagen/​Getty Images)

The nation focused its atten­tion last year on deaths result­ing from some police offi­cers’ con­tro­ver­sial use of force. But just as ten­sions rose between law enforce­ment and cit­i­zens in 2014, so did killings of offi­cers. The FBI released pre­lim­i­nary sta­tis­tics on Monday show­ing that 51 law enforce­ment offi­cers were felo­nious­ly killed in the line of duty in 2014. That’s an 89 per­cent increase in felo­nious cop slay­ings com­pared to 2013. However, the num­ber of offi­cers killed has been declin­ing in recent years. The 2014 fig­ure is well below the 64 offi­cers who were killed on aver­age each year between 1980 and 2014. The year 2013 actu­al­ly saw the low­est num­ber of offi­cers killed in action in the last 35 years. Only 27 offi­cers were killed felo­nious­ly that year, which means that while 2014’s num­ber appears to be a spike, it’s actu­al­ly low­er than the aver­age fig­ure from the past sev­er­al years.

Some key sta­tis­tics from the report include:

  • 46 of the 51 offi­cer killings involved offend­ers using guns;
  • Of those 46 inci­dents, 32 of the inci­dents involved hand­guns, 11 involved rifles and three involved shotguns;
  • 35 of the 51 offi­cers were wear­ing body armor at the time;
  • 17 offi­cers were killed in the South, 14 in the West, 8 in the Midwest, 8 in the Northeast and 4 in Puerto Rico;
  • An addi­tion­al 44 offi­cers were acci­den­tal­ly killed in the line of duty;
  • Of those 44 offi­cers, 28 died in vehic­u­lar col­li­sions, and only 15 of them were wear­ing seat belts.

The report comes short­ly after the funer­al of NYPD Officer Brian Moore, who was shot and killed on patrol in Queens. Thousands of cops trav­eled to New York City Friday to mourn Moore’s death.

The FBI isn’t able to accu­rate­ly com­pile a list of cit­i­zens killed by offi­cers in any giv­en year. There are a num­ber of rea­sons for this. Officer-involved shoot­ings and uses of force aren’t sta­tis­tics that can be accu­rate­ly gath­ered nation­al­ly, and even if they could be, inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tions are han­dled and report­ed dif­fer­ent­ly — if at all — in almost every jurisdiction.

The FBI’s most recent report on “jus­ti­fi­able homi­cides” by police offi­cers shows that 461 felons were killed by a cop in the line of duty in 2013. According to The New York Times, how­ev­er, the fig­ures are incom­plete and wide­ly contested:

Federal experts have long acknowl­edged that that esti­mate is too low, and a hand­ful of more recent, unof­fi­cial reports — online data­bas­es com­piled and fact-checked by vol­un­teers — place the toll much high­er, at about 1,100 deaths a year, or three a day. Yet they do not sug­gest that the pace of police killings or the racial com­po­si­tion of vic­tims as a group has changed sig­nif­i­cant­ly in the last two years or so.